Your fav game studio is making a game based on your fav movie, what is it

your fav game studio is making a game based on your fav movie, what is it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Rocksteady making a game based on a clockwork orange

The guy who made the Evochron series doing Koyaanisqatsi.

I just don't see how you'd ever add gameplay to Koyaanisqatsi

kojima production making a fight club game

Platinum Games is making a spectacle fighter of Scott Pilgrim Vs the World

But EA has already done The Lord of the Rings user

>Intelligent Systems making a Taxi Driver RPG

I'm sure the pedo sex den shootout level will be great

From Software / The Matrix

Sounds OK.

rockstar making a pulp fiction game

>Troika making the Braindead game

Oh my dick

Platinum working on Tarantino stuff

Fuck yeah

Konami making a Heathers video game? Weird as fuck

>KojiPro is making a game based on MGS4

i always wondered why they never took a back ground character from fight club and made a open world game about him..

OP said movie, not book

>Supergiant games working on game based on Drive

So, um...
Hotline miami 3?

This was mine, too. I'd watch the shit out of it

>Team Silent makes a Videodrome game
Would be the most disturbing shit.

Platinum making an Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind game..

>game based on a movie

Yeah no thanks

Whoa, Platinum makes a TMNT game?! That would be...

Oh... wait...

>hello games making Gattaca

From Software does Jim Henson's Labyrinth.

That could be amazing, actually.

Nintendo making goodfellas

>obsidian making a blade runner game
Fuck yes

procedurally generated keks

This would be interesting.

Larian Studios

Pacific Rim

This would probably not end very well...

Bandai Namco making a Ricky Bobby game

nah, I'll pass senpai

Hello Games


Might be cool.

I'd cut off my left nut and feed it to my mom to see that happen.

Oh fuck yes!

>fav movie
>pacific rim

holy fuck

but EA's LOTR games are based on the movies...

Kojima Productions making a Blade Runner game.
Oh wait, we got that already.

How about Lethal Weapon, except Riggs and Murtaugh are in space. They made that too, huh.

Maybe they should just make a game series about Snake Plisskin from Escape From New York fighting giant bipedal mechs...

>Looking Glass Studio
>Making a Shrek vidya
i have no fucking idea

>HAL Labs
>Back to the Future

Looks like the SNES game, plays like Kirby minus flying. Huh.

This. Jesus Christ that's pathetic, even for Sup Forums.

Shrek... Really?


>One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest

Uhhhhh... I don't know how this would translate at all. But I want it.

i do not watch a lot of movies.

Is posting about games that already exist a meme or something?

>Kiki's Delivery Service

So Gurumin 2

Naughty Dog making a Fight Club game. Don't know how that would work at all.

Probably be the best people for it honestly. They'd actually take the story seriously.

It'd still end up a shit game though.

The fight club game is a solid 4/10

I doubt NG could surpass that.

Admit it, you would play the fuck out of this.

Obsidian is now making Pan's Labyrinth. Not sure how I feel about that.

>FROM Software

KojiPro is making a There Will Be Blood game?

Ni-oh is the closest thing we're getting to this.

Isn't that Death Stranding?

the prestige

???open world passion project set in 1900???

>fav game studio
>picking a studio with literally, LITERALLY, zero (0) games under their belt

Get your lips off Kojima's cock before you make a thread.

because that sounds terrible

The Thing from another world - Retro Studios

Criterion makes a game based on Drive

So From Software is making a game based around Pan's Labyrinth?

That would be baller as fuck

>NWI making an Apocalypse Now version of Insurgency

Team Ninja makes an Ichi the killer game?
That would be interesting

Underrated post