They fixed the boxart
Now Apologize
They fixed the boxart
Now Apologize
>they were lazy
>they fix their laziness
>a-apologize for saying they were lazy
Fuck off
This, the "apologize" meme needs to stop. Apologize for what? To whom? Why are you assuming that I need to apologize for anything?
>Daisy as far back as possible
>Placeholders are lazy
apologize to this user
The first box art was always a placeholder art you fucking retard.
>reusing tinned spaghetti designs for a game
>not lazy
I bet you like No Man's Sky
peach looks a bit off there
How come you faggots don't take this much pleasure in Waluigi's misery?
>apologize for Nd Cube Mario Party
Rosalina has a potato face on this boxart and Daisy looks chinese. It's just a weird design overall
ND Cube is literally Hudson Soft.
Reusing a design fron canned food is just lame.
Except Mario Party 9 and up have been objectively shit.
as placeholder?
What the fuck is the point of a handheld mario party?
does it have online play?
you can do DS download play
Yes. Re-using art from some canned food as a placeholder is fucking dumb and lazy. Why is this hard to understand?
Yes, even just using the generic plain white box art with the logo would be better than canned Mari-Os
Because it's not the real fucking cover?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam volutpat bibendum faucibus. Fusce aliquam, nisl eget egestas sodales, massa sapien volutpat erat, ut auctor nisi neque in lectus. Aenean sit amet viverra elit, nec vulputate ante. Curabitur erat neque, bibendum nec malesuada vel, imperdiet ac mauris. Donec non hendrerit justo, et varius diam. Aenean ut turpis ultrices, facilisis dolor ac, imperdiet libero. Duis posuere, sem non porta lobortis, erat quam aliquam libero, non commodo felis mi at enim. Vivamus eget varius enim.
Vivamus vitae lectus magna. Nunc porta nibh sapien. Praesent at nunc eros. In id mi in ante efficitur malesuada. Duis dapibus augue sit amet quam auctor ullamcorper. Donec condimentum imperdiet consectetur. Nullam non feugiat odio, eget maximus elit. Suspendisse viverra libero urna, in gravida lacus sollicitudin vitae. Curabitur feugiat nunc nec sollicitudin convallis. Sed feugiat rhoncus arcu, a iaculis dui hendrerit vel. Integer luctus tempor justo non ultricies. Mauris vel lobortis turpis. Vivamus quis urna convallis, suscipit risus vel, dictum augue.
Because it was the first thing they used to market it?
Yeah, I don't know what's up with that. maybe Miyamoto or Tanabe are fucking up the series, but the Hudson Soft team who made the old Mario Party game from the N64 and Gamecube work for Nintendo now.
>smug peach
>Nintendo still milking Mario Party
After the first 4 or 5 games I thought they would give it a rest
So by that logic all placeholders are lazy
Not all placeholders are reused assets from kids food.
this, to be honest
The game is still gonna be shit, who cares?
>no wifi
Most placeholders don't even have reused assets, it's just the logo and blackness
So really, Nintendo put more effort in that placeholder than most others
>Putting an unreleased game on a tier list
Oh, shit nigga! What are you doing?
The older games, namely 1-4, are leaps and bounds better than the recent entries. They've removed all the strategic elements and any amount of depth from the series and replaced it with inane shit, like the car.
>Implying every Mario Party game isn't tied for last place
Well considering almost every placeholder is just THE FUCKING GAME LOGO on a black background, i think so, user
I would put Advance in its own tier of
>Is This Even Mario Party?
Everything we've seen from the game points to it being fucking awful. Toad Rush, which is the main mode of the game, is horrible and is 100% dependent on your dice rolls, you can hardly influence the game in any meaningful way.
>having tastes this shitty
collage when?
>4 better than 5 or 6
>4 is god tier
The design is from one of Mario's artworks stocks.
>They've removed all the strategic elements and any amount of depth from the series
I hope you're not pushing the "competitive Mario Party" thing, because it can't be.
Now theres a apologize meme...2016 has been a horrible year for memes
...but a great year for cute otter pictures and videos
I kinda get what he's saying. The point of Mario Party is to be the biggest asshole possible to everyone you're playing with. It feels like there aren't as many ways to screw the other players over in the later games.
4 was the last game with an actual item shop, battle game spaces, and traditional bonus stars. The loss of those elements is a huge blow to the series and removed a shitton of depth.
>They've removed all the strategic elements and any amount of depth from the series and replaced it with inane shit
Mario Party was always inane shit since it's entirely luck-based until the end of the game where they hand out stars for various shit, potentially changing the leader and making the entire game you just played pointless.
>Toad Rush, which is the main mode of the game, is horrible and is 100% dependent on your dice rolls
So, par for the course for Mario Party.
>The point of Mario Party is to be the biggest asshole possible to everyone you're playing with.
Only for people who seriously play the games serious, even though you can't win the RNG. The point of Mario Party is to have a fun multiplayer party game with your friends.
>most place holders have a black cover and the name
>nintendo put more effort into it by reusing an image
>people take a shit themselves over it
Switch 4 with 7 and you've got yourself a deal
>is 100% dependent on your dice rolls
Like how Mario Party was always dependent to dice rolls, and also why it can't be competitive?
I'm not saying it's competitive, but do people go to Boo just to not steal coins or a star? Do they get a Dueling Glove just to not risk all their coins against another player? Hell no. Even though it's just a game to mess around in, you're not going to go out of your way to lose.
Why would you and your froends play Mario Party when Mario Kart and Smash exist?
Also, why the hell did SMW Goombas become entirely different creatures?
I like how the BA of MPA is hand drawn. I miss that.
This is bullshit. Obviously there's a luck factor, but you can manipulate the game to your benefit if you actually knows how it plays, namely by buying items from the store and taking advantage of the various events on the board.
Have a shitload of coins from winning the minigames? I should head towards a shop and buy a Magic Lamp and then visit Boo to steal a Star.
Need coins desperately? I should use my Mini mushroom and aim for a Battle Game/Game Guy to shake things up
Need to prevent someone from getting a Star? Better use my Duel Glove and hope I beat them in the Duel minigame to bankrupt them.
I could go on, but you get my point. If you're an inexperienced player and you're playing against an experienced player, 9 times outta 10 you're going to get your shit kicked in, just like most other board games. Calling it 100% luck dependent is fucking retarded.
>until the end of the game where they hand out stars for various shit, potentially changing the leader and making the entire game you just played pointless.
It's obvious you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. The first five Mario parties, which are arguably the best ones partially for this reason, have three predetermined Bonus Stars: The Minigame Star (most coins earned from Minigames), the Coin Star (most coins ever held at a given point), and the Happening Star (most Happening Spaces landed on). The Bonus Stars add in passive goals to aim for while playing the game and they add shitton of depth to the experience.
Want to fuck over someone from getting the Coin Star? Visit Boo, use a Dueling Glove, use a Bowser Item, visit Bowser, or crush them with a Mega Mushroom.
Got a Minimushroom and are by some Happening Spaces? Use it and try to land on one to add to your total.
>most place holders have a black cover and the name
>nintendo put more effort into it by reusing an image
>people take a shit themselves over it