
How is that game going user?

Just passing by to say that if you still want to make that 2D game with multiplayer there are good news for you.

>GMnet engine

With this you have a easy engine for the game and a easy engine for the multiplayer, everything free.

Thanks to all anons that participated in yesterday thread I learned a lot

Other urls found in this thread:

My game is not progressing at all but Im sorta gitting gud at fl studio


Baby steps. But progressing nevertheless

looking good!

maybe you want to work with me in a game, I liked your songs, you do the music! Will message you on tumblr if you are interested

Making a CoC clone but with Pokemon.
Code is done, working on the script and trying to include most sexualized Pokemon.

I do! What kind of game?

check your tumblr

>include most sexualized Pokemon.

I have been working on a gravity simulation. I'm stumped for game ideas though, where's one of those bloody ideas guys when you need them? Bloody slacking wankers,

Anyways, here's the sim:

I need ideas. Just want to make a local pvp game like towerfall or samurai gunn

Made some safe area / town muzak for the game, rest of the game is coming along.

Keep having ideas but realize the practical gameplay would be boring or something I wouldn't play myself. Or way beyond my abilities. Been a vicious cycle for the last year or so, will start laying a base and than realize it sucks.

On the plus side I've learned a hell of a lot and have a better understanding so when I do finally make something it will turn out better.

Athough, fuck screen resolution. For some reason trying to allow the player to set their resolution screws up for me hardcore every time. Happens in Lua too with the Push library.

>can program but can't draw or model for shit, even my stickmen are poorly drawn
What am I supposed to do? People don't play ASCII games unless they're immensily complex. Not the kind of game I'm looking to create

I have an idea but its too big and complex for 3D as an indie dev, it can be done on 2D tho because it would be easier to produce

sounds shit. Maybe it's the reverb. It feels like I'm exploring a cave, not relaxing in a town.

Anyone have any good tutorials for sprite art and using photoshop effects to make UI assets?
I have an idea but the biggest thing stopping me is lack of visual assets.


I went down that road. I'm just making things with shitty squares and circles now until I finally finish something. Figure I'll pay someone or learn it myself after I make the game worth it.

just coded in some special items, including this lamp that summons a jew genie.

>tfw making my own engine for my game
theres no engine that suits my needs

I added footstep sounds depending on what material you're walking on and how fast you're walking, but you can't do sounds in webms so here is what it looks like when you turn the new quality sliders all the way to low

my coding to-do list is getting pretty low now, but there is still a ton of content-related stuff to do even though the demo's scope is pretty small. more sound effects, music, weapon art, level design, etc.

Is there any way to play videos in a GM Studio game? I'm stuck making my game on GM8 because that still lets you play videos. How hard would making an extension to do so be?

I'm not paying $30 for this jew shit by the way:

You put a youtube video link in the game and tell the player to press enter to continue once they've seen the video

>can make pixel art
>can animate said art
>can make sound fx
>can make music

>can't code for shit

pic related

gm is not that hard, its hard to even say its programming

I have an urge to ride a Suzuki

How do I even begin to learn animating something like this

What I did was research a ton of other sprites, study 'em all frame by frame and understand what was done. Try to imitate a bit and then try to make something yourself. Reference is key. Also patience. It took me half this week to make that animation, but with every one that I make, I get better and faster


Added 3 new itens today. felling realy happy.

help me with creative ways to assassinate somebody

Can be literany anything, from poson from a small duck to exploding somebody head with a dildo

I want to contribute to these threads but I'm too worn out to make progress to my game :(



>At work
>Holy shit I'm so pumped up for games right now. So many ideas about how I'd structure my banana spawn manager. Can't wait to get home!
>Eh, too tired, I'll just browse Sup Forums for a few hours

Question about credits: I can put anyone i want into 'special thanks' without having to ask for their permission or anything, right? because i want to put some people who inspired me and shit.

same with me except for the work part.

I'm still alive. I've put D.Va the game on hold to try something new. Spending my time learning to art.

I'm the exact opposite. Do you have an idea?

>pixel """"""""art"""""""

stop kidding yourselves, you just don't have the talent to 3d.

As a test I threw this together in half an hour. Not too bad for scratch at zero art skill, but I should probably do a better version with an actual visual reference.

Does Sup Forums like RPG Maker?

I'm still kinda annoyed that MV only has animated battle sprites for the player characters and not the enemies.
It means I have to draw them totally different from one another.

the music doesn't compliment itself at all, it keeps clashing against itself especially when all the pitched instruments play at the same time. too many chords as well that go nowhere. i don't like the arpeggiating bassline at all, not relaxing one bit.

simplify the chord structure and melodies. it sounds like 3 different parts playing on top of each other.

change the key of the flute and make it a soft piano instead

Just starting on the planning stage for the cemetery stage. what should I put here? I've already got some ideas, but I want Sup Forums's input on it.

Don't do that. You wouldn't want your own name associated with something that was shit without your permission.

good point

>How is that game going user?
Awful. I feel like I have no direction, no clear idea of what I want to make.

I put together a basic framework for a sidescrolling run-n-gun and a simple hack-n-slash, but I can't settle on what to do with them. I feel like I need a deadline or something to be able to function.

forging a letter from your victims father that his mother died and then wait until he kills himself, or just forge it from his wife that she left him

Looks like you have something solid happening at least. Now just pick a unique setting along with some interesting mechanics.

Goblin raiding for food and abducting villagers. Gets progressively more difficult as heroes start appearing. Use the abducted villagers to breed stronger goblins. Other monster races to raid too, try to make a chimera and a goblin master race.

How's GMnet?
Anyone tested it?

good one. thanks user

What should I do to get ideas ?

Do anything but rot on the internet getting instant gratification.


>kirby's dreamland 3 and kirby 64 instruments

Have you considered reality?

stop making these threads every day
go to agdg

Oh my gosh tell me your ways, I need this kind of soundtrack for a game I'm making.

This is probably a really stupid question. But should I sexualize my female characters? It seems like the biggest hit with the kids is borderline pervertedness.

Just do whatever you want.

"sexualizing" isn't a real thing

Who is using Godot and is happy? What have you done? Post progress?

I only smoke weed with friends. Not productive at all and even when I'm on my own, I'd rather do anything than code.

Well all the ideas I get from reality need budget and people. I'm on my own and just want to make money with cheap looking mobile games.

Too late, summer is almost over.

I want to make a first person turn based dungeon crawler like Wizardry or DT. Is that too ambitious for a complete beginner? Is one game making program better than another for this regard?


How does one get good at pixel animatio?? Why isn't there a /v Bible on this??

Haydee hits the right spot where the only sexualized character (to this day) is only the main protagonist. If you make every female in your game a voluptuous thick woman with cowtits and ass it's going to be tiring no matter how much you love THICC.

I'm working on character design things that would theoretically be for a game, but I'm just doing as a creative exercise and not planning to actually do anything with.

How outlandish should the secret characters get? My fourth slot is tied between the golden skeleton of the richest man in the world who was too greedy to part with his money and barters with spirits, and Baba Yaga's House.

You do a rough animation first as always and then you iterate pixelshit on it

You need to understand the basic fundamentals, form in particular

should i give player choice in sex of character or will sjw get mad at me for not having 10 options

Do what you want. If you want to, do it, if you don't then don't.

That said a bit of leg is an easy way to get attention, but if you feel like it's something you need but don't want rather than something you don't need but want something is wrong.

i'm actually somewhat an experienced netcoder for GM. I made a F2P game thats fanbase is mostly angry children who can't even pronounce "portforward" so I was looking for options.

GM Net is cool because its built around a mediation server system, which would let players host their own servers without portforwarding by bouncing off of a java applet you would host yourself. but I wouldn't use it unless you plan on making some really light multiplayer. you also can't really use the mediation server functions to play along with any other multiplayer "wrapper" if that makes sense. (another way to code a mp game)

The thing is though GMNet heavily relies on you synchronize all of your variables and objects, all the time, which is super inefficient. It sacrifices efficiency to make things really simple for you to code. It's GREAT if you're a beginner and want to throw together some simple online multiplayer, but you'll be tearing your hair out by the end of it.

I think its a good thing to use for beginners but I'd move on to GML's base network functions or something like HTTP DLL 2 if you want to make something meatier, with more control. I tried making a simple MP game with GMNet and heavily missed the ability to send and receive my own custom packet data easily.

And if you want to make a completely focused multiplayer game, i'd just drop Game Maker altogether. You'll get cucked by the fact it isn't virtual server friendly at all, since you ALWAYS need a video card to run game maker games. Players can't host servers on their VPS's, etc, stuff like that.

I want to make a Harry Potter type game. Unity or Unreal?

Let them pick so the player has options and you piss off tumblrinas.

You've got a good ear. The choir is from Kirby 64, the rest is from Kirby Dreamland 3. I was largely inspired by the ripple field theme.

I use soundfonts and Fl Studio. I do everything by ear. If I may suggest, look up the fl studio tutorial made by toby fox in 2011. All you need to know about soundfonts is covered.

So basically GM only works for P2P MP games?

Right, I need some Bible to figure this out. As for form. I kind of just want to figure out on my own.... sort of like Jojo...

that's a really good way to learn how to animate shit, and even extra knowledge like frameholding and smears

i've been using this one as a reference for a few days and it has singlehandedly taught me a bunch of shit about animation

Fixing up attacks a bit so they work properly with the new things before I move onto working on the new first boss.

i haven't made any progress tbqh, i'm juggling with college and two projects at the same time (the twin stick shooter i'm starting and a tabletop rpg)

>I was largely inspired by the ripple field theme.
But one of the verses by the end of the song is straight out of Aqua Star.

Thanks a lot, bud. I'll see what I can do with this.

I'm actually making a Kirby game.

A mausoleum would be dope. Also a reflecting pool

Basically yeah, you can still do non-P2P but you need a video card to run something resembling a dedicated server, and thats retarded. virtual servers you can rent dont carry those unless youre ready to drop $900 a month, so you'd need to keep something at home. GM doesn't even use the GPU all that much, it just needs a gpu to get started to

YYG has said they have wanted to implemented a "headless" mode which would let games run without a card, but they keep spewing some crap about a game maker studio sequel and how it'd be in that and it sounds pretty hopeless.

i've used GM for 8 years and I'm finally getting pretty fed up with it and might make a leap to a real language

fan sogn for a SONIC fan game

Yeah, that one too. Thanks. I knew that pattern existed in a kirby track and forgot where.

I've been thinking about making a game for a good while, and have written plenty of ideas over time from the past year for gameplay and story, and I think I can turn it into something fun
The core idea revolves around a beat em up.
I have no programming experience, I'm okay at pixalart but can improve much more, and have no experience with music, I want to try to work at all three things.

I'm about to have lots of freetime, is GameMaker the easiest programming tool to use? Should I use a specific program for pixalart and not WinXP Paint like I have before? What's a good music making program?
Programs do not have to be freeware. Spoonfeed me pls

It's cool. If you need original music in the style of kirby, tell me, I'll do it for you.

Artfag with no codeskill. Is RPG Maker an alright place to start? I've been playing around with it for a little while; no coding yet, obviously, but I've learnt a little about animating and pixel-art.

>pic related. My main protags.

Here's a better image for these threads, OP

Gamemaker/Unity/UE4 are all basically the easiest to use engines, about pixel art, idk really but i've been using GM's edit tool, FLStudio seems to be the go to tool for retro indie game music makers (and you can also rip NES/SNES/GBC/GBA instruments for you to use in it) Undertale's music was made in it, for reference's sake.

...and the reality

No idea about game making programs or programming tools, but using a program that's actually focused on making pixel art (read: not MS Paint) such as GraphicsGale is gonna save you a lot of time and brain cells. FL Studio is a great and probably the most popular music making program.

Can you still make an external server to which GM connects to though? or would there be too many compatibility issues?

make multiple drawings (frames) and set them up so they play in order to suggest the specific movements you want.

>FL Studio is a great and probably the most popular music making program.

What kind of needs do you have?

Hey, just wondering. I took Adobe flash in middle school. I was decent. Anything similar to that? Does GM have something similar in style? Im currently laying down some plans for a gun fu game inspired by John Woo and max payne.
