Created a whole new bunch of faux-"Metroid" fans who believe that Metroid should be a shitty slow FPS

>Created a whole new bunch of faux-"Metroid" fans who believe that Metroid should be a shitty slow FPS
>Totally gimped a huge majority of iconic weapons and upgrades
>What wasn't gimped was totally removed because "it can't be done in 3D" even though Other M did it perfectly (see: Screw Attack, Speed Boost, etc)
>Character designs are fucking garbage and bland, could have been made by literally any western games company. Have zero personality or charm like the Japanese designs

And people continue to think the Prime games are "true" Metroid games and Other M isn't. These are the same faggots that begged for more Prime shit, resulting in Fedora Force instead of a traditional and real Metroid game.

Prime is to Metroid what fucking Metal Gear Survive is to MGS - a spin off, and a shitty one at that.

nah it's gud

“The beams are wave-shaped and are stronger than normal beams.”
"The beam travels in a wave shape. It is a very powerful beam and has a wide range of effect."
"The Wave Beam sends out a charge in a wavy pattern and pierces some obstacles."
“Shoot through obstacles with this undulating beam.”
>Zero Mission
This allows Samus to fire beams of energy waves that penetrate solid objects."
>Other M
"Adds the ability to penetrate transparent and semi-transparent objects.”

>Prime's wrong definition
"The Wave Beam fires powerful electric bolts. This weapon has a limited homing capability.”

Plasma Beam

“This extremely powerful weapon fires a beam that can even penetrate the solid walls.”
“The most powerful of all the beams can destroy several targets at once.”
“This beam passes through enemies, hitting multiple targets.”
>Zero Mission
"This powerful beam can blast through multiple enemies."
>Other M
“Adds the ability to pass through enemies to Samus's beam.”

>Prime's wrong definition
“The short-range Plasma Beam launches streams of molten energy that can ignite some enemies and melt ice.”

>other m is a true metroid game unlike prime because samus gotta go fast
l think you had metroid confused with sonic the hedgehog you autistic cocksucker

Space Jump

“With this item Samus can jump continuously through the air while spin jumping.”
“With the Space Jump Boots, Samus can jump continuously in the air and fly through open areas.”
"Perform consecutive Spin Jumps. With practice, it's possible to use the propulsion to "fly"."
>Zero Mission
"Somersault continually in the air. Use A mid-somersault to jump again."
>Other M
"Press 2 during a spin jump to perform another spin jump.”

Doesn't exist, have to make do with a shitty double jump

>Not liking both 2D Metroid games & Metroid Prime
Shit opinion that I have a hard time respecting.

Screw Attack

"This super strong Power Item spins in flight to attack the enemy. Samus's armor flashes during a screw attack."
“This allows Samus to destroy enemies she contacts while spinning through the air."
“When the Screw Attack is activated, Samus can somersault into enemies and blast them out of the air."
"Hit enemies with Spin Jumps to cause damage."
>Zero Mission
"Obtaining this power-up gives Samus the ability to damage enemies by jumping into them.”
>Other M
“Sends energy waves out from Samus's body while spin-jumping that causes damage to nearby enemies."

Some gimped piece of shit where you can jump 3 times in a single direction. Has no use in combat.

Speed Booster

"These boots allow Samus to run at a super high speed and make her invincible as she runs through enemies.”
"Dash at supersonic speeds and crash through certain barriers and enemies. Press and hold the Control Pad in the direction you want to dash."
>Zero Mission
"With this power-up, Samus is able to dash at supersonic speeds and crash through certain barriers and enemies.”
>Other M
"Press and hold +* and move in a single direction for a certain period of time to start to run fast. You can also cause damage to enemies that you run into."

Doesn't exist because "w-we don't know how to make it work in 3D!!!"

>Screw Attack
yeah maybe you should go back there Bob, it's clearly you.

Did you think anyone would take this bait?

>screw attack
>not in prime
>is in prime 2

I was talking about the shitty Prime series as a whole.

>worthless in combat
>actually works on bosses and can kill them incredibly quickly

You have to be 18 to post here.

Not to defend him since I like the Prime games a lot but even if it does rape them I don't think it was exactly intended to be used on bosses, especially on the final boss.


OP is gay and all but I really don't like how the Primes force you to get so many power ups just to complete it.
The linearity comes off as very un-Metroid.
I'm a quarter into Prime 2 and its great, but between it and the first one I'd say they're like 75% Metroid 25% Zelda.

But they're also the best Zeldas I've played in 16 years so...

There is one big difference between Prime and Other M.

Prime is good.
Other M is a downright abortion

>>Character designs are fucking garbage and bland, could have been made by literally any western games company. Have zero personality or charm like the Japanese designs
That is such bullshit.

For starters, Samus herself gets some of the best designs she's ever had, 2 in particularly having one of the best versions of the Varia Suit, in addition to the Dark Suit and the Light Suit.

And then there's some of the best Space Pirate designs in the series (particularly in the second game), the Luminoth, various creatures and other enemies in the series, Dark Samus, etc.

You literally cannot talk about character design while shitting on the Prime games, while trying to prop up Other M. That game was utterly bland and lifeless when it came to character design.

>Other M
- fast paced
- emphasis on action and constantly moving forward
- Melee attacks and finishing moves felt incredibly satisfying
- unnerving and mysterious setting
- suspenseful, atmospheric soundtrack
- all iconic power ups from the Metroid series featured and work as they should
- character and enemy designs which were consistent with those from previous games
- story was related to the events of the other games in the main series

>Prime games
- incredibly slow paced
- first person, don't feel like you are controlling Samus
- too much emphasis on solving "puzzles"
- incredibly boring and tedious bosses
- inconsistent and incredible generic designs all over. Could be a part of any "space game"
- shitty "upbeat" soundtrack for the most part (some exceptions like Phazon Mines)
- irrelevant story to the main Metroid story
- missing power ups and techniques which are iconic to the series (Space Jump, Speed Boost, Shinespark)
- Most weapons and power ups are gimped beyond belief (Can only screw attack in one direction for a limited number of times, Plasma Beam shoots fire and has limited range)

Prime samus looks ugly everything thing else looks fine

>- story was related to the events of the other games in the main series

>metroid designs should be serious, generic and realistic! not imaginative and recognisable!

Fuck off kid.

Prime doesn't require any more power ups to beat than any other Metroid, and Prime 2 is inferior to the first one.


>recommending the original Metroid as a "must-play"

If you're trying to scare people away intentionally, good job.

>I have never played a Metroid game.png

Retro's garbage artwork is literally the definition of "over designed".

What if I enjoyed

both ????????????

>so much bait, samefagging, and/or underage posters

>- fast paced
>- emphasis on action and constantly moving forward

Yeah because all those walking sections, pixel hunts, and unskippable cutscenes just screamed "fast-paced".

Are you having a giggle m8?

better than the bland shit of Other M

liking both is not a problem.

it's probably bait due to defending Other M

>Murrica gets Metroid
>first thing it does is remove color from Samus's armor

Like pottery

appart from mario i have never seen a game series that made the jump from 2d to 3d as well as metroid did.
fucking prime 1 still holds up in terms of atmosphere and graphics.

Your edit of this chart is shit.

Are you implying those designs don't look fucking garbage?

Prime feels nothing like 3D Metroid though. It's more similar to Zelda.

Just like how SM64 feels nothing like 3D Mario. OoT was the only one that did it right the first time.

2 things:
1. I didn't make it
2. Are you pissed that Other M is at the bottom, like it deserves to be?

they look cool

I think he's referring to the fact that Zero Mission and the original Metroid got swapped.

Show me where color is removed from the armor. Cuz it seems to me that they just have different color palettes.

They fucking don't, unless you prefer pic-related.

>recommending gay fanmade shit


OP's post is bait, dumbass. Get your head in the fucking game here.


I disagree.

>>recommending gay fanmade shit

I would recommend AM2R over Other M any day of the week

The Other M design is sleek and stylish and reminiscent of the original Samus design.

Prime is just "let's add spikes here, let's add this here, let's overdesign the fuck out of the entire thing"

While I do enjoy the original Metroid title, Zero Mission is much more of a must-play title, and a way better introduction to the series.

Good job assuming I was the Other M fag though.

>OP's post is bait, dumbass. Get your head in the fucking game here.
No, shit, Sherlock. That's implying I care.

Anything praising Other M and putting down the Prime games needs to be put down itself.

I don't think any game has ever damaged its franchise so much.

>Prime space pirates are Bayformers style
>came out years before Transformers 2007 was a twinkle in Michael's golden toilet

bait an gay

>I don't think any game has ever damaged its franchise so much.

prime ruined the franchise 10000x more than other M did.

>The Other M design is sleek and stylish and reminiscent of the original Samus design.
The arm cannon is a fucking dog dick.


Who said I would recommend Other M?

You can't argue with bait, moron. You just call it bait and move on.

Fusion also deserves to be a recommended title.

I can assure you the graphics do not hold up one bit in the first game.
It's the art direction and aesthetics that hold up so much that you can ignore the AWFUL graphics in Prime 1.

Every time the game gets close to Samus you can see the weird, nasty attempt at a texture on her suit which a blurry pixelated mess.
Enemies up close all look bad except for the Sheogoth somehow.

Prime 2 confused me with how much better it looks, it adds a sheen to her suit, better particles on her charge beam, all the darkness effects look great, there's also bloom and some decent physics engine, and even the animation quality got way better.

In two years on the same hardware they made a hell of a leap.

nice bait

Is this the ACfag that everyone always bitches about in Metroid threads?

>I don't think any game has ever damaged its franchise so much.
Sonic '06


But Sonic was already a wreck by the time that game came out.

>sleek and stylish and reminiscent of the original Samus design.
So it's safe to assume you've never seen the original design?

He's really not baiting, though. At a glance it looks like it holds up, but look a little closer and you can see the pixelated textures.

I enjoyed both Prime and Super but Prime is a better series of games.
>better atmosphere
>more fun bosses
>better level variety
>can actually have different types of beams rather than simply "beam, missile, super missile"
>has more fun Morph Ball sections
>atmosphere is about the same though I'd say Super does the creepy atmosphere better while Prime has a wider variety of atmospheres

>holding up the combat vof a metroid game as how the series should be represented

You are doing it completely wrong

Not really, it was declining but '06 really fucked it completely.

No because he would suddenly jump into a thread claiming that everyone loved Other M despite the thread proving him wrong.

>I don't think any game has ever damaged its franchise so much.
Bomberman Act Zero
Dragon Quarter

and all were bad games


Sonic had been a joke to the general public for almost 10 years before '06 hit. '06 didn't hurt it that much except in the eyes of die hard fans.

Which is exactly what you did in Super.

fucking kek

The game looks fine.



I don't like fps Metroid games much myself, but the Prime games are much better than Other-M. 2-D Metroid Prime game when?


I never get tired of that shitpost image.

All Prime fanboys do now is whine about change and I hope the irony isn't lost on them.

I didn't much care for the Prime series. Metroid was never something I played to read a bunch of scanning lore, it was a lot slower than the 2D games, platforming was worse as a result of the speed and viewpoint, and the combat was for the most part lock-on circle strafe.

The super fanboys were whining about change way before the prime fanboys though.

this desu

>M1,M2, SUPER M, & ZM


Sakamoto Waifu Fanfiction Tier


Can you blame them? Super invented a genre. Prime is just another stale FPS in a market flooded with them.


You're still doing this?

Federation Force is a better Metroid game than Other M.

the games had screw attack.

I'm practically done with my Prime play through and I do feel that even though it's pretty obviously a Metroid game, it's also pretty obviously influenced by different people.

The bosses are super bland, the enemies are just annoying in general and not really a challenge, and the puzzling is sub-par. I'm not even going to mention the atrocious lift system.

I'm having a good time playing it, but it definitely doesn't have that Metroid feeling to it.

And then the Prime fanboys turned into the whiny nostalgia babies that they used to make fun of.

Metroid Prime was great in almost all aspects.

Metroid Prime 2 was frustrating shit, broke the core gameplay (exploration) with a shitty gimmick, and forcefully had you to visit every area 3 times, making exploration a chore, and that's if you don't count the dark world.

Metroid Prime 3 was better than 2 but worse than 1. Because of the added fast travel ability, they made levle design into almost linear strips with 1-2 short "bonus branches" instead of an interconnected world. And god forbid, you actually try to explore shit, because after 10 minutes of poking around, Aurora Unit will start kindly reminding you (every 2 minutes) about your goal and won't allow you to do shit until you press 2 and watch it showing that gola to you on the map for 2 minutes of unskippable menu navigation.

It sure seems that way. I don't see the point in taking sides. I enjoyed both games but happened to enjoy Prime more.

Only Prime and Super are must-play.
Zero Mission is recommended, it's strictly better than the original and the original is included in the game anyway.
Then swap Fusion with Metroid II, remove Corruption from recommended and it's alright.

I'm impressed OP, I didn't think I'd live long enough to see bait this low of a calibre. Here I thought humanity couldn't possibly sink this low just for a couple of shitty (You)s.

No you didn't you fucking idort

Prime is to Metroid what MGS is to Metal Gear. Deal w/ it.

How am I supposed to get up here?

>too much emphasis on solving "puzzles"
I bet you hate reading books, too.

It turns out taking a niche franchise and splitting it up between two groups that never interact with each other is actually a really bad idea.

Both Retro and Sakamoto needed to make more of an effort in making their games more consistent with one another.

Other M ignoring Prime was a mistake, it alienated the bulk of the audience for no gain at all. Would it really have killed them just to take a handful of Prime enemies and put them in Other M?

At the same time Prime was moving further and further away from what makes Metroid what it is. Star Wars shit has no place in Metroid and someone needed to tell Tanabe/Retro that no, big capital ship space battles don't belong in this setting.

>w-we don't know how to make it work in 3D!!!
It "worked" in Other M because every run was a straight or curved line with very little verticality. Retro knew enough not to sacrifice their entire level design philosophy for one mediocre powerup.

What the fuck did you do

99% of people have zero fun in the original metroid

95% of people have zero fun in Metroid 2

Both above zero mission and fusion, which is compared to pinball, are you shitting me

Then trilogy is described as an improvement, but lower than all the prime game individually

Regarding the second post, the Feds might want cold resistant Metroids without them becoming fuckoff huge dinosaurs.

When "puzzles" start bleeding into the boss fights, you know there's a problem.


So stale bait i'm not even bothering to let you have an (you)

I feel like Prime effectively split Metroid into 2 halves. I didn't care much for the sequels but the first one is a Metroid game through and through. Metroid is about exploring dangerous alien worlds alone and Prime met those requirements. Everyone knew Metroid was going to have to progress into the 3D plain in order to keep up. Prime was the best case scenario Nintendo could have hoped for.

not even leaving (You)'s