Is this just a gimmick, or will it have good games?

Is this just a gimmick, or will it have good games?

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unless those things get bundled with the consoles, it'll forever remain a gimmick

no one wants to make good games for an expensive peripheral

another gimmick Sony vill abandon like das Wunder book, Move, and Vita

Games will be shit for all vr headsets. Within 5-10 years they will be better but right now we're in the pioneer stage for vr. The best things to come out are gimmicky tech demos that are amazing for 30 minutes and then you never want to touch them again

Doubt it. Just look at the Oculus and Vive. Still no killer App and they are 1 year old. VR flopped.

Driveclub looks good on it

>tfw you realize you will actually live to play yu gi oh vr

More importantly is the "reprojection" technique they are using for it to give the illusion of higher framerates not going to make me puke? VR needs a very high end PC for a reason 30fps for more than 5 minutes will make you want to throw up.

gimmick. VR will never be more than that. Too many factors preventing it from being adopted by the masses. Also, there still are no good vr games.

>All current VR games are shit
The word you're looking for is "incomplete". There are some cool as shit Vive games already.

Rec Room is the best VR multiplayer so far, and it's seriously fun during its late-night busy hours. The Gallery: Episode 1, while only 1.5 to 2 hours long, is pretty fucking fantastic. Raw Data is amazing for what it is and both SPT and AudioShield are awesome time killers. Fantastic Contraption is actually pretty good too, it captures the magic of that old flash game while making it much more polished and in 3D space.

Plenty of VR games are shit. Plenty will continue to be. BUT there are quite a few good games already though. Yes VR games will be better down the line, yes I want a good SAO/.hack/Log Horizon type MMO to come out (it'd add more staying power for sure), but if you're an early adopter of new tech, a Vive really should be your next purchase.

>Vive flopped
Both companies expected way more sales than they got for Gen 1. New industries aren't born overnight. PS VR will be shit though.

>yu gi oh vr

Nice, except Konami owns that franchise. Modern Konami, at that.

Reprojection can be OK at best. It'll make you want to puke if you want around much with it on though. Honestly it should only be used when necessary (as in, the occasional frame dip where the devs wouldn't expect it), and devs should still target 90fps or higher.

The PS4 barely has exclusives as it is, I highly doubt VR will get much more.
t. satisfied PS4 owner

There is already 168 PS VR games in development though

Yeah thats what I feel will be the problem with PSVR, unless they make massive sacrifices to visuals 90fps will not be achievable.

>good games
pick one

That mech game by Guerrilla Games Cambridge looks legitimately good

There were a lot of games in development for the Vita at one point too.


Not as much as 168

Vita is a different market that got killed by mobile phones

Superior gimmick right here. Why even cuck yourself if you're going to take the VR dive and NOT get the best one? All that fucking porn, man. Also the games are immersive as shit with the room scale and motion controls.

Hell I had fun playing fucking Minecraft of all things in VR. It's just fun to be in the actual game world and swing swords and shit around instead of hitting keys on the keyboard.

I don't care how jaded a person you are, have a friend (lol) that owns one of these let you play Call of the Starseed. You will crack a smile at how ridiculously immersive it is. You really do feel like you're the protag in an RPG, as opposed to just controlling one on your monitor.

>VR meme has died
>Your product is still months away from launch

They're fucked on this one. Need to be quicker to hit these fads at peak popularity.

>he thinks Vive is the best

Dlodlo says hello



sounds too much like dildo

I ain't playin' no games with no Dlodlo.

>good games

I bet you thought the Wii would revolutionize with motion control too.

>Game Dev here
>Have Vive, Occ, Sony, and two unannounced HMDs on my desk

The Vive is by far the best experience and least likely to make to you barf after 8 hours of play.

The Occ is by far the most gimmicky, but has the nicest controllers. Weird fucking focus though it is comfy to wear for a long time.

Sony is meh, but will have the best games for a seated experience.

The other two are pretty sweet, but aren't as good for games as they are for other applications.

VR is a meme and not only that but playstation VR is literally the worst one of them all.

Vive and Rift use the same thing, your point?

>Talking shit about Windlands of all things

I'd honestly take this video with a grain of salt.

I'm not going to say all VR games are masterpieces, because they are not, but games like Windlands and Vanishing Realms are stupid fun. I mean if you lack 100% imagination and don't find any child-like joy in swinging swords at skeletons, traversing dungeons, and rope-swinging across trees thousands of feet in the air with nothing below you...then shit man, idk.

Probably the least fun game I've played was Universe sandbox 2, it was more of a science-y thing if you're into space and shit. Looked cool tossing a fucking sun at Jupiter and watching it explode, but the fun of it wore of quick. There may be more to it, will have to try it more

Doesnt even come with the camera, does it? At least bundle it with the camera or put a built in one for the Neo.

VR games won't be good due to the whole movement / vertigo / motion sickness issues.

You're going to get lots of games where your character doesn't move, and games where you're in a cockpit or in control of a vehicle.

Racing games will be tough because the motion sickness issue is very real even for normal people who don't get motion sick normally.

PSVR, Rift, Vive, it's all just gimmick nonsense.

Reprojection is built into the game engine.

And the Vive and Occ can run '180' fps.

Vive and Occ can only display 90hz

90hz per eye, or 180 fps if you are going by Sony logic.

>VR games won't be good due to the whole movement / vertigo / motion sickness issues.

Teleport movement has already been the solution. The ideal movement is teleport on by default (for the motion sickness pussies) and an option in the settings to toggle it to regular movement.

Regular movement is 100x more fun, you just need to get used to the sensation, doesn't take that long. Unless you're one of above mentioned pussies.

Of course you need to take those games with a grain of salt, I'm guessing most are super early access and more showpieces than anything else. I just think it's troubling that VR will most likely feature cash grabs and party games that are fun for 15 minutes. The technology, especially on consoles, sure as fuck isn't there yet for a reasonable price. I'd be shocked if we didn't get half assed shovelware outnumbering decent VR games 50:1.

Wrong. The blink/teleportation method is shit and just a working hold over.

Quick 'dash' moves work better and help with spacial awareness and immersion, while not increasing motion sickness.

Really though, you only get sick when you are strafing in game while turning your head.

Honestly I don't get sick at all with any of them, I prefer just normal movement. That disconnect between "I'm moving rapidly but my legs are still in one place" only tripped me up like the first 20 minutes where I kept nearly falling on my ass. It was actually really fun getting used to it, now it's just second nature and I don't get phased by that movement in the least.

Any other type of movement; blink/teleport/dash/whatever should just be the default option that can be toggled off for the motion sick pussies. Starseed would've felt even better if it had the option to toggle off that teleport shit.

My only hope is that for Fallout4 VR they will allow regular/teleport movement toggle, or if not a mod will do it.

Ace Combat and DOA Xtreme 3

You realize Move is used with PSVR right, oh wait you're a shitposter.

If you are playing polished experiences it's not bad, yeah.

But when I have to work on an alpha or beta title that hasn't been polished those are my dramamine days.

>believing in VR

>Not believing in the furture
Sup Forums is that way grandpa.

Tell me how "revolutionary" the kinect turned out to be? Or 3d gaming?


Fallout 4 VR is confirmed, so most likely that at least.

The rooted kinects are fucking awesome. Microsoft just fucked up trying to force it onto the XBox. They could have made leaps and bounds in PC technology if they weren't so worried about their pride.

And dude, 3D gaming. Doom, Deus Ex, ect. D&D is fun and all, put seriously.

>or will it have good games?

Fuck no.

>Modern Konami, at that.

Yup. They'd fuck it up even if they decided it'd be a good idea.

It's a gimmick that won't even have porn. It maybe have waifus though, but not custom waifus like PC would probably have.