>kojimas face
Kojimas face
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It looks like shit. Not even Kojima-level shit where the game is still fun but the story is retarded.
Is this the downvote generation?
Dumb mobileposter.
Metal Gear fans are some of the most autistic and easily butthurt """people""" in existence.
how's that little japanese salami taste in your throat, op?
kojima fanboys are the most pathetic entitled autists. they only downvote to whiteknight their Manlet,not because the game quality.
>Kojimas dick
It's the binary generation. Everything that exists can only be the greatest thing to ever be made or the absolute worst with no redeemable qualities.
>mgs series is over
>make a spinoff game
>game is non canon
>same engine as mgs5
>probably same great gameplay and more
>only a trailer so we don't even know if its a good or bad game or not
These are also the people who are autistic enough to cry when Iwata some fucking Japanese businessman they know nothing about and never met died.
Why didn't people bitch and moan and cry at all the other metal gear games that weren't made by Kojima?
I hope all this fucking idiots don't get this possibly great fun game to be cancelled.
>it will be the best game ever
huh, he makes a good point. well I'm sold
this memeposting was tired 3 months ago
I really fucking hate survival games, but I'm glad we are still getting some action games out of the fox engine. I'm not optimistic at all, but I am interested in how they mentioned it's going to be priced like ground zeros was.
it would be full of micro-transactions
>Konami Retweeted
You could say kojima..... left them for dead
First post is the best post.
Kojima hasn't been involved in a good game since MGS3
Prove me wrong.
You can't
this is a kojima game though, its hideo that went to start his own studio
Ooooo tell me more.
Loyalists are why video games suck now.
You are w..right. Why do we hurt Sup Forums?
Yeah that MB coin shit ruined MGSV for me.
>pick a spot for your FOB which will determine how fast you mine resources
>have to buy other FOB stations to balance out your processing of resources
>limit of 200 people on an FOB
>maxes out each teams rank of around 70-80 levels
>have to buy FOB to increases max base personnel
>some items I will never be able to develop until I buy another FOB to get higher levels
Microtransactions for MGO were fine since it was just gear shit, but almost 10 bucks in order to get another character slot if I didn't want my default medic snake to play as? Fuck you and Fuck off microtransactions.
We did it, reddit!
though the story wasn't great the gameplay of MGS4 and MGSV were fantastic.
>gameplay of MGSV was great
Then what's the issue with Survive? Seems to be just an expansion of that.
its about zombies and survival
People hate it because Kojima isn't involved, duh.
I know you might not say it, but I saw it earlier and regarding Kojimadrones
>someone states that Survival is probably based on Kojima's ideas and concepts, since wormholes and Skulls weren't really explained in TPP
>"hurr, do you have a single fact to back it up or do you take it from your ass?"
>someone states that Survival will be filled with microtransactions, frankly speaking something negative about it
>"obviously, it's post-Kojima Konami after all" by same person
>reasons to love MGSurvive
>it's good, it looks good, it'll be good
Uhh. So like the basebuilding and crafting system of V, but now with zombies?
I'm failing to see a point.
Reasons to love The Phantom Pain:
1. Its good
2. You love it
No one cares fucktard, that wasn't a meme until summer anyways
it's like making a Silent Hill diablo clone
because I don't want to survive, I want to infiltrate.
Sure. If a silent hill already had all the base mechanics in place.
You don't seem to understand how basic of a tweak this is.
>I want to infiltrate.
Well, seems like it won't be any worse than TPP I guess.
Crafting and Basebuilding were the worst parts of V.
TPP has some of the best infiltration stuff in the series.
Don't forget deserts and fields.
This is some next level advertising
I came back to Sup Forums becouse i thought you guys would love to hate on Metal of Duty: Zombie Warfare.
You guys actually DEFEND this.
Can i please have a Permaban?
Do you honestly think you won't have to stealth around zombies? Seriously?
>Let's make a game that has nothing to do with the original game
>Let's make it a zombie game, the literally most-played-out genre on the market right now
>Don't make it about stealth
You mean GZ.
Peace Walker was pretty good m80
I would rather dick around in the desert than wait around for 8 hours for my next motherbase upgrade that doesn't do anything.
Do you still believe that L4D is about stealth?
I'm waiting for the konami-shills to turn up.
How do you know it's not about stealth? Because of the trailer?
Well I guess mgs5 is a tamogochi spinoff because you could pet a dog in the trailer.
>yfw item development is back
>it's all online this time no cheating/time travel
>tier 1 is 1 day
>tier 2 is 3 days
>tier 5 is 12 days
>Gameplay looks amazing
We didn't see gameplay.
People just shit on Kojima after MGSV.
it's a 4-player zombie game
how many 4-player stealth games do you know of
That's the least of the problems with that list
>Kojima releases a vague trailer with a naked man and a baby
>People literally want to suck his dick
Complete and total faggots. I didn't even watch Konamis new cash grab trailer, fuck Kojima though
Sup Forums is worse than reddit when it comes to fanboysm.
Kojima was a cancerous self entitled cunt that single handedly ruined the series with his delusion and lack of honest criticism.
But holy shit, people are actually defending a cheap game, made in a few months, with zombies because it's easy, and there another game for people to buy.
Reddit tier.
Literally the Donald Trump of video gamed
Yeah at-least it wasn't called "Silent Hill: OIL" and was a 4-player spook simulator
Ground series
You can shit on Kojima without defending this shit.
One shit doesn't invalidate the other.
>It's a Metal Gear game
This fact just makes me feel sad
Splinter Cell did it.
Why the fuck wouldn't you have the option for a stealth approach just because there are 4 players?
>how many 4-player stealth games do you know of
Payday 2 is probably the best 4-player stealth game ever released.
If your team is actually good
>tfw you won't respond to this post
literally who?
i am now a #!yebinator
SC had 2 players coop.
Peace Walker. Soon that new Ghost Recon.
>a stealth game
yeah I sure love it when you start the robbery after the stealth part and it becomes a shootout for 10 minutes.
I didn't think I'd manage to read something worse than the last chapter of Bleach today. The Internet always provides.
No, /you/ tell /me/ more ;)
Reasons to love MGSurvive
>It's good
>Becuse it's the best
>Because it's good
>Because it's the best
circular logic at its finest
Movie trailer come out on internet. Some people like. Some people love. Some people whatever. But baby-men, they no like. Baby-men no like at all. Baby-men hate, because movie make baby-men mad. Baby-men click thumb-down button on video site, because thumb-down button means mad. Did baby-men mention they mad? They mad.
Baby-men liked old movie that baby-men saw when baby-men were babies, before internet was place where baby-men could put angry baby-thoughts. New movie no have men, have women. Women confuse baby-men. Women not men. Women not men at all!
Baby-men bang head against keyboard until form mad baby-words. Baby-men put mad baby-words on internet. Baby-men shriek into void.
You fucking moron. Metal Gear has already done multiplayer stealth.
Except for the part when the developers did their best to make sure you never use stealth and every game becomes a boring shootout.
I love how this sub's only response to people who will buy this game because they like metal gear and not just Kojima is to call us contrarian fucks. Yeah, well fuck you too. Game looks fun
why don't you go back to /r/mensrights to talk about ghostbusters
yeah I loved all those non-Kojima MGS stealth multiplayer games!!!!!
>its another "I don't understand why Sup Forums hates reddit but I'm going to accuse you of being a redditor" reply
You summerfags disgust me
This is why you should never listen to Sup Forums
>Objective: Survive meme spammed for years
>make game about this
>I hate survival now!
Waiting for inevitable "b-b-but it's psp, b-but it's 'spin-off', b-but it's shit, b-but it's monster hunter clone"
Oh, it already happened
>it's like making a Silent Hill diablo clone
But they did
Or is that the joke?
>this sub
Please be bait
>yeah I sure love it when you start the robbery after the stealth part and it becomes a shootout for 10 minutes.
>Except for the part when the developers did their best to make sure you never use stealth and every game becomes a boring shootout.
Holy shit
These niggers actually fell for the "stealth is impossible" meme
You can do every single stage in Payday 2 without tripping a single alert.
Some of them require teamwork and are impossible to solo. You will be forced to coordinate with your teammates on some maps, but every map CAN be stealthed.
You fell for the meme, but payday 2 actually requires SKILL. Something you probably haven't heard of.
The problem seems to be that Sup Forums doesen´t really care about Games AT ALL.
I don´t care if Kojima is doing this one or not.
I do care however if a Game Series about stealth, weird plottwists and awesome bossfights that i enjoyed for so many years gets turned into a another Zombie Survival Shooter.
I was sceptical at rising at the beginning aswell but i happen to enjoy DMC and Ninja Gaiden aswell. Also i always wanted a game where i can play as the ninja since i played the MGS VR Missions.
whassamatter faggot? Can't think of a reason why this game won't' be shit?
go back to your movie studio kojickles.
While we're at it let's turn Final Fantasy into a 4-player Co-op zombie shooter. And Mario too!
We'll call it: Final Fantasty: Survival Chronicles!
Super Mario: Survive!
it'll be great!
>grounds series
this is the kind of retardation that enabled NMS
>MSF mother base gets sucked in alongside with MSF mother base soldiers
>In the desert it's clearly the TPP motherbase and soldiers are wearing DD armour and gear
Not lazy at all
>everyone who was assumed dead from the MB attack end up sucked into a worm hole.
>all the zombies turn out to be Big Boss' death toll
>turns out the end is the one who sucked you into the portal
>you get to fight every dead character as a boss in the entire series since this new land is time warped
Would you?
I love this meme
that's even more retarded than the usual kojimbles plot twist
Where did I say anything like that? I'm laughing at retarded Kojimadrones. Their hypocrisy is fucking retarded.
>4 player coop? it can't be stealth
>what, Kojima did it with Peace Walker?
What's your point? How about we turn Mario into hack'n'slash and call it
Super Mario Rising: Rescuck
At that let's also turn Final Fantasy into hack'n'slash and call it Final Fantasy XV