Is this supposed to be The Witcher universe's version of Satan or the Devil?

Is this supposed to be The Witcher universe's version of Satan or the Devil?

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Mephistopheles was the inspiration for his character.

He just wanted to sell some mirrors, wtf are you talking about?

Faust legend. So in a sense, yes

i would say he's closer to a monkey paw; he grants wishes in a manner that you don't expect.

Fucken spilled my energy drink from TOP KEKKING so much KEK

you did well, my good sir, very well indeed

So, which extension is better between Wishmaster and Twilight?

If you played this game it would be clear for you that he is just a fairy

He likes to make people think he is, but he's just a greater devil.

yeah, also one of my fav villains

exactly what devil is supposed to be, undercover, seemingly friendly until shit hits the fan

>no option to both screw over gaunter and kill the Cossack
C'mon, son

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, you know.

and what is the opposite, or mirror, of God?

If you only choose one, Wishmaster. They're both pretty great and part of the whole experience, there's really no reason not to get both.


Who else killed him instead of helping him?

Fucker deserved it with his moon bullshit

To think that a Nigh Triple-O being would set a few rules for itself.

Must be boring to be so fucking overpowered all the time.

I mean even an attosecond is boring for something like it for fucks sake.

his heart turned to stone because o'dimm tricked him.

also, who wouldn't take a chance at screwing devil over in his own game?

He can't die you moron, you cannot kill a force of nature like Evil.

HoS has a miles better main story, the best in the Witcher series honestly and one of the greatest in video games. B&W has much better side content in quantity and quality, but that comes with the broader size. I like both, but I found HoS a lot more memorable.

>He thinks he killed the literal incarnation of Evil

Geralt just tells him to fuck off for the time being, he's going to continue fucking people over until the end of time

firstly, satan and the devil are synonymous, and why do you assume that he is something of such importance?
There are tons of creatures of powerful and morally quesitonable nature, he is just one more.

Hearts of Stone > Main Story > Blood and Wine

I thought he was just a some kind of Djinn?

Olgeird tried to break the pact by using blood magic by summoning djinns, they outright refused to do so, he is not some Djinn, he is something way more powerful than a Djinn, which is fucking scary as Djinns basically have unlimited power.

Djinn tend to be violent and don't take human form. Geralt presses O'Dimm as to what he truly is and he doesn't really say. Considering all the signs like the spoons ("He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon") and the story being a Faustian retelling, it's pretty clear it's the Devil, or at least an entity far beyond anything else in the series.

We haven't seen anything in the Witcher universe powerful enough to manipulate time other than Ciri though, so he's obviously a big deal whatever he is

Plus all the places in the DLC that call him "Evil Incarnate" which is exactly what the bible calls the devil

>satan and the devil are synonymous
Someone doesn't know their theology

There are documents in Olgierds mansion about summoning Genie's, which i thought O'Dimm was, but he's obviously something far more advanced

Ciri does not manipulate time, she travels through it, but she doesn't manipulate it.

Well yeah, that is why it likes to play games that require time and effort, like pacts.

Faust, Master and Margarita, Pan Tudorowski, etc. Read them.

Pan Twardowski*

He's an immortal force of evil given physical form who tries to entertain itself by fucking up the lives of mortals everywhere (at least probably not exclusively on the planet where the Witcher takes place) by tricking them into soul pacts.

Nobody cares, I only listed it out of courtesy.
He should read the Faust play and the Master and Margarita novel.

He is The Witcher's version of Mephistopheles (from the Faust legend).

Care for a wish user?

Stop encouraging it, then.

Okay, now I feel bad about being rude.
Thank you for correcting me, I couldn't be arsed to look up the actual name.
At any rate, the original play Faust and the Master and Margarita novels are the best ways to read the story. The play if you can handle it, the novel if you can't.

>make a dumb, easily google-able mistake
>someone simply corrects him
>spergs out
wew lad

Thread theme you fucking d'hoine

Yeah, go away.

it kei bro

I wish for an Enhanced Edition for Witcher 3 that makes the game perfect, no waifu bullshit.


Slavs have subtlety beyond the donut steals that are being trotted out by american devs.

Not the Devil thats for sure.

He also sells mirrors. And mirrors show your opposite image.

>Wild Hunt set up to be the big bads since the first game
>literally badass specters that ride across the sky, bringing death and plague and disease with them
>even ancient monsters like the Hags bow to them
>everything about them centered around Ciri and the White Frost, the end of the world
>supposed to be the climatic end to the series, the most dangerous foes Geralt and co. will ever face
>just a couple of elves with some magic

>side story where you fulfill some noble's requests
>a fucking God-like entity that can stop time, appear out of nowhere, know everything about you, manipulate fate etc.

HoS kinda fucks up the power level of the main story, makes the Wild Hunt look like absolute bitches if something like Gaunter exists in the world.

>CDPR says there will be no more witcher content after Blood and Wine
>still no DLC centered around the best secondary character from the books
Fuck you Marcin, I want to get drunk and fuck whores with a dragon.

Gaunter should've been made strictly incapable of influencing the physical world.
He should only be able to do things my convincing people or if they agree to let him, like through a deal. The moment he killed that one guy with a spoon ruined the character for me.
Imagine if he had to trick you into agreeing to a deal where the bad outcome is he harms you, before he can harm you. Much better.

The Aen Elle also most likely know Gaunter O'dimm, he most likely went to other planets for fun, but the Dearg Ruadhri were in the books, I don't get why idiots find the idea of those guys being just some normal beefed up elves to be stupid, it was an ironic twist of fate in the books that the elves have won in another world, which adds perspective to the stupidity of the war between the humans and elves, and the desire of their leader Eredin to free his Aen Seidhe cousins once and for all.

Yeah I agreed. When you meet him at the crossroads at midnight, I thought he would strictly be a pact demon because of the reference, that his powers would only be limited to contracts. But then he basically goes full out god mode creating worlds and shit. I can't imagine a player going through HoS first then the main story, it would have been pretty anti-climactic.

Sapkowsky is roman catholic though.



They cannot even see beginging with the ten commandments or charts of lore that are the same in all extant religions or ceremonies going back to the antiveludian ages even!

Its all the same things!

1 2 3 4 5 it goes on like a chain that you can easily see

ok praise jesus

To be honest I don't find the concept of the Wild Hunt being elves stupid, I find it that they're set up to be the baddies for three games and literally have the entire world believe they're the end of days, but then basically being completely fucking overshadowed power-wise by Gaunter in a DLC.

It's not the Hunt I have a problem with, it's Gaunter.

Everyone that read the books already knew what the wild hunt is, this is why you should read it before playing.

Gaunter is unable to do anything that isnt related to wishes and convincing people to make wishes.

I blame the stupid management of CDPR, instead of doing an Enhanced Edition they decided to make two expansions that are separate from the main story, so they would have to up their game in them, but they overshadow the main story like you said, which is mind boggling why the fuck they wasted their time making two unnecessary (though great) expansions.

>but then basically being completely fucking overshadowed power-wise by Gaunter in a DLC

I don't know it works for me, Gaunter is all powerful being that just wants to get some souls or some shit, he hardly cares for affairs of mortals.

>Gaunter is unable to do anything that isnt related to wishes and convincing people to make wishes.

He literally stops time and sticks a spoon in someone's eye. He summons a storm and wrecks a ship, killing numerous people uninvolved with the deal he made with Geralt. He can banish ghosts at a whim.

Geralt can ask him about Ciri though if you do it before getting Uma, which was a really nice touch.

>stops time to kill someone
because he interrupted him
>summons a storm
it was geralt's wish
>banishes ghosts
again, he was interrupting him and delaying his work

Thank fuck they actually did that, don't know what your problem is. Main game is already huge, had some great quests they did not really need to add more content to the main story.

>it was an ironic twist of fate in the books that the elves have won in another world

They didn't 'win' anything, it was their world to begin with. The elves in Geralts' world were left stranded during the Conjunction.

Yeah, so he has power outside of wishes. Even the professor who dug too deep, all he did was find out about Gaunter and that was enough to have his death set in stone. Nobody or him wished for anything.

>The elves in Geralts' world
were they not natives or at least came earlier than humans

He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see.

The concept of Satan in your shitty videogame makes it instantly trite and pretentious

Only absolute garbage 'games' have le debil representation

Last act was fucking unpolished you moron, they literally planned to have the Wild Hunt attack Novigrad, Geralt infiltrating the Wild Hunt, actually fighting Ge'els, actually fighting Avallac'h at the end, the last act screams of cut content and lack of time to finish them, fanboy.

Aen Seidhe were Aen Elle who came to the continent before humans, then left stranded and became Aen Seidhe.

The Aen Elle conquered that world, user, it wasn't theirs first, it was mainly inhabited by humans, they slaughtered every single human in that world, the Aen Seidhe came to the Witcher world and were more "peaceful-minded" than their Aen Elle cousins.

>they literally planned to have the Wild Hunt attack Novigrad, Geralt infiltrating the Wild Hunt, actually fighting Ge'els, actually fighting Avallac'h at the end
sounds awesome, but I'm not sure where you heard this

So he's Q?

It was in the leaked files two years

Read and despair over stupid management decisions.

*two years ago

Aen Elle actually kept many of the humans around as slaves, though they degenerated into a weaker form (I wanna say they were grey too?)

he actually saved the professor, he made that circle that kept him from dying because he dug too deep. If he really wanted to he would have just killed him right there.
That is the only exception to his power, when people start to question who he is and what's jis name.

Actually, if you think about it it was Olgierd who asked the professor to search for info on how to banish Gaunter without fulfilling his part of the deal, so technically that IS related to a wish, Gaunter just really did not want to let Olgierd go.


Cuts are almost always due to budget and development length.


The attack on Novigrad being cut due to performance issues on consoles made them have to change the entire story of the last act, so all the cool shit got cut because it did not suit the new vision.

I know and understand that cuts always happen in videogame development, but they fucked it up, they could have cut the west side of Velen to focus more on the main story, but nope, they have idiot managers.


He made his life a living hell, that was Gaunter's entire shtick. He sent him dreams of an imaginary daughter then killed her to make him feel true despair. He likes to play around and that circle was just a game for him.

He has no boundary to his power. The ONLY exception is those who he makes deals with, because then he needs to abide by the terms that are then set.

Why were some of Aen Elle tall as fuck and some manlets like Avallach? Are the raiders of wild hunt beefed up on some shit?

If you extinguish the candles around the pentagram the professor was staying in, a fucking wraith shriek happens, Gaunter had an evil spirit torment that damn professor in his dreams.

That's really not that far off

GOD is a the best wingman.

Avallac'h was as tall as Eredin in the books, they are supposed to be tall, but I guess he either shrank his height to blend in better in the societies he and Ciri went to, or Yennefer fucked up his actual height when she turned him from Uma.

Yen pretty much says she has to approximate his body size during the Trial.

>Can't even fuck the cutest woman in the game
Fuck this shit

You read the second part I wrote right? He made that to keep professor from uncovering any information on how to banish him without giving your soul to him, he came really close to that so Gaunter fucked his shit up to keep Olgierd from not fulfilling his part (that is giving his soul to him) so that is still related to a wish, he does not do anything that is not related to his wishes.

Damn thats pretty cool, I did not know that.

but that's not Tomira m8

>"I don't want to take the life of a criminal"
>proceeds to take the life of a innocent bird

fuck that birdtit bitch

Why do you even open your mouth. "hurr the managers who made sure this game was a huge success are in fact retarded"

He made it because he was playing the Professor. As soon as the professor stepped out of the circle, he was dead. If he really wanted to prevent him from uncovering info, he could have killed him right there and then. But he didn't care that the professor knew about him, he was just intrigued and decided to play with him (as said by the Professor himself). The circle was a game for him.

All Olgierd did was ask the Professor to do research, the Professor was completely unrelated and unaware to Olgierd's debt, and even then he was still vulnerable to Gaunter's power.

Then there's also the random fucking drunk who gets a spoon in his eye for bothering Gaunter. How is it that related to a wish?

So is it a Sup Forums poster or a Sup Forumsposter?

>Inb4 it likes video games


Fanboy, I have the right to say their management is retarded because it proved itself to be retarded, also thinking the waifu patch was the only goddamn enhancement the main story needed.

The spoon ghoul w/e in B&W got fucked over by Gaunter too

He's not most powerful creature
If you do HoS before finding Ciri, and side with O'dimm you can ask him where ciri is and he says that there are thing even he cannot interfere with, but he can tell you what to do to get good ending.

Well he is into games, but if you lose you lose your soul.

That's only because Ciri's power lets her hide well. Doesn't exactly mean she's more powerful than Gaunter.