Tales of Berseria

TFW u murder a fuckton of people for nothing

First for Artorius did nothing wrong

>she sees your dick

fuck jewco for making us wait another 6 months or so for this shit in english

Rose was a mistake.


Gramps Zenirus better show up.

Alright, human sacrifice to get rid of Gouma I get

But what's this horseshit about chopping off Velvet's arm?

He was just giving her power

>get hyped for a Tales game in 2016
>it's good

What timeline are we in.




Yeah, the story was shaping up to be great or at least interesting before she showed up - characters had good chemistry, were relatively interesting, there were some subplots that could be great.

Once Rose shows up, it all goes to shit, she is always the main focus of everything and must never be wrong while others must always agree with her, even when it's more out of character than most of self-insert fanfiction.

Zestiria R with upgraded gameplay and remade, original plot before Baba '''''pure coincidenced''''' Rose in the game when?

>Japs are confused the game is good
>We're confused the game is good
It really fucking was Baba ruining the series, holy shit


>mfw my copy just got delivered

Whose the cameo fight character(s)? I gotta know.

fucking spoilers ;_;

Post Baba's face when he knew that Berseria was going to be better than Zestiria.


Not in Zesty. Kittybeard was turned by the false Shepherd into Furry Satan against his will and thought only an actual Edgepocalypse can see him have a good life.

Sorey is what Shepherds should be. Artorius, Rose, and Michael are what they shouldn't be.

No nigga, he did everything wrong.

-The Alisha DLC goes on sale. Many theorized from the main game that the DLC would put down Alisha, and make Rose look good, and their predictions come true. The DLC is worse than anyone imagined. Fans are sickened to see Rose bullying Alisha in every possible way. Play time of the entire DLC is two hours or less. The end of the DLC scenes show a character that was thought to have died in the main game, and the words “to be continued,” suggesting that there will be more. Alisha says, “Wow, Rose, you’re awesome…”

Fucking Baba. I will always love Alisha

The game was already a flat fetch quest before Rose showed up. The problem was that they didn't find a way to actually integrate all the stories into a coherent whole. Games like Symphonia, Abyss or Vesperia had a whole lot more interesting set-ups in their first 5 hours than Zestiria. The setting and conflict just wasn't very good.

I hope Maoteus appears in the anime to tell all of this to Sorey and Rose.

And Eleanor one with Luke.

Magilou and Yuri share one you know

And Velvet one with Kyle
And Magilou one with Yuri

>Rose became the shepherd after Sorey

i bet she ruined everything but made people thank her for it. probably delayed Sorey waking up from his nap by a hundred years.

What the hell happened to her brother

Indignation is constantly reused as a mystic arte by several different characters.


Eh, it happens, so what?

Jade confirmed Rita father.

Nah he'll just tell Rose she sucks and Sorey did better than the previous ones.

>"""sad""" segment of japanese game
>forced and cringy as shit
same with the comedy, I think japanese devs are bad at writing emotionally powerful scenes in their anime and games

>Berseria gets released
>completely BTFOs Zestiria
>All those fags who had been defending Zestiria for months suddenly disappear

what went right?

Kinda looks like Mithos


So the game is about the protag suffering all the time?

It wasn't user, before Rose joined, Sorey had a subplot about the subplot about the council trying to control him. Once Rose joined however, they literally forgot about it.

Also the fetch quests didn't start until became a party member. In fact the fetch quest starts the minute Rose joins.

People talking about Zestiria as if it was a promising interesting game before Rose showed up is a shit meme. Berseria's set-up is a hundred times more interesting and it would still be more interesting without Rose in Zestiria.



What did I miss? They're protecting the dragon?

Poor Mikleo.

>Tfw your nephew is better than your little shit brother

The demo felt off for me, and not that fun. maybe because i cant read jap

The shota is the best, protector of smiles and truly alpha.

>Still have to wait almost half a year for this to come to NA.
Well, I'm gonna have a hell of a time trying to avoid spoilers.

>Your sister as well.
Laphi spent too much time with Artorius it seems.

Have they given kanji for "Kanonushi"? I only know what "nushi" is.

Disco happened.

it's okay, he won Sorey by outliving his rivals.

WAIT, what if this dragon they're fighting now is the undead dragon from Zesty?

I think a story about characters who are naiive and try to remain pure and true to their goals in a world that wants to break them down is pretty interesting tale.

The Bears cast is already a thousand times better than the Zestiria cast. Probably because they feel much more like a party that the Zest cast who just worship Rose.

The political subplot in Zestiria is basically an afterthought and that has nothing to do with Rose. The problem is that they couldn't integrate Lion King's story with the political conflict beyond making Alisha's teacher his minion and then they make her basically a fucking side-quest. A good writer could have made the story work Rose or no Rose, a good writer could have integrated a plot element as important as Aizen into the story, a good writer could have made Lion King and the political story don't feel like disconnected stories.

Rose of course.

That fucking arte which launches a bazokka blast in the air is the best

But he had to wait so much longer.

He truly is top waifu.

It's not like you're dodging Persona spoilers. You'll be fine.

>I think a story about characters who are naiive and try to remain pure and true to their goals in a world that wants to break them down is pretty interesting tale.

But that's not how Zeshit went.

Tell me about Leomon, why did he become a hellion?

And what's up with his goth loli? Fuck's her deal?

Holy shit alpha shota decked right in the dick

Oh shit that compass guard into that punch.

Based Laphicet.

Eizen is better than all of Zesty's cast

They could have though. It was that council who ordered troops to try to kill Kittybeard and attack Michaels village. The council are running the country.

That's the theme of the story, not the actual story. The story is that feeling emotions makes people turn into monsters and some guy that looks like a Lion is trying to destroy the continent by inciting a war. The Helion stuff itself is dumb with or without Rose.

The shota decked his evil uncle, now that's great.

>that fucking shota punch

>why did he become a hellion?
In Tales of Zestiria, it's hard not to become a Hellion. Velvet's already halfway there. All you need is anger and negative feelings.

Holy shit I wasn't expecting Laphicet to be this based

>characters had good chemistry, were relatively interesting, there were some subplots that could be great.

Stop making shit up. Alisha was fucking depressing to be around and her only function was to be the butt of everybody's jokes.

Rose wasn't the focus any more than any of the other characters. It just sounds like you're on some kind of personal crusade here.

Did anyone screenshot the shota punch?

Who would have thought that her little brother planned this shit? Not me.

So is the arm Artorius hiding a demon arm like Velvet's?

Laphicet is the real protagonist. Not Velvet

You do realise there's a TIME constraint?

Good luck writing it all a year before release AFTER you've written everything down to incorporate a character because your boss faps to her VA. You won't even remember some plots you've made, and you don't even really have a year - after all it must be programmed in by others.

Especially since Baba wanted the writers to remove parts of the story with Alisha and shit on her because he hates her designer and replace her parts of the story with Rose, while removing most later parts which she just couldn't logically fit in (that's why the evil milf minion girl who steals the sword is completely worthless in-story)

So don't shit on writers Baba

>The political subplot in Zestiria is basically an afterthought and that has nothing to do with Rose
And that's exactly why it was dropped, it had nothing to do with Rose, and everything to do with Alisha, ditto with Alisha's teacher, and everything else having to do with political aspects of Zestiria which effected the war situation and the spread of malevolence.

Also I wouldn't call it an afterthought when sections in the early part of the game start up just because of it, and also had a direct connection to the war.

Compare this to the fetch quests that pop up when Rose joins. Those were an afterthought made to fill in space.

Hasn't been used in a while glad it's back.

>The Pope and his men hangout with Satan

Demon guy is Aifread if anyone was wondering.

What stream are you niggies watching? I see a couple.

These niggas are crazy. holy shit!

Of course not, because they wanted to have the sociopath be right.

The story which was altered to include Rose you mean?

Wait whats this about Laphicet being Velvet's nephew?

Oh shit Bears actually has a fucking Alpha Shota.

10/10 Tales game already.

>Velvet's otouto saying he will kill Laphicet in front of her eyes
Ow the edge.



he pissed off the Shepherd before Sorey by getting his town destroyed and desecrating a temple, which made the Seraphim there Maotelus, actually turn malevolent. the Shepherd then sacrificed a baby Mikleo to make Heldalf turn into Leomon as revenge.

goth loli i don't really remember getting explained much. she was a seraphim, though, not a hellion. she might have been upset because her blessing was more like a curse, or something?

i'm probably getting details wrong, my memory of Zesty's gone kinda fuzzy.

Indignation is a spell your triple nigger.

They are the best cast in awhile not just Zesty. Eizen has been beyond based the entire game.

That's what it is, Lapchiet is her nephew

A curse by Mikeys uncle so that he will never die and suffer eternal loneliness till he becomes Satan. Only a Shepherd could end it by killing him.

Velvet's pregnant sister fell into the magic pit and she and her unborn son (Laphicet) got reborn as malaks.

Am I gonna have to play Zesteria before this game?

Actually Alisha did have skits where she was joking or having simple conversations with Lailah, she's not the butt of everyone's jokes anymore than Mikleo is.

Rose also did get more focus than other character, she just wasn't important to story, which made things worse.

Rose could have been directly connected to the political story if they had given a shit, she worked for the politicians after all. The problem is that they didn't bother and wrote the easiest, laziest possible fetch-quest that ultimately had nothing to do with Rose herself. The result of the flashbacks is that the only relevant characters are Sorey, Mikleo and Lailah.

Is he the same guy from the ending watching the crew be turned back into people?

>no doujins where Velvet's loneliness in the pit overcomes her and decides to let a werewolf fuck her a bit before eats him

Why is bookskirt such a memeing semen demon?

Rokuro x Magilou confirmed
He got to lick her tiny nipples. Stay jelly faggots.

Zaveid, or at least his gun, were also important.