Post future god tier games

So far, we have:

- Death Stranding
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Nier: Automata
- Quake Champions
- Mount & Blade: Bannerlord
- From Softwares 3 upcoming games:
- Project 1: ARPG with dark fantasy setting similar to DS
- Project 2: A reboot/new idea from previous franchise
- Project 3: something new

Did I miss any? Post if I did! It feels good to know that gaming will be saved soon with these god tier games.

Other urls found in this thread:

How many times are you going to make this thread?

yeah man
I can't wait for all those hyped up, awesome video games!

No way are we going to get disappointed THIS TIME!

Where is Star Citizen?

>trusting indie
>trusting SJW websites
>having a low IQ

Why don't you kys nigger? I warned you subhumans about NMS, I said it would be shit 4-5 months ago after doing 1 hour research on it, should have listened.

hindsight is 20/20 isn't it?

Star Citizen might get added to the list, depending on upcoming patches and when they do the netcode update, at the moment the game is unplayable, regardless how good the premis for the game is, when it comes to MMO type games, you need to wait for some stuff before making proper predictions.

and now post future shit tier games!

- Death Stranding
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Nier: Automata
- Quake Champions
- Mount & Blade: Bannerlord
- From Softwares 3 upcoming games:
- Project 1: ARPG with dark fantasy setting similar to DS
- Project 2: A reboot/new idea from previous franchise
- Project 3: something new

>Cyberpunk 2077
>this time you get to follow brand new blue shit!
>use your cyber senses to follow x

No, it isn't, because I already told you animals the game would be shit, you should trust people with superior IQ and instinct.

Sure you did buddy. And I warned everyone about 9/11 but no one listened.

why did you only add Nier Automata after the PC version was announced?

Ace Combat 7 senpai

Previous thread I already said it was a good game, but not sure if it had god tier potential. Did some research, it got added to the list.

Still doing some research on Ace Combat 7.

If you have any suggestions, please post them.

I see you that removed RE7 from the list.

Persona 5

Honestly Metal Gear Survive is going to be a better game than Death Stranding. If you think Kojima is capable of making a good game after the shitfest that was MGSV you've got a hard time ahead of you.

>disable minimap
>disable quest aid


how can you predict these games will be god tier?
need I remind you that people thought no mans lie was gonna be god tier

>can't disable protagonist giving me a walkthrough of the quest

Death Stranding will be the best game Kojima has ever made, because his creativity is unchained. No more corporate meddling limiting his genius, a lot of the MGS titles were held back by Konami. Death Stranding will revolutionize gaming by introducing a brand new genre that hasn't been seen before, that is why it is on top of the list and is featured with the picture.

You are in for a rude awakening konami shill.

Cyberpunk is going to be focused on a more dangerous and mysterious/unknown atmosphere, what you describe won't be the case. You will see.

not him but

>his genius

look at his tweets faggot and tell me he's a genius

what the fuck

>won't be the case

After finishing The Witcher 3 I'm 100% sure it will be the case. They must be really proud of the witcher senses mechanic, it was absent only in 3 quests (excluding Ciri ones)

God of War 4

Didn't mount & blade get cancelled?

Congratulations I have never seen a more deluded poster on this site.

Because I have a high IQ and a very strong instinct regarding gaming, I already called NMS for being shit a long time ago after 1 hour of research, nobody listened, that is why you fools got ripped off and wasted your money.

Here is a pro-tip: when you see "indie", be cautious, extremely cautious. I've never bought an indie game, they are absolute dogshit and think they can be the next minecraft, made by delusional nu-male fools. Avoid anything that has any relation to "indie" like the plague.

Indie games, 0 risk casual games and interactive movies like the last of cucks are the cancer that are ruining gaming.

>P E R S O N A L

>R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y

halo 1-3
>never irrelevant







>still thinking NMS was indie when it was up to its neck in Sony's money
sony were probably the ones who told them to change the ui to the destiny one too

You do not comprehend the connection between his post, you are incapable of seeing all his posts together and how they link and present something, he is not only a genius, he is an artist, a true artist, beyond the comprehension of low IQ people.

The way he send a message before all this, "I will be back" and the when he said "I am back" during his reveal, Kojima is a master planner, years ahead of the competition and those who wish to ruin him.

You will witness the impact of Death Stranding in your lifetime, you should be happy.


Easy mode 0 risk of failure interactive movie, no thanks.

>lets all wallow in hype
>no reason not to do so, since it never ever went wrong, certainly not just recently

>- Quake Champions
Fuck you. This isn't Quake this Overwatch heroes multiplayer bullshit.


>Easy mode 0 risk of failure interactive movie, no thanks.

Well meme'd

None of those aside from arguably Nier and M&B are confirmed to be good.

You're a troll.

It was made by a team of indie fools, it doesn't matter if they had the (CORPORATE) money, they don't have the knowledge and experience, only delusions.

I've said it in the past and I'll say it again, all space simulation/exploring games are garbage except Star Citizen, because it has the expertise and dedication to make it work, whether they will succeed depends entirely on the server stability and netcode, they already proved they can deliver on the gameplay concepts regarding ships, procedural created planets and true physics with true universe simulation and relation of planets, planetary landing, 0g fps etc.


You have 0 clue what you are talking about and didn't go to Quake Con, kys asap.

This isn't Quake, this is Quake champions, the abilities actually improved the gameplay and depth without removing any of the arena death match fps elements. The abilities don't decide the gameplay, there are no classes, weapons and movement are open to all.

They said they are making this game for e-sport, if you are not interested in competitive e-sport game, stay away from this game, this game will be top 3 e-sport within 1 year of its launch.

This game is not made for nostalgia fags, fuck off back to old quake games or diobotical, this game isn't made for you or your retarded autistic nostalgia fag friends, because you subhumans are an irrelevant minority with no presence, I know, the truth hurts.

Well fact'd*

Most of the problems with Quake Champions would be completely avoided if they made a classic mode where the abilities are completely disabled.

low quality bait

They don't want there to be a classic mode, because a classic mode is failed e-sport. This game is focused on e-sport, not what you prefer, if you are not interested in an e-sport game, then don't play it.

High quality factual predictions*

What the fuck are you talking about. Original Quake was e-sports oriented because everybody started at 0 at had to rely on their skills and map knowledge to win.

What fucking fun is there in making an "E-SPORT" game when some characters get fucking xray vision or other equally dumb shit?

This is completely beside the point anyway, just fucking make classic mode which wouldn't take that much time and put it into the game along with the abilities to please both normal people who played video games before 2007 and casuals/overwatch/teamfortress 2 kiddies.

>Death Stranding
>future god tier
How exactly? If anything it'll be MGSV all over again - a lot of hype from good trailers and a lof of stupid Kojima's videos while game will be boring \ repetetive \ bad.

have I gone back in fucking time

What the fuck are you talking about? Why isn't original Quake an e-sport today? Because it isn't viable, it started the e-sport scene, but its not good enough and lacks depth. That is why Quake Champions is made. Fuck off retard, you are clueless about the e-sport scene. Life time long Quake pro players are behind Quake Champions and give direct feedback during design, retard.

>Because it isn't viable
It's not viable because kids and casuals constitute most of the market today and decide to play Overwatch or Counter Strike, not because it's not mechanically sound.

The end of this year and Q1 next year is going pretty great.

Persona 5
Scale Bound

Of course some might disappoint. But they actually have a chance. Horizon will be trash though. No idea why anyone is hyped for that. Killzone devs have yet to prove themselves.

>Project 2: A reboot/new idea from previous franchise
Please please please be an Armored core game, or even better an AC ge with rpg elements

The only thing people had a problem with MGS V with was the story. Wich was confirmed rushed by all the Konami bull shit that took place.

nice repost
at least you removed resident evil garbage

How about repetetive and grindy gameplay and non-existent level design, huh?

i hope ni-oh does well

>interactive movies like the last of cucks

the last of us has gameplay with short bursts of cinematics as opposed to most kojima 'games', yet there you listed another kojima movie

No, you have no clue what you are talking about, original quake has lower entertainment value than quake champions. You don't understand what makes an e-sport, e-sport = entertainment value, how many people are willing to watch it and play it.

The top 3 e-sports are Dota2, LoL and CS:GO.

Overwatch won't become a legit e-sport because it is not fun to watch, it is fun to play, but watching it is cancer and way too chaotic/random. It doesn't entertain people.

If you went to Quake con and saw Quake Champions, you would see that it was a lot more entertaining to watch than older quake games. As for being fun to play, that is up for you to decide once you test the game.

A 3 sec wall hack on a 45 second cooldown doesn't make the game a class based hero shooter, Visor got raped 90% of the time he used the wall hack, if you can't aim and move properly, which is open to all the champions, then you won't do shit. It is nothing like Overwatch where I can get a solo quadra kill by pressing Q and using my ultimate ability.

It will most likely be Armored core.

>Quake Champions


>god tier games
>Death Stranding

>seriously believing that a Quake reboot will unseat GO or ASSFAGGOTS


FFXV is currently a butchered downgraded piece of shit for the console and won't make it to the list. If they remake the PC version with all the content they had to remove like Hajime Tabata said, then I will research it again.

Nier already on the list.

Zelda is garbage nostalgia milking for nintendrone eternal manchildren, so it won't get on the list by default, no mario, zelda, kirby, pokemon games will ever get on the list, nitendrones are cancer, so is nintendo.

I'll research Persona 5 and Scale Bound after I am done with Ace Combat 7, thanks for the suggestions.

Uncreative garbage copy of Dark Souls without any of the aesthetics or grasping world setting, copy paste character design of Geralt for the protag, doesn't look promising at all.

What is there to hate about it?

You just hate Kojima?

We shall see :)

Stop posting to everyone with your shit opinions

Let's get this out here right now. I'm a 23 year old law graduate with an IQ of 155. My political beliefs are liberal and leftist, I listen to Metal and I enjoy violent movies, books and videogames, and I've been a Christian since birth. Baptised, confirmed of my own free will, son of a priest (who are pretty notorious for rebelling against their father's religious beliefs just for the sake of it). I'm part of the Anglican Church of England, which is pretty much the result of Henry the 8th getting pissed off with the catholics not allowing him to divorce his wife(s). We're the state religion of the UK, if you could even say the UK has one, we're pretty liberal about most things, women priests, gay priests, homosexuals in general, sex before marriage, contraception, we take the modern, reasonable way of looking at all of them. At the end of the day, the Bible taught us about forgiveness and being excellent to one another. It had a bit of a round-about way of doing it but what do you expect for a 2000 year old book written entirely by clerical males? It's gonna be a bit out of date, you've gotta read it in context.

Konami shill detected. kys faggot.

haha check out this fucking weeaboo

Spess Hulk Deathwing

>Zelda is garbage nostalgia milking for nintendrone eternal manchildren, so it won't get on the list by default

Funny, that it will probably overshadow everything mentioned on the list so far. In terms of popularity and acclaim.

>Death Stranding
>I masturbate to cinematics
We don't even know what gameplay looks like.

Nigger it's augmented vision, get your cyberpunk terms right pleb.


It's Kojima. He's more ambitious than anyone else.

Besides maybe the Rockstar games.

>not a corporate

Rising Storm 2: Rise Harder

Ambitious doesn't mean results.

The fact that he's going to make big project right away because his friends convinced him doesn't sound good either.

>ctrl+F "Deathwing"
>1 match

Worst thread I've seen on Sup Forums in months. Everyone except that one guy immidiately go back to plebbit or wherever you came from


>didn't even know about p5 scalebound or Ace Combat 7 till now

>I warned you

Oh thank god you were here to single handedly save us all from NMS. The majority of Sup Forums hasn't been shitting on that game for years, nope, thank you so much kind user.

Kys faggot, nobody here cares.

>Zelda is garbage
t.butthurt sonyggers and pcucks


Forza Horizon 3

>>- Quake Champions
As much as I'd like this to be true, I doubt it will be.

Yes, the file masses and low IQ subhumans like garbage games like pokemon go, angry birds, mario, zelda etc. Eternal manchildren, low IQ mongrels.

They don't meddle with Kojima like Konami you subhuman motherfucker, Kojima has full creative freedom this time.

I had to research other games and stuff, my research is time consuming, because I don't half ass my research.

>Next Zelda game
>You can now change the colors of your clothes!

Nintendrones will eat it up, sad pathetic excuse for a human.

I just want to see somebody in real life who is older than 18 playing zelda, pokemon, kirby or some other nintedo eternal manchild garbage. I will bash his or her face in, I don't care if I go to jail, the satisfaction will be worth it. When he or she is on the ground, I I will jump on his or her face, yelling YAHOOOOOO ITSAME MARIOOOOOOOOOO!

Please enlighten me as to what a good game is

Obduction comes out in like four days you chode.

what the fuck are you talking about two of those are established franchises and if its made by Platinum you know what your getting

Individual games need individual research from the start without bias, I told you, I have a high IQ and take my time and dedication when it comes to research, I don't half ass it.

Depends on the genre or game and how well it executes the gameplay of said genre.

The game probably won't even come out till 2019 or beyond. Not like he's rushing into anything.

Insomniac Spidey game

What's considered a low IQ?

But my dear user that is simply retarded. I mean why would you hype up anything purely based on hand-picked promotional material and unsubstantiated promises.

Only games you can be hyped for in that list are Cyberpunk 2077 and From Softs next title. All others developers have released some form shit in the recent past or are working under a publisher that can fuck everything up on a whim and dont deserve the consumers trust.

Anything below 110 = subhuman.
110-120 = acceptable.
120-130 = decent.
130+ = good.