Sup Forums says GB micro is the shit

>Sup Forums says GB micro is the shit.
>Buy one.
>It's just shit.

What the fuck? How are you supposed to use this pieces of shit? My eyesight is good, but I can't see shit on it and I get handcramps after 5 minutes of playing.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_razor

how did you take that picture?

>listening to Sup Forums
that's what you get

I have three hands

he found it on google you aut

You're supposed to play it with a magnifying glass

Why didn't you just get a SP, DS, 3DS, PSP, PS Vita or even your phone to play the GBA games?

who's telling the truth?


So you have three hands? Weird.

>buys gameboy micro
>surprised everything is too small

What were you expecting?

They were aimed at children. People talking fondly of it is all nostalgia based. You fucked up OP.

I agree. The thing is unusable. The screen is way to small and so are the buttons.

>"How are you supposed to use this pieces of shit?"

Go on a diet, ham hands. The micro is great.

But not if you want to use the link cable. Or backwards compatibility.

OP I'm stoned as fuck and I can tell you right now RIGHT NOW that the GBA Micro was fucking shit, and may quite possibly be the only unified thing that Sup Forums can actually agree on.

The only people who discuss it are people who love it as a technological concept and for a time of days gone bye where companies could afford to do bullshit like this.

The GBA Micro can uniquely unite Sup Forums in it's utter shittiness. It is one of the worst designed handhelds ever and might actually hold the key to curing cancer, if only anyone could read the damn screen.

My parents got me one of these when I was a kid, and then returned it for a proper GBA when they saw how fucking ridiculous it was.

Fuck the GBA Micro.

>smaller screen version of an already VERY small device
>muh dpi
You done trusting Sup Forums?

>Trusting Sup Forums

>a time of days gone bye where companies could afford to do bullshit like this.

Not familiar with the Canadian Wii, are you?

t. skinnyfat faggot

the only reason that thing didn't sell was because it wasn't worth hacking

big stuff

I was going to buy one before I heard they took the Gamecube controller ports out, shit looks comfy

You should have been able to tell after just looking at it that the "Micro is great!" meme was just a joke.

That looked so great, but it was stupid to remove even the component video support. Am I supposed to play like with 1990 technology, Nintendo?

You're listening to the wrong Sup Forums then. I only saw a minority praise that thing. Most people here will recommend an SP or DS for GBA games.