Games where you lose multiple times but you feel like you want to keep going anyways?

Games where you lose multiple times but you feel like you want to keep going anyways?


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Is Ash getting cucked again?

>a fucking meowth

I always lose at RTS but keep going anyway.
I'm so bad at them, even losing against bots. I don't know why my teen-days friends said I good at them.

Laughing so hard right now.

Rune Factory 4
Strong forces to remove ash will be sent to you but only if you reply REMOVE ASH to this post!

Even worse than in Sinnoh. There he at least held is own against a team of entire legendaries, for a little while.

Greninja got jobbed by one (1) fire type move.

But greninja is a water type. What the fuck?


Literally everyone who watched the finale is pissed right now.

Even the TwitchPlaysPokemon guy was a better trainer than Ash.

Doesn't competitive Greninja have Protean?

Still mad about Unova. The franchise got back into some bullshit shill-Lucario-as-much-as-possible mode, so Ash loses to the most retarded literally-who in the region because he had a Lucario so he wins.

Of course, that region also had that retarded Roxie gym battle.

>Pikachu took out a Tyranitar and Metagross singlehandedly
>Goodra couldn't even beat an already battle damaged Bisharp
>OP Greninja couldn't even take out a weekended Charizard, even though it had a fucking type advantage

What a joke of a team, i'm glad Alan won.

Looks like 4th hit him the hardest...

The game of life.

>People actually thought things were gonna be different
>People actually thought he was gonna win.
>People actually thought Serenna was not gonna be forgotten next gen comes.

I don't get why the staff behind the series even tries. They have proven they will keep having people watching because is Pokemon, why even give the benefit of even think things will be different? They are obligated to repeat the same thing over and over again.

>lose to pokemon that is weak against the type you are fielding


Japs are completely anally devastated about the asspull in the animu kek

Just bring back Misty and Brock for fucks sake

Have them going to Alola for a vacation. Brock hitting on all the tanned delicious lolis again, with Misty to put him in his place

Wait, Ash fucking lost? Again?! WHAT THE FUCK?!

can you blame them?

How the fuck does Blast Burn beat Greninja's OP water shuriken?

Of course they have to keep repeating it, they've got games to sell. Ash will once again be like "I'll just train harder and win next time!" and thus Sun Moon season will begin.

Who fucking cares


>>Sup Forums

>B-but the battles are cooler and Ash has fought smarter than ever before truly they are tyring to break the status quo
>Nope he loses again in humiliating fashion.

>B-But unlike the past few fem companions Serena does have blatant feelings for Ash truly they won't just diss her again, right?
>Thinking that may not happen.

I don't know what more maddening, the fact that it keeps happening or the fact they actually tried to ruse people rather than be just up front like with Sinnoh and Unova.

The fact that this was the perfect time now with Alolah truly shaking things up when it comes to structure, it truly is a sign that yes nothing will change

Anime logic and shitty writers. It was a sure win for him but the writers can't have him being successful. Now we can only hope that Serena wins the Ashbowl.


Is ash still 10 years old like he's been for the past 20 years?

Ash is literally the 2014 Seahawks of anime

Doesn't matter, last attack he used before getting hit was Water Shuriken. Even with Protean he'd have been Water type.


Still 10 ofc. Just like most other cartoon character

>All this horrendous same face
Man i really liked digimon back in the days but that shit looks just bad

top kek

We don't even know if Alola has an actual Pokemon League yet so shit will get shaken up next season whether they want to or not.

watch it. first 2 movies (they're doing 5 total. its weird) are great.

>type advantage
The dragon half of Charizard X cancels out the super effectiveness of Water
Learn your shit before you type, scrub

You know I never fucking got that. Does winning ONE league automatically makes you a Pokemon Master?

When you think about it, it really doesn't. That just makes you champ of ONE Region. You can say everything about the Orange League not counting, but the anime made it count yet Ash still had a quest after.

Given how the term Pokemon Master is just that up in the air why not make it so winning a Pokemon League DOESN'T mean you're automatically a Master? It could give Ash a victory every one and then (Not saying he has to win EVERY League) and still have him not stop his journey so you can soft-reboot everything come next generation.

It really comes off as shitty writing when you could EASILY write around the forced rules.

Azuras WRATH

He is still resistant to blast burn.

>katana just glances off the guys back because based platemail

my sides

I will never stop being mad.

>being surprised that Ash, the shitty protagonist with a history of losing just to continue as the protagonist of the newest gen lost

I'm going to need a sauce senpai.

Also I'm glad I stopped giving a fuck for Pokemon anime.

Mystery Dungeon games would make for good watching, even filler.

They actually are? Good to know, thanks user

The anime league is different from the games.

In the anime it's just a big tournament where you become champ for a year till the next tournament happens.


Doesn't matter, Greninja still resists Fire while Megazard takes normal damage from Water, it still had type advantage and went down in

>The plot refuses to advance or change again
This is worse than 40k

Why can't this faggot ever win anything? With so many losses you'd think he'd kill himself by now, or just retire.

If we go by damage Blast Burn still outclasses a Water Shuriken

>Wooden battering ram explodes


>You know I never fucking got that. Does winning ONE league automatically makes you a Pokemon Master?

Elite Four is still a thing

I think winning the tournament just gives you the rights to challenge the Elite Four. Like, after you win, you can be a certified challenger.

maybe if he'd just stick with some guys every now and then

how come that level 200 pikachu isn't just assfucking everything by this point by the way

He accept it now. He is a true cuck.



Yeah fuck off a mountain. This scum beat Sceptile somehow so this shit is justified.

>yfw 40ks plot has actually progressed while Pokemon still keeps with Ash "Can't win shit" Ketchum

Is it worth watching Pokemon season Kanto all the way through Hoenn? I don't care for Diamond and Pearl desu.

The stupid thing is he wins 99% of all his other battles and competitions that never really count.
The Pokemon League is his bogey competition.

they had a team of writers specifically for the final

you guys bit the bait hard

If you watched it when you were a kid, then watching Kanto at least is worth it. I don't remember liking Hoenn that much, and I don't even remember the Johto season.

I think the worst part about it is that he's shown to be competent, but there's always some Mary Sue that gets in his way. Sinnoh was the most blatant about it.

I honestly wonder what their deal is, whether or not if they just think it's funny or if they just love doing the same cliche for the past 20 years.

Yet the Elite Fours still exists.

Let's face it, the anime is extremely inconsistent, but it could be easily be fixed without much effort and benefiting both parties (the staff who say Ash needs to continue his journey vs every fan who is now enraged like hell)

As , just makes it that he wins the league but the E4 clearly overpowers him. Or make it so he won, but decides continuing through more regions (where you can easily say his status as Champion is no longer valid) because he still wants to be the very best (Because clearly the title of Pokemon master is whatever at this point so making the reason meaning MORE than just winning the league) and see and train new Pokemon.

It makes no sense to flip flop things around so stupidly. Hoenn had a similar problem making him lose the League but beating ALL the Battle Frontier, which even in the anime said it was a tougher challenge!

>season Kanto all the way through Hoenn?
Fuck no.

Watch Kanto, realize it will be formulaic until the end of time, then go to pixiv or your favorite booru and jack off to the new girls.

What ever happened to his Kingler? That nigga was based af.

Ultimate Ghosts & Goblins

Ive never been past the second level.

DP is when they realized shit was getting retarded and started to dial it back.
Prior to that, we had shit like THUNDER ARMOR.

The anime has always been mediocre. Even as a kid I didn't follow it as consistently on TV as Yugioh, DBZ, or Inuyasha.


>uses the most mary fucking sue greninja and pokemon of all fucking time

Post yfw knew this was going to happen

>but decides continuing through more regions (where you can easily say his status as Champion is no longer valid) because he still wants to be the very best (Because clearly the title of Pokemon master is whatever at this point so making the reason meaning MORE than just winning the league) and see and train new Pokemon.

This has happened in the game at least three times so far I think.

Some kid wins the Champion position, but doesn't really want the responsibility at the moment, so the old champion keeps his job.

That Charizard out Mary Sue's Greninja.


Didn't he get pussy at least?

Was that movie any good?

The original anime had tons of cheap flaws watching it again.


At this point it has to be a laugh. No one can seriously watch that shit and be like
"Yeah that was a valid writing decision we made"

Nope, that remains to be seen

But the guy who beat Ash? He's going to be drowning in his gf's pussy

There should be some guides online, however:

Just watch episodes where:
>New poke is caught
>A poke gets released
>A gym is fought
>All the motherfucking league tournaments

Almost all the rest is filler and disappointing, bar some evolution episodes (the most memorables are covered by the ones I said over)

>he thought he was going to hook up with anything
Say goodbye to seasonal girl with character development and say hello to the new one taking her place because new region.

>Sinnoh was the most blatant about it.

was that when they introduced the guy who uses legendaries that literally only exists to beat ash?

So now that Greninja is getting dropped from the anime, will he be cut from smash?

Rowlet's final evo would be better for it

>I honestly wonder what their deal is, whether or not if they just think it's funny or if they just love doing the same cliche for the past 20 years.

It's simple. The company sees each new season as a stand alone soft-reboot. As long as the Generations keep going the anime must keep going but since every generation of Pokemon is a children's first, any efforts in continuity or the ideal of something final is terrifying to executives, I suppose.

Sadly as speaks there are a ton of ways they could get around it and make it a win-win situation for everybody.

Nope he lost like a bitch and didn't hit that sweet Serena

Also like two other oddities are confirmed

Cheren won the league as well in Black and White, as an offhand mention. He's the only non-protaganist to win but not really become champion I guess.

Its confirmed after this when Cheren becomes a gym leader that gym leaders don't really use their best mons, instead they use mons that are roughly the same level as the challenger. Cheren feels its a bit difficult using fresh mons for each fight like this instead of his main team, but it can't be helped.

Maybe gym leaders are also people who once challenged the Elite Four and won or something. Once you understand that they're really fighting you with pussy gloves on the entire time, suddenly it makes sense why these guys in particular are the ones who have the job being the best trainers in each region.

In most games you can only fight Gym Leaders true teams post-game now.

movie(s). There's 5 planned movies for Digimon Tri. 1 and 2 are already out with the 3rd coming in September and 4th and 5th are TBA.

I felt they were great. It's great for Nostalgia fags with the whole reunion, and there's a new digidestined girl that's cute af

Doesn't hurt to give it a try and drop it if you don't like 'em

You better start giving up and greet the new chick with a smile. Stop trying to hurt yourselves more.

How could anyone suspect anything different?

Are team rocket still in EVERY episode?

Ash is a fraud anyways. Half of his Kanto badges he only got for bullshit reasons like making Sabrina laugh.

>The one year he makes it to the final he blows it

>Tfw no post game content where you can wait at the end of the elite 4 and deal with contenders

what does this mean ? did the quality improve?

is the butthurt just as bad for the japs on 2ch?

Black and White season sucked hard.

>Games where you lose multiple times but you feel like you want to keep going anyways?


No, I lied.

>Implying ash would stop his journey just cause he won 1 (one) league

He doenst want to be the champion, he wants to be a master. He would move on. Dont know why the writers refuse to acknowledge it

Also, he need to get charizard back. Nigga stood his ground against several legendaries already. It is probably the strongest poke. If instead of Grenigga we got a Y charizard to fight the X, it would be much much better.

Not every episode but most