Monster Hunter: Tama is best girl edition

I don't have the latest shitpost pasta, but just imagine its there

Monster Hunter thread

Anyway, what's a good set to go with deathprize if I don't want to farm dreadqueen?

Other urls found in this thread:

We did it!

>Solo hub monsters all the time
>unlock hypers, figure it can't be much harder
>Hunt takes 45min

Guess I gotta bring friends for those, huh? Boy, was I hating uragaan after that.

They have more HP for sure. And since you have to watch out for their retarded damaging attacks, the hunt just drags on. Thankfully, 4 man hunts destroy hypers, as with almost every other monster

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

>play random Snowbaron lobby level 2
>everyone is overgeared as shit
>Baron starts limping
>everyone panics and places a trap

I guess everyone fears the random dumbasses killing bosses you have to capture, huh.


>It's not like SA wasn't completely insane in terms of DPS already.

I love this weapon.

For the user having trouble with the Hyper Tetsu x 3 quest, try the dune anchor IG, with blunt if you can get it. Tetsu is weak to water, and if you can keep on it's back legs you can trip it until it dies.

Repeat twice more and the quest is done. Just beware of the multi charge, it'll fuck you up.


Never gunned here, maybe once back in the 3U demo

What makes the God's isle so good because i got one and am not sure if I should try it out?


>Athena's ASS keeps getting shit wrong.

>9999099 zenny
Nice cheats faggot.

Athena's consistently gives inconsisten results unless you input your own charms.

This fucking tool is supposed to find setups for me, not be told how to do it.

Upgrade it and find out.

>Want to make the Agnaktor set
>Short three Uroktor scales
Guess I'm gonna do a solo charm farming run real quick then

>he hasn't done sakura charm runs

What are you, a casual faggot?

This is probably really stupid, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do that ping to alert people to your location during a hunt

When do you think they'll add Frontier monsters to mainline?

press start > x


Also, goddamn I hate trunkspine farming.
Gonna be worth it for that giant's koto though.

Is that quest really as hard as people say it is? I breezed through it and the triple rajang quest as well as Golden Pair. Actually I carted twice in golden pair, armor was in one shot tier of defense



Made a room just to get some commendation G tickets. 3 rounds of The Gathering Storm if anyone is interested

mah nigga

just get a 3ds already you pathetic fuck

Is it actually possible to break this asshole's claws? I feel like time is better spent wrecking the head, back, and tail.

>don't break claws ever
>get claws anyway
It's a red herring

It's pretty easy with a thunder weapon. Kirin Bolts annihilate him


Your vita is inferior shit

Pick one and only one, then kill yourself if you picked the second.

Devs confirmed all Mizutsune that appear in the game are male.

That aside, I want to get fucked by Mizutsune.

I tried it with Adept DB, carted twice to the second tetsu, then went back and did it with Guild IG using only 5 or so potions.

I used Adept DB too. No problems here. I mean, if you can't even beat them with adept...

It's okay to edit your save within reason once you get over 200 hours. Charm farming is beyond autistic.

>mfw nearly 500 effective raw with Akantor Horn

How do I git gud with HH? I always feel I'm dragging the team down by not bringing a high DPS weapon like Bow or Lance.

How do you guys feel knowing that Mizutsune is the first trans monster in Monster Hunter.

fuck off generqueer faggot

>put hundred of hours into MH4U
>can't never be assed to start up Gen

What happened?

Are you a Plesioth?

kys tumblrite

I guess she's talking out her ASS


>high DPS weapon
I have a feeling you'd be dragging the team down no matter what you play, shitter.


No. It's just one of the first Hyper quests people get to do, and Tetsu being an aggressive asshole and his hyper moves doing insane damage, it usually catches people offguard so they end up fucking up.



Anyone know of a decent guard lance clownsuit that doesn't look too terrible?

>Want to enjoy these games
>want to get really invested into them and do high level play
>download the game
>spend 20min making a character and going through intro
>start first quest to gather some shit
>get bored and quit after 5 minutes
Help me Sup Forums I just tried generations and I just couldnt do it. Is 4 ultimate better?

>it's a "hurr that was supposed to be hard? i did it in ten seconds XD" shitpost

I find it hard to believe that you find doubt in my post. It seriously wasn't hard just time consuming. The rajangs were more fun honestly.

Game is not about your character but the monsters you fight.
It might not be the series for you.

Doesn't it take like 5 minutes to make a character? Every single Monster Hunter game makes you gather shit at the beginning. Get used to it.

The fun of MonHun games is the grind.
Grinding for better gear, grinding to upgrade your gear, grinding to complete every quest in the game at least once, grinding for perfect charms.
If you're a person that doesn't like grindy games, MonHun's not for you, sorry to say.

>it's a "heh im so fucking good they literally don't believe me!" shitpost
No one doubts you, it's just that no one cares.

I dunno about clownsuits, but Agnaktor set is decent. Guard +2 and Hotblooded, tons of HR6/7 quests in the Volcano, Volcano Hollow, and Dunes. I'm hoping to find a good enough charm to bullshit Hotblooded onto it.

Level 1 is easy enough. Do get more health and damage as their level goes up?

Then stop responding. Must feel good to be smart enough to lampshade something as obvious as supposed shitposts. Don't bother doing anything else today, that's as good as it gets for you.

>It seriously wasn't hard just time consuming
Sounds like it was pretty hard then you fucking retard.

>to bullshit Razor Sharp* onto it
I need some sleep

It's not grinding if you're having fun doing it

Just power through the early rank gather quests
Gen has too many of them but once that's done with it's just fighting monsters

It's three monsters, nay, hyper monsters against one hunter. Sorry if I can't kill all of them in under 10 minutes like you then. I'm not running around in endgame equipment.

>Don't bother doing anything else today, that's as good as it gets for you.
as opposed to being proud about killing three of the easiest monsters in the game?

t. bigot

Like I said, I found guild easier. Maybe because I couldn't dodge through those charges to save my life, whereas with IG I was never anywhere near them. I do have more IG experience, mind you.

That's not the dromes

Still shouldnt take you that long. Time consuming in MH means you're getting fucked up. Getting fucked up means the quest is hard. Carting pretty much never happens unless you get combo'd or are just a total shitter, so really you should be ranking yourself by your times.

Not the guy your arguing with by the way, but I'm sick of people prefacing fucking everything in every game with "it's not hard, just...."

A friend of mine just made a guard +2 set for lance and found that he got less attack from Enraged Guard than without guard +2. Apparently the damage boost scales with how far you get knocked back during the block, so with guard +2 it's hard to get the full damage boost. I'd recommend aiming for either guard +1 or guard up if you insist on some type of guard.

Guard Up is worthless unless it happens to come with whatever set you were going to be using anyways. Very little is normally unblockable, most of what it lets you block is shit that's easily avoidable.


The eternal hunt for a +5 sharpness OOO charm.

Fuck man. I have 3 +5 with OO- and 2 +4 with OOO and they're all fucking useless since you have to get a +5 triple slot to get a proper set for pretty much all weapons.

Fair enough. but it wasn't difficult

I found a Sharpness +4 OO- charm (with some useless second skill) that allowed me to get Razor Sharp on my Narga set. So that's been pretty nice, I just want the Agnaktor set too.

Obviously this is all gonna be rendered moot by Deviant sets, but eh.

gotta get that perfect set all the jappers are running.

I had enough of fighting G-Rank Raths in 4U for various clownsuits that needed their shit, I'm putting off making that meme set for as long as possible.


It has a cloaca, it can still be fucked like a female. With the added bonus of a prehensile tentacle masturbating you inside the cloaca while you fuck it raw.

Hunters get what they want, and for now it's a bitch that needs a good hunter dicking.

Anyone? I'll proudly just make the switch to Hammer or CB because I hate being deadweight. Even Prowler seems to have better supports with poison and reliable stun.

>Vaik faulds look like absolute ass.
>They go into most clownsuits that needs sharpness.



Go for the head, look up what HHs have good song sets and raws and make those, don't worry so much about playing songs as actually hitting the monster.
Also, pretty much all the HH specific Arts are bad, so go with a general Art or three instead.

>hey hunter remember the mizutsune you just faced
>no what you mean you killed it
>go kill it instead
I feel cucked.

There's a reason the Fated Four are not anywhere in the objectives for those quests.
You are not meant to hunt them there, and they even have 3x their normal HP to reinforce this fact.
You're meant to ignore them and do the quest normally, then you get to hunt them specifically later.

I just use a save editor for their shit when i need it. I aint farming a single rath ever again until capcom makes them fun, im too old for this shit.

You mean it won't take me 30 minutes to kill it this time?
A little acknowledgement from the game would have been nice.

Alright so I'm trying it out now.

Made a makeshift gunner set with AuM and CE2

I'm currently shooting down Daora with it to get more elder dragon blood so I can up it but wow 245 raw and I'm shooting so fast

This is nuts. If only I could time adept better.

Any general gunning tips? LBG?

Wtf is this?

Post your set, bro

100% female confirmed. Fags crying for their kind to be accepted (it'll never happen, faggots)
Don't even waste your time on that sub human trash, user. She's a pretty bubble slut made for cloaca fucking.

Give the link, user.

The easiest monster in the game is Arzuros.

>Go for the head
What attacks should I use? How should I position myself? What is a good rotation? Aim for the head literally tells me nothint
>look up what HHs have good song sets and raws and make those
I'm LR. What songs should I keep in mind?
>don't worry so much about playing songs as actually hitting the monster.
Why not just play Hammer then?
>Also, pretty much all the HH specific Arts are bad, so go with a general Art or three instead.
So absolute evade basically? Is guild the best option or is adept/Aerial viable for scoring multiple notes?

I'd say Velocidrome is easier, if only because it has an even harder time actually hitting you

Not to my knowledge, they just get different parameters. Two at once, one hyper and one not, cap one kill one, etc.

What went wrong?

Probably the toughest part to break, for me.