Do you prefer Versus XIII or XV?

Do you prefer Versus XIII or XV?

If you could keep one thing from Versus XIII (aside from Stella) and incorporate it into XV, what would it be?

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>Do you prefer this game that doesn't exist outside of some vague trailers and speculation or this game that hasn't been released yet

The imperial raid on that party in the sky scraper. Shit looked so fucking awesome and exhilarating.

I've literally seen nothing like that in all the FFXV footage that's been released, except for all that awesome shit that happens in the 2013 trailer, which apparently is no longer in the game. Because Square Enix hates itself.

I prefer Versus.

But FFXV looks cool too.

When's the Piano Collection get released?

>some vague trailers and speculation

There's shitloads of material that was released for Versus and there was nothing vague about it.

I saw enough for me to know that I would have enjoyed Versus XIII a shitload more than I'm going to enjoy XV.

>If you could keep one thing from Versus XIII (aside from Stella) and incorporate it into XV, what would it be?

The way magic worked. Hell, the way the game more or less looked like KH2 in a FF skin.

Combat is my biggest concern in FFXV, but everything else (besides graphics) looks pretty solid. I'll buy the PC version 4 years down the road to play the definitive version as well.

I want to keep versus 13's Sony exclusivity

Shut up Sonygger

>tfw bought PS3 for exclusive FF13, FFv13, and The Last Guardian

As much as I'm looking forward to XV, I DO have the feeling I would have enjoyed Versus more. Versus gave off the feel of a coming of age story that chronicled a young man defending his crumbling city. I fell in love with that city and wanted to explore ever single sideroad and learn about it--it seemed to be crawling with history for some reason. I would have preferred to start the game with a long opening chapter showing the fight to defend the city fail before being forced to make the choice between going down with the ship or fleeing to go after the assholes who took it down.

Now it seems to be a road-trip of three bros who look like they're having way too much fun after hearing their home was leveled.

I'm sure it'll turn out fine, but Versus seemed to have much more of a story, while XV seems super about the relationships of these people we're traveling with as they take back their home. Which is fine. But let's be real--well-written and developed characters aren't typically Japan's strongsuit.

TL;DR Versus looked like it was taking the franchise in a new direction and breaking the mold, while XV looks like it's just trying to reinvent the wheel.

Still looks good, though.

Same. Those, and P5.

Shame FF13 and the other two abortions sucked.

I prefer what was supposed to be introduction with the night time invasion. I miss driver-kun.

XV will still be decent though.


Call it edgy if you like, but I fucking miss the tone and feel of the old trailers.

>which apparently is no longer in the game


>aside from Stella

We've barely knew anything about her retard

They explicitly stated the invasion piece was cut from the game and decided to start the game with Noctis on the road.

Now, maybe something like it could happen by the end of the game when you eventually get to the city, but for now assume it was cut.

I was talking about the action packed bit with Leviathan.

XV is without a doubt better than versus ever could be

Please tell me they're just lying and it's in the game.
The two most influential pieces of my excitement for XV have been the 2006 teaser and the 2013 trailer, neither of which seem to reflect what we're going to be getting for the moment.

Oh shit--they cut that too?

What the fuck, Square? So much for action--looks like I'll just be fixing my car, camping, and buttfucking Prompto.

It's not in the game. Especially since Stella is not in the game anymore and you don't meet her there. In XV you already know Luna because she's a childhood friend
And you don't get to play the 2013 invasion either

Tamara said multiple times that the Leviathan fight is still in.

can you mine for resources and upgrade the car?

I think edgy gets thrown around too much and no one really thinks about why people disliked "edgy" stuff in the first place. Edgy was forced "fuck you Donte DmC" stuff that was clearly made to appeal to teenagers who thought swearing every few seconds is what made someone "cool". Now, anytime anything has blood or a dark tone people write it off as edge and automatically assume it's bad because of dark tone.

Besides, the dark tone wasn't just why people like Versus anyway. It actually had clear themes/ideas about itself. Judging by what we'd seen and what Nomura had talked about, story-wise it was shaping up to be much more mature than anything we'd seen in the franchise before. I also really liked the latin stuff, the fantasy based on reality and how that actually seemed to fit into the idea of the story. XV still has some of that, but it's just there. XV has the skin of Versus in some ways, but none of the insides. It looks like a very shallow game in genral. Versus had character about it, you could tell it was being worked on with actual love for the story and characters.

I also think Versus just felt classier despite being darker. It had it's own style.

XV with the pop music and generic redesigns just looks plain and uninspired.

How do we know that the Leviathan fight got cut? I thought it was in a more recent trailer.

>Do you prefer a game that doesn't exist or a shit game?


No I was saying it wasn't cut..

I dunno--I'd imagine so. (Things like better engine, deeper inventory, etc.)

A fight or setpiece or whatever is in the game, but it's not happening during the invasion
The whole invasion part from 2013 takes palce during the movie while you push your car


>common sense is edge


>pushing the car


I liked Versus XIII's atmosphere, it felt more like a mafia than a royal family which could've been a cool thing to try out.
I also thought the romeo & juliet thing they had going would've been a great story element as well.
Aside from that not much seems to have changed

I don't know if Levi got cut, but all we've seen of that part now is a cutscene of Luna with her. I won't be surprised if they cut the bulk of the fight just for Luna shoehorn cutscene or something.

>The whole invasion part from 2013 takes palce during the movie while you push your car
what the fuck?

Now that we have confirmed costume changes, who wants an original Noctis outfit?

The mechs were kinda cool but nomura would have just filled the game with edgy tryhard shit like KH2.

The magic

Magic taking a precious slot is annoying as fuck. It should be all on a quick-use menu instead. I prefer the new combat over just floaty KH combat, it doesn't look like it fit well in the 2011 footage and I'd rather get something new instead of playing KH-FF, KH2.8 and then KH3 with the same style of gameplay

Please understand.

We've seen Noctis get up and use a turret in XV, using mechs isn't out of the question but they will be slow as fuck like they looked back then

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're confused with the invasion of Insomnia and the Leviathian fight which is in Altissia.
You meet Luna in Altissia where the Levi fight is.

I honestly liked this coat better

How did magic work in versus?

This is the last trailer Nomura directed for the game

So? The invasion still isn't in the game anymore
Neither is the skyscraper scene since it woudln't even make sense anymore

And it's the best the game will ever look

They should've stuck with lower poly models and an amazing looking world just so the artstyle is consistent

Now we have super high poly models and a world that looks ike a PS3 game

Okay, fuck this shit. Rant time:

Versus XIII never existed, it was not real, all of the things you think are “good” and would’ve made this game “better” are all in your head. What you think was going to be darker because “muh Shakespear” is all some shitty fanfic head-canon that you can’t seem to get over. Tetsyua Nomuras vision on what Versus XIII/XV is smokes and mirrors. If you have faith that the person who made the entire Kingdom Heart storyline and made that FFVII movie story wasn’t going to fuck you in the ass with his original story spanning into a FUCKING TRILOGY, heavy on the Lore so full of shit called Fabula Nova Crystalis and give you an Episode 24/25 Evanglaion pseudo-intellectual ending, then you, sir, are a complete idiot.

Romeo and Juliet was never cited as inspiration, although Shakespeare in general was. I think Nomura talked about Hamlet once though. That led to a lot of crazy theories about HamletNoct. Fun times.

I really miss Nomura's idea of Noct the most. He seemed much more capable and intelligent and just had an overall stronger personality while still having flaws. The fact that he seemed like the type that didn't need to rely on others all the time for character development as well.
Tabata just seems to be trying to play the sympathy card non-stop with new Noctis because that's what apparently makes an interesting character these days.

This is just a cgi trailer that's designed to look like gameplay.

You can tell
It's better than all of the Stand by Me and roadtrip fun trips trailers
And it could easily be a game

Dude hamlet is just a whiny little cunt without any balls.

>tfw bought it for Lair and Haze


How could a cutscene be a game?



Like KH2. In the old 2011 trailer you see Noctis use Fira, ripped straight from KH2. Still had the phasing too I believe.

Did you even read my post? Shakespeare was cited as a general inspiration, no one actually thought it was going to be an exact copy, those were just fun theories we had.

and like I said, going by what we'd been told about Noct, he seemed much more capable among other things. He actually had an opinion on political matters. New Noct is clueless about seemingly everything.

Some one post trailers for each and we'll discuss. They can be fanmade as long as they keep the correct gist

Shakespeare is pretty shit, m8.

Versus XIII. Tabata was such a fucking mistake.

You said >A fight or setpiece or whatever is in the game, but it's not happening during the invasion

In response to the Levi fight. It was never during the invasion of Insomnia. I'm merely correcting you.

Tabata is putting out a finished game.
Nomura had way too much ambition for FFXV.

Tabata is putting out a shit game. He doesn't have any ambition at all. Ambition for money doesn't count.

Nomura didn't have too much ambition, he was working on other projects and couldn't put his full attention on Versus.

XIV is one of the reasons why Versus/XV took so long

>If you could keep one thing from Versus XIII (aside from Stella) and incorporate it into XV, what would it be?
Killing humans. I miss the red blood.

Nomura wanted the game to be a fucking trilogy from the outset.

>Tabata thinks sitting watching a boring ass movie with meme actors is better than a badass hype intro you actually PLAY where you fight your way out of a fucking city and battle on skyscrapers.

I liked Advent Children.
I loved the last episodes of Evangelion.
I love Kingdom Hearts.
Fuck you, that's exactly what I wanted.

Kingsglaive happened when Nomura was on the game

The feeling of revenge. I bet that scene with a blood thirsty Noctis and pissed off Ignis is cut.

All he does is cry on his smartphone now

I miss when Ignis had a katana. Now they gave it to Cor and he's barely in the game.

The whole thing about how the world is backwards with everything but military tech because fighting over crystals, and how Insomnia was the opposite.

I just miss all the thematic stuff and juxaposition in general, even if it was obvious and simplistic. XV's now just way too generic.

I don't get how people ever had faith in Nomura telling the Versus XIII story well.
The mans very good as flashy trailers and cool action sequences but all his original projects have garbage writing.


Link? Never heard of this

I'm so sad. This shit gave me shivers. It's the last time I was excited for the game. They could have pulled this off easily had they not kept doubling the polygons on the character models monthly and took so many pictures of rocks.

Everything from the Versus days has been cut at this point. Story elements were all cut. Characters were cut and the ones that weren't were redesigned. Atmosphere was totally altered. Gameplay mechanics were cut. The only thing that remains is the J-pop boyband aesthetic of the main 4 characters. XV is a spit in the face to everyone who has been waiting since the Versus days.

the one user that single handily blew the entirety of Sup Forums out

It's this pic It might have been from the Noctisorgy trailer. That part is cut too since Noctis is no longer in the city when shit is about to go down.

I liked the story for KH1 and I liked the story for TWEWY.

Which original nomura project had garbage writing?

You know what?
XV was also a concept at one point
Believe it or not, that's how every game starts

Ten years ago. Man, that's crazy. But yeah I agree. I loved the direction the game was going.

>I loved the last episodes of Evangelion.

No you didn't.

Lucis' color was black and if I remember Niflheim? had a theme where they wore opposite colors or some shit. see gif
Speaking of this gif, I don't even think this guy is in the game anymore.

The thing is, simplicity isn't bad especially when you're talking about things like themes and a country's color. I think it helped to give a clear idea of things. If it's obvious then that's probably a good thing.

XV just seems like a clusterfuck of generic pandering with no direction.

Compilation of FFVII
The entire Kingdom Hearts series

Nomura was a creative producer on TWEWY and did the art, and I'm not going to undersell that role since it made a big impact on the game, but he didn't write it.
>no one mentions character switching
at least we can still play as the other characters... if you buy the season pass of course

>The entire Kingdom Hearts series

Though as an original project, the story of KH1 was likable. The sequels wont change that in my eyes. I'll trust the man to write an original story, but not with sequels.

I appreciate meta-as-fuck "pretentious bullshit" (AKA "I didn't get it") things, user.
I loved MGS2 and MGSV as well. Even the theme of something as seemingly surface level like Mega Man X8 seems to have more depth than Tabata's Florence & the Machine WRPG roadtrip noaction bullshit.
; )

Fuck, man.
I don't even know if I'm gonna buy XV. I feel obligated to since I own every FF except the online ones but it doesn't match what I felt for Versus and it doesn't feel like a real main entry either. It's just there.
apparently hes still in the game

Who is this?

Lunas brother who couldn't protect his own parents and now blames Noctis' family like a little bitch

>Almost 10 years ago

Honestly--i was a tad worried about all of the changes until I watched the recent first 50 minutes of gameplay--sure so far the characters are a bit generic, but they got great chemistry and a solid script, so hopefully they'll open up.

As far as gameplay looks, I think combat got a stellar overhaul, and the menus and options for customization look nice.

So all in all, I'm really not worried, I think it looks like a really fun game.

Still don't like how you find out about the invasion on the fucking road though, but I guess I'd never care if I wasn't aware of the original open.

>alternative outfits and clothes get dirty as you fight
thank you based tabata

Awww, just when I thought he could be a interesting character.

>XV just seems like a clusterfuck of generic pandering with no direction.
This. Speculate all you want on whether or not Nomura could have pushed out a finished game, but it's clear that XV was in desperate need of someone with actual vision. Nomura was that guy. Tabata is a shitty suit who has no idea what he's doing. His overreliance on fan feedback was a huge warning sign.

I wish they would've made Noctis not as much as a sperg around women.

Compare him meeting Stella in Versus XIII

vs his actions in XV during the first 50 minutes.