People always complain about the lack of working mirrors in modern games

>people always complain about the lack of working mirrors in modern games
>Uncharted 4 has working mirrors
>Nobody cares

Can someone explain this to me?

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It's like housework. It's something that must be done, but if you don't do it people will bitch and complain about it. Doing it isn't anything special, it's just what you're supposed to do.

It's expected basically.

PS4 can't handle mirrors in video games

what the fuck are you talking about op

This should have been the norm for over a decade, they don't deserve special praise for finally getting it right

Don't care
Call me when it's on PC and maybe we'll talk

are you literally blind?

>People complain about the lack of toilet paper.
>This toilet has toilet paper, why is no one praising it?

Some things are only worth mentioning if the are absent, we call them "things you can essentially expect".

a mirror in a videogame is like a portal with an invisible wall.
it takes a lot of rendering power to show the full reflection; power which would usually be better spent on other graphical tasks

Totally no bias

Nothing to see here

You don't get a gold star for doing what you're expected to do, faggot.

There was also working mirrors in the last of us.


how is this funny

Uncharted 4 is popular. So you're not allowed to like it.

Remember me?

user, video games literally can't do mirrors. They have do things like what Nukem did, make copies of everything on the other side of the mirror. What you're seeing in OP's pic is most likely that. A copy of Drake in a copy of the room looking back at the Drake you control. This isn't any sort of revolutionary thing, and has existed since the 90's. You'd know this if you were old enough to be playing games then, user.

Never, then lol faggot

Years later and he's still playing the piano.


UC 4 also has the best hands in gaming.

>implying the kids you're talking to existed in the 90s

Hey user, what if I told you the train in Fallout 3 is really just a guy wearing a train hat. Crazy, right?

uncharted did it and its the best looking game on ps4

That's all texture detail user. Overall not all that impressive as it would be if they also had overly high quality meshes for the hands as well.

Pic related is all texture detail.



>his image in the mirror is PS2 tier


this is not

Games can render reflections that aren't just another world through a lens. They may not be high quality but they can do them. You're a retard.


Uncharted 4 is not a game. There's your explanation.

remember when video game hands were static polygons a few years ago? times change

Yeah, especially imagine implementing a mirror in any game where you can spawn particle effects at will.

Yeah just look at this hot dad orc.

Looks like a real thing.

Is that guy a fucking manlet?

games can do mirrors you dummy. maybe not 20 years ago, but they can now. unless you think screen space reflections are making hundreds of duplicates of levels all at once

so the hand veins are part of the mesh? lets see the hand at an angle then

according to the memes 9 out of 10 guys are manlets since 5'9 is the american average and the meme is anything under 6'2 is a midget


Not all mirrors work; Just the ones that you're expected to look into.
Most of the ones that you encounter with a weapon in hand don't work.

1 word

It does the same exact thing as how it was done back then, but instead automatically on a hardware level and not prerendered on a software level.

Exactly what I was going to say, just conciser and more eloquent.

Notice it's only on PS4.. PC is the only group that really cares about graphics or technology.

Hopefully those are female hands

Pretty sure the meme is 6'0", which is the bare minimum to be considered a man.

You already know that you shouldn't be attempting English

Here are some female hands.

>console exclusives
>technology analysis
pick one

You must be a game developer to know so much. One of the best devs at that. Bravo. So where's all your games for us to play and be astonished and label them as the only games worth buying? Faggot.

Why only PS4 games have working mirrors and PC movies barely have any?

Same reason that PS4 games have good graphics while PC movies have bad graphics.

PCucks hardly cucked again, kek.

its not that popular

i mean hardly anyone here has played it

why are you so salty?

have computer graphics gone too far?

Oh no... Nate!!

where are his eyeees?


is the joke that it's not cgi and is from the movie Kaboom?

When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

Nobody cares because nobody here played it.

That game may do but your statement was that games can't do mirrors. Which they can.

*record scratch*
Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this position...


>Make game with good gameplay
>People praise it
>Make game with good graphics/art style
>People praise them
>Make Uncharted 4 have working mirrors
>You were supposed to do it, you get nothing from me!
Issue found: the game is Uncharted 4.

That fucking filename holy shit

And Uncharted 4 Game of the Year 2016

inb4 screenspace reflection retards

>hollywood is so faux that it can make actual humans achieve the uncanny valley

>movie "game"
Yeah sorry, champ, but after the third one I was completely done with this series.

Well meme'd

also the game is pretty good graphically in general which is why people pay less attention to that sort of thing and take it for granted

It's not even a meme at this point, it's embarrassing what they've been doing considering their previous games. Uncharted 2 was the series height, and even then it was still a blockbuster in game form.

Why should we praise this for making something that should be a standard?

>"rendering a small closed room twice costs a lot of processing power!"

No faggot. It's mirrors outside in an open world that are hell to handle, a mirror in a bathroom is fucking nothing with today's technology.

Because most developers are too lazy to make it a standard

>good job you weren't lazy and did your job you are being paid for

How about no.

Not on PC

nobody cares because it's a shit game that run at 30 fps.

PC most irrelevant platform.

even car rims in 7th generation gta v had reflections you dummy

are you implying the game rendered the world again in each of those rims?

Funny since you can't stop talking shit about it.
Like even when someone is obvious an Xbox fanboy, they're automatically assumed to be PC.

Where the fuck is the camera guy? Freaky...

It's something assumed to be normal. If you don't take drugs all your life, you do not deserve applause - it's normal.

Seems like OP watched chip and ironicus new LP of this.

>developers do something right
>they shouldn't be praised for it
>developers do something wrong
>Sup Forums jumps at the chance to shitpost about them from now until the end of time
You're not entitled to a good game. And unless you actually bought Uncharted 4 you didn't pay the development team anything at all to 'do their job'.

I don't think anyone really cares much about mirrors. They probably just use it as a point to complain about when they already have a game and are looking for things to criticize.

>Nathan's eyes even has mirrors in them

>developers do something that is expected
>developers are lazy and you can explain it only by them being extremly lazy and nothing else

That is why they are being shitted on.

>developers spend many years and 80 hours a week working on a game
>they are lazy cause they didn't put a mirror

Ok - now post her feet.

not him, but polygon rasterisation requires tricks to simulate stuff that you can do easily with ray tracing. Small reflections like in rims or puddles use pre-rendered cubemap textures because you won't notice the small details that aren't correct. A large bathroom mirror can take no shortcuts, especially since it's mostly showing you the backfaces the gpu culled early on.

They are lazy exactly because they put a mirror and didn't do the reflection.

Oh no! and look how lazy they are by putting a toilet I can't shit in and flush!

0/10 literally unplayable

>mirrors are real
>eyes are real

Great riposte, I am stumped and I don't know that to say. You won this argument.

actually, it's more like ordering a burger and it doesn't have cheese. sure you just ordered a burger but the cheese is kind of expected

why would i care about a movie?
