Dark Souls 3

DLC announcement soon.

Predictions on new areas? Will they bring back old armor sets and weapons? Thoughts?

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I don't know. I haven't played since Dark Souls II. Still have to finish that one.

maybe they'll bring back covenants and decent PvP balance

>announcement in august
>think that it's cool but pretty far away

>it's actually august already

I just want the burial knight set in the game. My bet is on DLC being Londor though. Hype.

Oh god please don't.
I fucking hated the World of Warcraft Arena pvp you got in dark souls 2.

Man I just hope they give us slutty outfits

Better not be more fucking clothing. Hell if its an action figure line ill take that too.

Remember me?


Why are they being mysterious? Obviously everyone knows it's DLC.

Maybe they'll announce some new shirts!

Neither of those things have to do with the tripe you just posted, fuckstain


DaS2 pvp is wildly considered the best.
That is what he meant with decent PvP balance.
DaS2 pvp

It's comparisons like these that make me think half the world's population is just fucking retarded.

This, hopefully arenas never return.
Duelfags are cancer

What do you think this games DLC will include?

I'm hoping we get Twinblades, powerstancing capabilities, and the Iron Keep.. But without lava, and instead it's all ashy and shit.

Time for some broken as fuck weapons and even shittier magic

oh and axes nerfed just because

>Nioh demo on the 23rd
>DaS 3 DLC announcement on the 24th


>ICYMI, It's time to mark August 24th as a special day. Why? You'll find out soon

August 24th is my birthday

>DaS2 pvp
>the best


Well what the hell do you think he meant when he asked them to "bring back decent pvp balance"?
DaS3 was never balanced so he is talking about das2.

>special announcement

Mine's today happy early birthday, user

Everybody thinks it'll be Londor, I would be surprised if they pulled something else.

>Just want the multiplayer to be good.
>Just want covenants back.
>Some idiot gets triggered and whines about DaS2.

Did you get anything nice?

>Duelfags are cancer
>And I want them to continue playing in the same areas as me

>DaS2 multiplayer was good
>das2 had the best covenants

A friend of mine drew me some porn, I bought myself an MTG Commander deck, and Heart&Slash on the PS4. But the day is young; my family still has some stuff for me later this afternoon apparently. Hope you get some cool shit too.

Anyone wanna rate the dark souls games? I just don't which one is the best?

1>3>Demon>shit>your mom>2

So is this you saying this, or are you trying to imply it?

My favorite >>> shit >>> your favorite

The second one is a fact.
The first one is general opinion here.


I want them to not be around, having designated areas for it is incentivating it.
I wish we bought back locked gestures from 1 too.

honestly nothing can fix it except core game design and artistic design.

I don't care about going through more linear castles in the DLC

1=BB (I personally think BB is better but both are the best and close) > DeS > shit > SotFS > 3 > 2

DS3 is way worse sadlt.

If it isn't DLC, it doesn't matter. Watch it be something stupid like the first ever official tournament or some other bullshit.

>SotFS way above 2
I never understood this. They're both garbage. Scholar didn't fix any of 2's problems.
The DLC is overrated as well.