We're taking the franchise back to it's roots

>We're taking the franchise back to it's roots

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Don't do it user


i just wish devs would be honest and not only listen to feedback from the audience but actually look at the previous game itself.

i would only believe them if they said "we did the exact same thing that made the last game so popular and took out all the stuff you guys hated and then we added some cool shit in there that we thought would improve the game"

>We're bringing you the final game and conclusion of the series and also simplifying some gameplay concepts in the hope that we can attract new fans as well

>It's a living, breathing world!


>We end Bleach is the worst way possible

Procedurally generated



every particle is accounted for

is this the start of an epic new meme xd

le rogan face

>we're gonna try to broaden the audience without alienating the hardcore fans!

fuck you dead space 3

thats franco man

>don't use images on an imageboard!

its* CLANG


This line is so stock and feels so dishonest and unnecessary that it makes me mad every time I hear it now.

Beat me to it

>Proceeds to make it first person

I honestly don't get how people are excited for RE7 as an RE game. Looks like it might be a decent Outlast 3 though.

post franchises you want to return to their roots


man I fucking miss old GW