He uses Adept on anything that isn't CB or GL

>He uses Adept on anything that isn't CB or GL

Monster Hunter thread

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>he uses adept
nice baby mode faggot
Guild/striker SnS reporting in, I'm the most vanilla you can be

How come I never manage to GET first post.

>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.

>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.

>he uses adept GL
goddamn gaijin hunter meme-shitting this onto everyone.

enjoy 40% less fullbursts than guild, on top of losing an art.

Is adept actually still easy mode if you bring cats solo? I tried adept LS and I was dodging shit left and right and getting max deeps red but when I brought my 2 cats, it was just infuriating.

You guys gonna buy her porn right?

>5 fingers

No but I'm gonna watch it on Sadpanda.

Cats are generally bad for everyone but gunners, and even then it can fuck up with your aiming because the monster turns the other way because one of your cats farted too loud.

The biggest benefit is that gunners can take double bomb cats for shenanigans but that's about it. Otherwise, they're just there for buffs and to be distractions. Now, I'm not calling them crutches but they hurt more than help in certain situations. Adept anything, GS anything, and Hammer anything come to mind because you need to control/predict the monster as accurately as possible to get the most out of those weapons/styles.

If your cats are in the way, consider a support bias cat that knows Camouflage to minimize distraction.


>Finally made my set of Ceanataur armor
>Upgraded it as high as I can at the moment
>Gemmed in 2 Experts to get CritEye+2
>Gemmed in an extra ThunderRes to negate the negative thunder res from the armor
Oh you better fucking believe I'm ready for this shit.

Will MH EVER be on consoles again?


Anyone up for a silver rathalos hunt? Just need 2 scales to finish upgrading my squire lance.

3DSes are not consoles?

Most likely no. It's a Japan-based game (as in, the market majority of demand comes from Japan, not just that it's made there), and Japan prefers mobile gaming over any other platform.

Also 3U on Wii U sold like shit relative to the 3DS versions. Capcom was not pleased with the results.

Will the NX be a console?

b-but muh official render and ancestery

It's too bad they online minimize, not eliminate distraction. I just want them to fuck around while I fight monsters solo.

no, because of anime

she looks so fucking alien out of game

that's a big guy

You need much more than weird hands to turn me off.

what the fuck

I use adept CB for the charged slash GP which should honestly be a fucking GP for guild as well. You literally hold your shield out the same way, only it has no GP in guild. It's god damn retarded.

So why does the Palico Ranch head not have the usual Palico accent/pun speak?

Is he mentally retarded or evolved?


Give back my 4U CB
What the fuck is wrong with Gen CB ? I'm charging to red shield but there is NO RED SHIELD

yes there is

he's a city-slicker or something like that, so he doesn't have a pun accent

It makes it too broken and abusive, which is why Adept balances this out by making your regular blocks super shitty even with red shield.

Yes it's confirmed

Is toka armor worth it

He grew up with humans so his language hasn't been corrupted.

They changed it so you can't get red shield unless you started it up in Axe Mode first. They also changed it so red is better for blocking but yellow is better for KO damage

MHO looks damn good but it's janky as fuck animation and combat wise, damn shame too

The hunter literally holds the shield in front of his face, it's just so dumb that they didn't at least change the guild modes animation to reflect it not being a GP. I can deal with using adept for it, but in mh5 if adept is canned, it better be a normal GP even if they have to tone it's duration a little.

>posting World of Chinese Proxy Hunter
It looks good, and I wish I could play it without lagging like a motherfucker. Or pretending to not be a filthy American.

But lets be real here, user. Unless Japan ditches mobile gaming and everyone goes PC master race, that's not happening.

My chinese friend keeps telling me that it's fine and plays exactly the same when I complained. The fucking block with shield doesn't even have any impact animation. A rathian can tain spin and you block with your shield and you'll feel NOTHING.

Is it worth it to relearn the weapon or should I just stick to SnS

I mean, it's moveset is entirely the same. You just do RX > XA > R instead of XA > XA > R to get red shield from sword mode.

Thanks fàm, I'll try it in training mode and see if I still like it or not

it's still technically in beta so I guess there's a chance it could get better in that department

one can only dream

Now is it me or are Timeworn charms overall worse than usual in MHGen?

>no G rank
>no god skills besides deviants
what do you think


Plenty of Timeworn charms were perfectly usable in G Rank since they were balanced around it.

It's called balance you autistic fuck. Guild Mode already has the strongest guard and most combo options of the four styles, not to mention that it already has three guard points on it. It isn't even that hard when you can just shift to axe for an guard point. Striker CB has a guard point on the fucking dash attack when it visibly doesn't make any sense in order to make up for the more simplified moveset, are you saying that it shouldn't be there because the animation doesn't make sense?

Doesn't sound too likely if the Japs went from MH4 to MH4G.

Yes, I'm saying they should change the animation to fit the fact that guild doesn't have it as a GP and the fact that the striker forward dash attack is a GP. It's just another case of capcom being lazy. Also take a chill pill lol

Alright so how the fuck do I 'properly' deal with Glavenus because I know I have to get those fucking Hellblade weapons eventually

That tail of his can stop you from getting close, he bounces around a lot, and the bite either has some serious tracking or a large hitbox and you can't super armor through it like with Deviljho because almost everything he does knocks you back

You think you have it bad? Go look at the gunlance's animations someday.

When he sidesteps he's probably going to follow up with a lunging bite. He can also do a turn bite, which I believe he follows up with a bite.

When he prepares the big tailspin, either get behind him or get as far away as possible.

When he does the tailslam dodge sideways, twice if he does the two slams.

If he does the tailspin which creates a fireball (explosion for Hellblade), try and get to whatever side the tail started on, so if he drags from the right get to the right of him and vice versa.

Or just use adept and dodge through everything, I'm not gonna judge

>Sidesteps as the possible tell

That's probably where I was going wrong.

Adept does not work overly well with GS, it's probably a good thing

I thought konpeto died

Stick to his blind spots
Don't get hit

Loli artists never die.

feels good man

>Monster is knocked down
>Attack sub-optimal spot that isn't taken to avoid getting tripped or knocked by others
>Hammer user comes running up from behind with an uppercut or starts to golfswing

yama is still my favorite elder dragon
Will we ever see him again in the mainline?

>play hammer
>monster is knocked down
>head becomes trip city
>move somewhere with something I could break
>gunlance blows me across the map

>Monster Hunter Stories featuring inbred Felyne

>play with HH, IG and a cat
>put stamina lube for the HHer
>keep attacking tail with para sns
>eventually para the monster but stay attacking in the tail area
>suddenly everyone is attacking the tail part
>look at the HHer
>he's also swinging with us at the tail but not using the cutting hilt attack

Should I make a head/tail hierarchy infographic or something

I mean yeah it should be common sense but a lot of people just don't know better

Please do, being a hammer user is suffering.

Do it. That seems fun.

I've been using, of course, the Bulldrome and jaggi mix while working through the village quests. I always finish offline before going to the hub quests. Is 6* village considered high rank? Regardless, what's a good set to start high rank with? I've heard Glavenus, but don't want to bother if the one I just killed Is considered low rank.

Sorry, I don't have my 3DS right now.

>playable different species when?
>option to alter height when?
>option to customize animations for actions when? (The "yeah" pose for drinking potions for example.)
>transmog for gear so you can be a fashion hunter with actual decent skills when?

Don't bother. The only people who would be enlightened by the info are randoms who don't even come on here. Maybe on reddit.

Everyone here knows, it's just that if they are gemmed for Weakness Exploit and Crit Boost and don't attack the head/weak spot, they are wasting skills.

Best theme/atmosphere/monster hunt coming through


someone explain to me how to properly abuse guardpoints

>Hammer user aiming at the feets
>Tell him to aim the head when the hunt finishes
>"U do that"
>Craft the best hammer I can afford at that moment (the kutku hammer) and score 3 stuns in 15 minutes

It's not that hard, you wait the enemy to attack and then you attack.

No. 6* village is a mix of both high rank and low rank. High rank 6* quests are denoted by an "Advanced:" prefix.

The best set to start high rank with is the current set you are using right now. Upgrade its defence with spheres if you're getting oneshotted. Depending on your weapon, you then go for either Glavenus S if you need Sharpness + 2, or Ceanataur for Razor Sharp and Crit, or Rathalos S for AUL and Tenderizer, then you can start looking into Hayabusa + Silver Sol for Crit, Crit Boost and Tenderizer with a natural white weapon.

monster rush at you, you guard point, AED burst during his recovery. Rinse and repeat until he's KO, maxmode him to death during stun, and start from step 1 until ded

The best atmosphere in the hunt doesn't even come from a battle theme.



do I need guard 2 for that or something?
I run guard 1 and my blocks get knocked back even with the red charge.

What's that song that blatantly rips off the build of Superman?

Is it just the main theme?

Well what about that one felyne in MH4U who had no felyne accent. He seemed to be one of the top shits. I think it's like a top cat thing

aerial and adept trivialize literally everything. goddamn this game is shit.

Then don't use them and stop whining

Does doing the wrong type of damage still 'contribute' to it?

As in, tails need to be cut, of course, but will a hammer user bashing on it contribute to the threshold at which point you can cut it?

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

>character raises shield during run in shell attack
>no autoguard
>character raises shield during wyvern fire
>no autoguard
>character raises shield, and then braces themselves by crouching behind the shield during dragon blast
>no autoguard


Man GL guardpoints would be pretty fucking dope along with less animation lock

Finally beat Hr7 keys and got rank unlocked

Finally taking a small break

Then stop using them faggot

Let's see what quests I have left to do

>Hunt a Rajang
>Hunt 2 Rajang
>Hunt 3 Rajang


Because fuck you that's why

>Hunt 3 Blangongas
>I'm a hammer user


>using just one weapon

What a tool

i dont even use them.

>gunlance will never get the revamp that it needs

aw nuts

So as a draft, top being highest priority for the head and assuming it's the weakspot on a monster that isn't too big or small

Either prone to getting tripped if trying to golfswing or knocking people away
Can still do a lot of KO damage with burst attacks, needs to be careful with those wide reaching attacks
>HH, SnS
Innate super armor, can compliment each other if they are careful
Will go for weakest raw hitzone it can get, can still compliment most of the above if it's the head
Aiming down the monster's lines for pierce, needs clear shot for crag KOs and status
Get your red nectar and go

Then there's the rest

So how's this shit for now?

Also how does Evasion+1/2 interact with Bubble?

>decide to try soloing guild seltas queen
>Struggle but beat her w/o carting, took 27 mins
>go back to village, solo the advanced seltas queen
>Less of a struggle, she goes down actually easily, 11 mins
>Check kiranico
>Village seltas only has 1500 less hp than guild seltas

What the fuck?

Shouldn't you have hunted enough rajangs in Rajang Hunter 4GQ to get used to them by now?

What style and art for HH?