Should I buy No Mans Sky, Overwatch or Fallout 4?

Should I buy No Mans Sky, Overwatch or Fallout 4?
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fuck off

if you were serious then overwatch

Overwatch is the only good game of the list but it's only if you look for a multi-player game only.

If you want some open world you should pick up Witcher 3 or New Vegas.

No man's sky should be no man's buy

Fallout 4 if you really don't have any other open world rpg left to play.

Overwatch if you want to play an online only game game. But don't pay more than 40 dollars.

>game you can torrent
>actually decent game that you CANT torrent
>game you can torrent
gee i wonder think.......

None of these games are good, what are you doing?

I didn't like FO4, but Overwatch and NMS is pretty cool. 11 hours into NMS and it's decent. Fun to explore and get carried away but Sup Forums jumps on every new game hate band wagon hoping to be part of Tortanic 2.

>A waste of potential
>Shitty game that takes at least 3-5 games to have done everything IN that game.
>Shit game that has barely any replayablity

its up to you


I hate NMS, i am im a grey zone with fallout.

But even though i am on shaky grounds with OW.

I'd say buy OW.

Who knows even i might like it oneday.

No Man's Sky and Fallout 4 are equally shitty.

I guess Overwatch would be the least bad game out of that bunch so go with that if you absolutely have to buy one of them


All these games trigger Sup Forums you knew what you were doing

Just bit the bullet on the Doom for 20$ and glad I did. The singleplayer is gud as expected and multiplayer is also surprisingly fun

Was there ever a doubt that Alain was gonna win?

None of those games. No a single one. Overwatch is overrated. (i never bought the game or played it)

You can pirate fallout and ow is really fun

Forget no mans meme purchase Fallout 4 and while you're at it remember to pre-order The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition.

Just like Ash, you lose either way with those games.

get firewatch so you can play all 3 at the same time

pirate NMS and Fallout 4, do what you will with overwatch, not interested in it myself

None of those are good. But considering NMS is unplayable and Overwatch is one of the worst shooters ever made, Fallout 4 is the best you're going to get. Why not wait a few days for Mankind Divided to come out?

>Ash Ketchum will NEVER EVER win a championship

How does this make you feel Sup Forums?

a little frustrated

nms seems bad not sure i havent played, overwatch is a casual game you'll get bored after like a month probably, fallout isnt that bad

Get No Man's Sky, its well made and fun

said no one ever