I for one, don't give a shit about all that Kojima and Konami drama. I love coop games, zombies or not, and the FOX engine is fucking amazing. There's very few ways they can screw this up.
They won't screw up, won't they?
I for one, don't give a shit about all that Kojima and Konami drama. I love coop games, zombies or not, and the FOX engine is fucking amazing. There's very few ways they can screw this up.
They won't screw up, won't they?
So, what..this is DLC for MGO, right?
Looks neat.
It's a standalone game with a promised price of 'below' 60$.
Kojima a shit.
Long live Konami.
Can't find my way hoooooooooooome!
All I can find are sites reporting that it exists and that there's a trailer.
>cant find thier way home
What if these are the wandering Motherbase soldiers?
>They won't screw up, won't they?
FOX is a great engine and something like this was inevitable, but did it have to be as brainless and generic as zombie survival?
The only way I see this selling for less than $60 is if the game has a severe lack of content and they know for a fact they wouldn't be able to sell it full price.
Parsed that out from the 30 second teaser?
I never got around to playing L4D/L4D2. Is this finally my chance to play something like that?
This. Would be amazing if the game is a giant hallucination while playing as the Wandering MSF Soldiers.
Or perhaps it's real and they wind up like that.
Actually looking forward to seeing Zeke again, it was weird that they just left it at the bottom of the ocean and never mentioned it again.
Might explain why they babble like lunatics until you rescue them
Also might explain how the Fulton wormhole works - it takes you through an alternate dimension briefly.
XOF Fulton's the entire motherbase to erase it, this technology is later extrapolated by venom snakes tech team for renditioning soldiers and field acquisitions in MGSV
i like what they did to silent hill
hate co-op, hate zombies, loved the phantom pain, i want to fucking kill myself because of this trailer
>Called survive
>Advertised as a survival coop game
>Enemies shown are zombies made from that bacteria shit
Yes smartass, I kind of did, because that's what they fucking told us.
I work for Konami and yes.
they literally just announced it today you retard, how the fuck are we supposed to know what it is?
>Metal Gear Revengeance comes out
>It's a Platinum game (not even best one at that)
>People like it
>Metal Gear Survive announced
>Prolly something like State of Decay
Look, I am not trying to defend Konami there, but people severely overracted and it's a clear knee-jerk reaction to MGS V ruined MGS first, ya know
Platinum didn't give its fanbase the middle finger and abuse it's workers. Its clear this is just an exploitation of Konami existing assets to make more money while the company itself doubles down on Pachinko and gambling
>generic title
>little to no details confirmed other than:
>4 player co op
>MGS universe
If you love the engine so much, maybe give it more than 30 seconds before you make up your mind that's it's shit.
>i see 4 characters
>its co-op!!!
you sound fucking retarded.
Dudebros like you are target audience for this game
It's a generic zombie survival game with the Metal Gear branding grafted onto it for more sales. Complete trash.
I wouldn't be opposed to a proper Metal Gear co-op game, such as a 4 player stealth game about infiltrating various bases to grow stronger. But this is one of the weakest game concepts ever conceived. Most companies wouldn't greenlight this trash.
No, but they did release a mediocre game that was lamer than what was previously shown off and ruined Raiden's character.
>Coop zombies
Is there any way they can make this great game?
Not gonna lie, for a moment I was hyped, then I saw the gambling machine, damn you Konami.
The wandering Mother Base soldiers were off base during Ground Zeroes.
Except Miller tells you that the wandering soldiers are all ones who had been off-site when Mother Base was destroyed.
It immediately has far more potential to be interesting than something like Dead Rising 4. I just hope the devs are having a lot of fun and getting to be real creative with this game
>not caring about drama
>not living for it
Yeah right. If your gonna lie on the internet at least try harder.
I'm not though. I played nearly every single MGS game and enjoyed it. I'm still excited for a zombie coop game on the FOX engine.
MGSV's only real saving grace was it's gameplay and this game should be able to deliver the same. Think of it as RE5 or RE6 on the FOX engine. Those were really fun coop experiences.
They're having a lot of fun and getting really creative at taking what was clearly an upgrade for MGO3, packaging it as it separate game, and selling it to you at an inflated price.
Why do you hate coop? Do you have no friends, user?
>I remember him, he was off base during the attack nine years ago
>pachinko machine almost crushing Konami
Hype or anti-hype is not relevant. It's good or it isn't, that's it. Don't buy it if it's not and form a bias if they don't offer some ability to try the best parts before you offer a review.
No Man's Sky is actually one of the worst examples of this. The completely covered up their game until it was "ready." Then called anyone a liar that said it was bad.
A random creature and plan generator is great and their ship model was decent, but it's all they had. They worked REALLY hard on it but it's just not up to snuff. You can't do what they projected with their team. Not with that algorithm and not with their ability.
I took months on a fucking amazing art portrait that I'm really proud of but it's not an entire game, a structure, and a code.
they said it was a co op game
>trusting Konami after MGSV
>trusting Konami after MGS and Silent Hill pachinko machines
They still hire people that work really hard and want to do their best. Let them do that and then make your judgement.
>art portrait that I'm really proud of
Got a picture?
The only thing that could make kojimafags EVEN MORE butthurt is if this game turns out to be good and they reluctantly play it. KEKED
I transferred it to several other hard drives.
>Mom-"holy shit this is so good why don't you copyright it!?"
>Me-"I'm looking to submit it to them and if I release it they own it"
It's an image I'm sending to a comic book company to try and get them to hire me. They could hold copyright against me because it was a work of passion involving several superheroes.
I have to make it very sensitive so that it can't be transferred.
>Quoting no one
Great job
>I am not butthurting
What would make MGSu suck:
Obligatory co-op
Heavy focus on combat
Basically just a horde mode.
What would make MGSu cool:
Proper story that actually plays the ridiculous story completely straight.
Heavy focus on stealth and avoiding cyber-zombies.
Good open world that feels meaningful to explore and scavenge.
A base of operations that also functions as a stronghold against attacks.
>quoting Kazoohira Miller
>retard didn't get it
So, do they have a chance to do it right?
>trusting Hideo Kojumba after MGSV
>implying I trust him any more than Konami
Stop posting your retarded theory
standalone expansion like undead nightmare for rdr
-1 Hype
+1 Dislike
yeah cause pachinko staff are working on mgs5 right. fucking retards
They made cinematic videos with really high definition models of characters from MGS3 and Silent Hill. That's art talent wasted on a fucking slot machine.
so now everything ever is terrible, because Sup Forums got triggered.
Sup Forums doesn't miss a chance to be a step ahead the contrarian curb I see.
this, yall giving konami way too much credit
Why didn't they call it Metal gear solid surfive?
b... but people still praising him like a god... remember e3?
ITT corporate cucks. I know you guys don't like Kojima and all, but no need to eat shit because Kojima doesn't.
Chill, nigger.
time for that $59.99 game.
Why we hate reddit again?
im chill famalam
People are still treating this guy that masterminded one of the most commercially and critically successful video game series of all time a god after only two bad games that he didn't even want to make. He has again and again shown his artistry. E3 was cool. Shut up.
"zombie co-op survival game" is not a concept or even an idea, it's something in a game like "options" or "new game".
what a brain dead idea. everything else was better than this zombie unicorns.
It literally rehashes the TPP/GZ gameplay and adds to it.
There's no way that can't be fun. It just needs random matchmaking, some RNG loot and it's good to go.
It is 30$
Also, it's $30.
It will be garbage.
Does anyone else feel like the entire MGS series is somehow tainted now? The original was literally one of my favourite games, it was a masterpiece, but the legend that the plot plays on is just so badly ruined, it's hard to think of it in the same light anymore.
How did they fuck it up so badly?
Was meant to end after 2. The reason they went back in time in for 3 was because Kojima didn't feel his team was competent enough to keep making MGS games by themselves and they didn't want to address all of the crazy shit that happened in 2 yet. That's part of the reason people hate 4, because they wrap up all that shit. MGS3 also conflicts with stuff in the original Metal Gear games, just like PW and MGSV. Technology is way more advanced than it was in the original. Metal Gear slid into turdsville real quick.
Do you work at Konami or are you just a newfriend to the Metal Gear series who doesn't mind shelling out some cash to a shitty company?
even if it just was random soldiers stuck in a world of zombies that trailer was pathetic, we wouldnt be talking about it without the metal gear tag
If they want to work hard let them create a new IP, fuck just use the Fox Engine and make new assets instead of copy and pasting as much as possible.
I've loved the series since Twin Snakes m8
Metal Gear is more than just Kojima.
Yeah, & you'll be spending that other half on stamina, ammo, weapons finishing through R&D & god knows what else.
Retards like you are the target audience for this, and guarantee it will sell. Makes me sick to my stomach.
>Kojumba fag detected
>Metal Gear is more than just Kojima
That is true and I'm actually very interested in seeing what Konami will do with MG.
Would/will buy an eventual Chapter 3 or MGS6 but not a L4D clone that's too late to the zombie survival train. Sounds generic and bland like all zombie survival shit.
Hope Konami has the courage to make a numbered proper sequel instead of milking a brand with outdated and tired concepts.
>Ghost Babel
>AC!D 1/2
>Portable Ops
There's where the problem started. Twin Snakes isn't canon and it has a pretty different feel than the original. Your perception of Metal Gear was tainted from the start. Twin Snakes sold like shit and so did the GameCube with its shitty controllers and mini-discs. Nintendo children played Twin Snakes and thought it was respectable.
This man is correct.
>masterminded one of the most commercially and critically successful video game series
Yeah, Fukushima is cool I am not denying this fact. But I was talking about kojima...
It's more than just a L4D clone. It'll be in line to PW's co-op mode, only difference is that enemies will now be zombies.
But Revengeance was bad. You just have bad taste. You're like someone who grew up eating shit and thinks it's normal.
Acid 1/2 was fucking HORRIBLE and so was Portable Ops. MGR was approved by Kojima and he had some involvement with it
Survive is just another spin-off, retardo. Calm your autism.
AC!D was written by Fukushima and all, come the fuck on.
Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot that Fukfushima created and made the Metal Gear series a success. Oh, that's right, he didn't.
>Ghost babel
Was pretty much just a port of Metal Gear to GBC
>ACID 1/2
>Portable Ops
Tried something different, and had stories to support it. This is a Survival game against zombies that has crafting, something that is the safest and stalest formula you can do nowadays.
Keep posting those pictures though, love me some little girl Venom