Another Metroid Thread

>AM2R officially out
>Like it or not, Federation Force comes out tomorrow

Honestly, there have been worse times to be a Metroid fan.

Other urls found in this thread:

So what was your item rate on your first run of AM2R. Mine was 93%.

>there have been worse times to be a Metroid fan
I don't know, before Federation Farce there was at least the hope of Nintendo putting some serious effort in a future Metroid game someday.
Now it's clear that they couldn't give less of a shit.

96 on hard.
I though I was rusing with only 122 missiles.

Didn't the director say in an ineterview that he specifically wanted to make Federation Force so that we have a better understanding of how the Federation works for a future Metroid game?

We also know for a fact that there were TWO metroid games in development at nintendo at E3 2014. FF wasn't the only one

>We also know for a fact that there were TWO metroid games in development at nintendo at E3 2014. FF wasn't the only one
Please stop parroting this, they only said that they want to take care about 2D and Prime Metroid, nothing about games actually being in development.
And after this last piece of shit bombs you can be sure that Metroid will never be given a sizable budget again.

95 on normal
93 on hard

I don't really know what I missed, but I'll probably end up doing a 100%, also how to unlock the other gallery images?

The Federation is filled with idiots

I don't mind FF but they handled it so poorly. A Federation based multiplayer spin off series could have been gold for expanding the Metroid universe in areas not related to Samus but they just fell so short. Still hoping for a proper game, be it 2D or 3D

On that note, has the game been leaked yet? I'd try it out ifI could space pirate it

I played metroid II about 20 years ago and I didn't like it very much. The boss fights sucked and I hated using the spider ball. I don't care that much about graphics. Should I play am2r or should I just play some other metroidvania I haven't tried yet?

>Should I play am2r

Would you rather have gotten pic related than Prime 2?

No, I love Prime 2. The concept doesn't really seem suited to Metroid but I would be totally down for it playing out in a new game.


Took me over four hours though.

100% of course. I don't give a fuck about time, I must fill every square and get every dot.


97% i missed on of the ball activated doors that are through the game, fuck those, theres not even a door indicator on the map



After 9 hours

What would your reaction be to a Metroid game that explores paralell universes?

Samus goes to alternate realities where Space Pirates have won/ Ridley fights for the GF/ Samus never lost her parents etc.

It sounds like it'd start getting a bit too heavy on plot and characters for the average Metroid game.

And exploring new planets interests me more than exploring mirrors of preexisting ones. I don't want to revisit Zebes, SR388 or Talon IV ever again.

>federation force is what we get instead of a metroid game
When will this meme die?
Why would Federation Force, in any way, be a bad thing in terms of the future of Metroid?
How paranoid are you?

Fusion suit doesn't get enough love

eh, can't get any worse.

I'm glad they kept the Prime feel in the logs. Okay maybe more Prime 2 and 3 than 1, but I enjoyed the Space Pirates being stupid. Plus, I wanted to play as a federation guy since Fusion (opening cutscene has 2 Federation mechy suit things) and Prime 2.

I've never really liked the fusion suit.
At least in her normal power suit the weird proportions on it are hidden away under the bulky ass armor. The fusion suits very lean and muscle-y so it makes it really obvious that Samus can't reasonably fit inside of it.

>game ends with Samus taking off her helmet and revealing that you have been playing as a male alternate reality version of her the whole time

>parallel universes

Would there be a part where she gets QPU misaligned?

Same, 100% in 9:31

Now im emulating super

It shows that Nintendo isn't interested in making proper Metroid games, and putting serious money and effort behind the brand.
It's gonna bomb and that will only make the situation worse.

>Would there be a part where she gets QPU misaligned

That is how she lands on Zebes3 where samus3 is leader of the space pirates

Normal playthrough is pic related

I got 93% on Hard in about 3 hours or something.

I've been trying to stay in the dark about Federation Force as much as I could these past few months.
This screenshot really gives me hope and I think the whole art style and mecha suit thing is just because Nintendo forced the team to make it appeal more to 6 year olds.

They don't realize that the only audience for the game at all is us. 6 year old me thought metroid was a bad version of halo.

I'm pretty sure this whole thing was a big compromise. It was either get this tightly budgeted, heavily compromised scrap heap game from 2009 to hopefully inject a new audience into Metroid, or not make another one possibly forever. Tanabe chose to keep the series alive at any cost, and I'm sure a lot of other anons would do the same. Hell even with what they did to AM2R, if they actually had to bring legal action to it, was the nicest thing they did in giving everyone a day to download it before sending a message to stop sending download links. A 1.1 update even came out and Nintendo hadn't done anything against that.

I have hope for this game and the series.

There haven't been any reviews yet for Federation Force, have there? Did Nintendo put up an embargo?

Thats a good optimistic view. I like it.

>SA-X was the hero all along dimension

Theres an embargo until it releases
Giant Bomb briefly talked about it on their podcast though, and the impressions were really negative

So the metroid prime universe

uh oh

what did they say about the game?

beat under 4 hrs and under 2 hrs

Where can I download? The guys site doesn't have it anymore.

Basically that the early missions are a slog between the slow movement speed and simplicity of the levels.

He also said that the way the game balances for single player is that you get a mod called Lone Wolf that doubles your attack and halves damage taken.

I don't get it but it looks neat

There's got to be close to an hour or more of footage out there now, plus the Blast Ball demo.

Everything I'm seeing takes away more hope.

I just feel bad about Next Level games.
They were on a roll before, with LM2 being a massive hit for a studio so small.
But now, with this thing failing horribly, you just know they're gonna suffer, even if they weren't responsable for all the retarded decisions.

Technically they were the ones who did the chibi style.
Tanabe was skeptical of it until he played it

They were responsible for a multitude of the things in the game. Blame can be put upon them.

Part of the concept art for Metroid Prime 2 before it turned into Echoes.
Samus would have crashed into a derelict space ship controlled by a mad AI with multiple personalities.

Too much story for me, anonkun

I feel like this is some kind of modified Prime engine, and the "out of mech" sequences were actually Morph Ball segments.

Sounds fun. Rouge AI taking my upgrades? Screw system shock, it's samus time.

ayyyy senpai anyone have the am2r map?

Only if the AI didn't have a voice.

If it was just text and weird abstract faces, that could have some cool atmosphere.

>He also said that the way the game balances for single player is that you get a mod called Lone Wolf that doubles your attack and halves damage taken.

How the hell did they think that was a good idea? Lone Wolf should've been a risky chip you use, that doubles damage put out AND taken. Halving the damage you receive just turns the game into a borefest, especially since you rarely, if ever, saw anyone die in the footage for FF.



it does

you just dont know how to look


how the fuck do i get to the GFS thoth? I found the elevator but it doesnt work

Click the link to the forum post

Where can I download AM2R?
Their homepage doesn't seem to work :/

It's blocked by power bomb blocks.

Oh shit, it's literally right there...

97%, I thought I had gotten most stuff, but I guess I still missed a pretty decent amount.

How far between getting the Dark Suit and getting the Light suit is the average MP2 run, percentage-wise?

I don't like looking like I'm balancing cogs on my shoulders, god damn that looks painful.

you get the dark suit after the first major and you get the light suit after the last major area

I like it.

It gets just as much love as it deserves. A little bit, but not more than any other suit.

100 on normal. It took me 8 hours

>Replaying Fusion
>2nd Security Robot fight

Fuck, this fight is still an asshole. That electrified water, that attack range compared to how far it can jump.

77% because i was trying to go fast, finished it in 3:11 because I couldn't find the find the ice beam for an hour.


Fuuuuuck. It's not bad but it's the second worst suit I've seen, barring the Yellow Fusion suit.

the other m suit is just fanart

man that sounds cool, i loved corruption because it actually took place in space installations for some of its environments.

Kind of reminds me of The Clone Wars.

Fusion def has the best gunship, also love how sleek the fusion suit is, I mean they gave her fucking batman spike on her arms

why do you hate the dark suit so much? I really like it. looks all steampunk and shit and has an awesome morph ball too

light suit is superior in every way though

I'd rather a direct sequel to Fusion.
Also good lord it's been 15 years and we still don't have Metroid V

100% in a little under 6:30 on normal. Pretty slow, but I did a final search around after getting THE BABY to make sure I had everything.

Still playing through AM2R but I don't know how I'm going to be able to go back to playing hacks of Super now that I'm so used to having a dedicated morph button and being able to lock my aim.

Other thread expired so I'm gonna post it here

This is really low quality bait, but Metroid prime 2 has screw attack and it's the coolest representation of it in the series.

And it's a first person adventure, not a first person shooter. Is portal an fps? No.

>Federation Force comes out tomorrow
Excuse me? I thought that game was months from release.

You would considering Nintendo hasn't been promoting it AT ALL. It's like they want it to fail so they can throw up their hands and go "welp, no one wants Metroid anymore" and condemn Samus to Smash purgatory alongside Captain Falcon.

>We also know for a fact that there were TWO metroid games in development at nintendo at E3 2014
Federation Force and Blast Ball, right?

Nintendo flat out doesn't understand marketing.
They think their directs are enough even though only their dedicated fans watch them, not the average consumer.

What if they made Federation Force like this?

>AM2R out
>never been a worse time to be a metroid fan

other M release

I like the shape of it. But colors wise I only like the base and gravity suits. Varia had that weird vomit color scheme and the final suit you get for ten seconds near the end looks like mac and cheese.

>Promotes it on their youtube channel
>Mostly dislikes on every FF video
>Still no commercials for it on TV.

Christ sake, as shitty as it is, I'm happy FF is going to bomb tomorrow.

At least then the Metroid series won't have to deal with being brought back from the dead to test pointless gimmicks like Star Fox was.

fuck no, prime 2 is the best metroid game

I liked that game.

This was a surprising gem. It's short enough to 100% in an afternoon and a little rough around the edges, but still enjoyable.

Does everyone in the Metroid-verse know that Samus is a girl?

I'd imagine the humans do

I think in Prime 3 none of the other bounty hunters made any hint that Samus was either a boy or a girl.

Absolutely not. Prime 3 shows us that most Galactic Federation solders even question her existence. I'd imagine only the other close bounty hunters and high ranking feds truely know her identity, though there would definitely be rumors of the truth