Out of the blue, a magical midget appears in your vidya and let's you call yourself but from the past...

Out of the blue, a magical midget appears in your vidya and let's you call yourself but from the past, your 10 years ago self
What would you tell yourself? Keep it vidya

how in god's cock are you supposed to keep this scenario strictly vidya

Don't buy that ecksbawks, keep mooching off your friends' consoles.

Buy Riot shares

just off urself my man it really isn't worth it

Dodongo dislikes smoke

dont get hyped for VR.
its a fad like 3d

Don't flush San Andreas down the toilet

First post is always the best post


Don't go to Sup Forums

Or Sup Forums

Or play MMOs

In fact, I'd just break my computer

Don't play vidya and do something with your life before its too late.

your a faget

Don't get hyped up for the Metal Gear series, it only gets worse in each game.

Don't save until your faggot cousin get's his hands off of the memory card.

Try and throw all your money at Notch to invest in Minecraft

Fuck videogames I wanna be rich

Find a way to invent minecraft

Save Harambe

When you are 15 do NOT sell your ps2 and all of your games (among other things). You will regret it if you do!

pic synthesis

Buy all the Earthbound copies you can get.
Stop playing games and grow up, spend some time learning and get over your autism.

Don't go on Sup Forums

>Don't buy the Xbox one 5 times in the span of 1 year and return it like you always do. Microsoft's console failed because they can't make video games only dudebro shit save your self the headache

>9 years old
>become addicted to SA on PS2
>play it all day everyday
>just locked in my room all day playing it
>one night my dad was at work working late
>really wanted to spend time with dad but he was working
>realized that i missed so much time with my family playing SA
>put the disc in the toilet and flush (even though it was my older brother's game kek)
>obviously it didnt flush all the way and the game was just fucked forever
>at least i wont be playing SA all day anymore

>get over your autism
That's not how autism works...

Don't open it

Easy, get a good credit card and buy every wii pre-order you can and hock it and be rich.

>about to go tell myself to give up on Spyro because the series will never be great again
>check back on when Spyro 3 was even released
Fuck me. This would've been good to know for my 10-year old self, but 10-years-ago self probably already knew.
I forgot what I was even playing back then. Probably should've told myself to get a proper gaming pc sooner. Getting the ps3 was worth it for Demon's Souls, early Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma, but that ended up being pretty much my entire library with an occasional SotC, Dragon's Crown, and Journey. If I'd gotten into pc gaming sooner I might've been able to experience FFXI while it was still a thing.

>I might've been able to experience FFXI while it was still a thing

Always take out Radiant Dawn from the wii because mom is going to throw the wii away at some point in the future with the game in it. That game gets really expensive

invest in runescape and start a propaganda campaign against WoW and save lore in every game.


Don't sell your consoles

Tell our dad to invest on Nintendo when the Wii launches

(Non vydia) Go to the gym, it isn't as hard as you think. Future you says thanks.

>(Non vydia) Go to the gym, it isn't as hard as you think. Future you says thanks.

Tell him, "You were right, you really weren't going to become anything special so keep playing that vidya and masturbating to hentai."

get a job

this was posted 40 minutes ago and I still don't know what he meant by this

Invest in Apple


10 years ago?

I'd probably tell myself not to play World of Warcraft and instead join a sports team so I don't get fat and ruin my life for the next 10 years.

I'm finally starting to put off the weight but I wish I had done it a long time ago and moreover I wish I had never allowed myself to get fat in the first place, but nobody ever taught me about carbs.

>nobody ever taught me about carbs

do you really need someone to tell you that eating food makes you fat?

>thinks "carbs" are a magical macronutrient that somehow makes you fat more than other macronutrients

not going to make it

If I HAVE to keep it vidya?

Don't back Mighty No 9 and Brawl won't live up to the hype.

When I was younger I was very active so I could eat whatever I wanted and still maintain a nice figure, it was after I started playing WoW 12 hours a day that I never made it outside anymore when I was still eating the same amounts that I got fat.

lost 50 so far, been doing it since the start of the year and only 30 more until I hit my goal

fuck video games and start lifting

stop playing videogames when you go to college, they'll ruin your life and let your gf make her mistakes, you can't fix everybody

>that spoiler
I know what you mean buddy.

I'd tell him the lotto numbers for this particular date and tell him to hold onto it. 10 years ago I was right out of high school, so I'd be smart enough to at least write it down.

Don't try to git gud with DotA. It's completely out of your hands. It's all decided when you pick heroes and since you don't like most of the good ones you'll never win.

Elona is the greatest game of all time but playing it will ruin you on other vidya. Be careful.

Start working out now so I have a better chance of fucking this magical blue midget.

Invent Minecraft

I would tell myself never to start playing WoW. Even though I loved it, I burnt years on it I could have spent working and not being neet


been three years and I'm still getting over it

on the bright side I'm pretty good at Dota

Don't waste money on videogames and just emulate.

>magical midget from the past thread turned into a WOW fatties general

That MGSV will suck, kojima will get fired, metal gear will turn into a zombie game, and that kojima will make a game with the guy from Boondock Saints being naked and crying while holding a baby.

my ex dropped out of college, lives in a party house, and is camwhoring for money to get her property out of the pawn shop. I really feel bad for her life choices and it's sad when I talk to her but god damn it she didn't listen to reason and she's getting what she deserves. no I don't know where she's camming and I'd really rather not

>Don't let mom give away all your old consoles
>Tell dad to invest in apple/Nintendo before Wii/ Samsung/Google
>Play Dota until you're really good at it and try to win millions instead of playing WoW
>Don't stop going to the gym
>Don't bring your PC to college it'll consume your life and you'll miss out on so much