The Skyrim remaster looks impressive, Todd really outdid himself this time

The Skyrim remaster looks impressive, Todd really outdid himself this time.



Looks like skyrim with mods.

Why would you pay money for this.


>depth of field saturation brightness up some filters slapped on
Did they hire an average amateur graphics modder for this cause that's how your average garbage graphic 'enhancement' mod looks like.

Looks like shit, bethesdrone. Witcher 3 still looks miles better than this desu.

You wont trick me!
Anyone who actually thinks this is Skyrim is an idiot.

Who the fuck even plays skyrim anymore? It's not like there's any replay value beyond one or two runs.

That is Witcher 3 with a first person mod.

Witcher 3 looks waaaay better. I don't understand why ANYONE would want to play this terribly looking game.

>LOD that doesn't look like shit
This is one thing that never changes. Trickery unsuccessful.

Wow really? Damn...

wind's howling

...woahh.. really makes u think

>Witcher 3 is this and better

These guys get it

50,000 games open on steam at any given time. People mod this skyrim alot.

Also fuck you OP that's not skyrim

The Legendary edition of Skyrim sold over 10 million copies on Steam. All of those people get the enhanced edition for free. How does it feel to be a console cuck?

I'm gonna buy this for my console.

I don't care anymore. I fucking hate myself. But I'm gonna fucking buy this. I'll kill myself eventually anyway so nothing matters.

I bought it on PC (GOG) so you're in good company.


Of corse the witcher is a better game.

Are you retarded? It is in the top 10 most played game daily on Steam. It is the rank #2 most played singleplayer game daily.

>Who the fuck even plays Skyrim anymore

>Also fuck you OP that's not skyrim

Thanks Columbo.

Get it for pc if you can. The ps4 and Xbox mods won't be as good.

Still looks worse than W3 after the Blood and Wine tweaks m8

As someone who is currently playing and has 90+ hours into it, this is the Witcher 3.

Thanks Cpt. Obvious.

That IS the Witcher 3 you fucking crackheads.

Good job OP.

That's the witcher it looks to shitty to be skyrim.

How did my post imply I played skyrim on consoles?

Literal retard

By implying the vast majority of players would have to pay money for this, you display ignorance akin to that of console gamers. You can't fool anyone.

I flinched.

Thanks for my (You), I was worried my hard work wasn't going to pay off.

Let's be honest now. Even if the Witcher 3 was 2015 and Skyrim was 2018. The Witcher would probably look better.

Graphical fidelity isn't exactly Bethesda's strong suit.

>a mod so good it transforms skyshit into another better game

>Paying for a pre-modded game

Okay son. Time for your medication.

How did you get the side skinning knife ? Is it a mod? You're using cat school gear and a simple witcher shirt

I never got around to playing Skyrim so i'll probably end up getting the remaster. I had a great time with Oblivion, will I like Skyrim?

Already have it on PC with mods installed. I don't see the point fo getting the enhanced edition when I already have it the way I want it. Besides, if I do decide to do that, it's free right?

But my console is another room that's comfier, and the couch is way better than my chair.

This is Witcher 3 with the first person mod

I solute you OP. Very fine bait.

>medieval fantasy
>road has modern tyre tracks

It's from the white shirt.

what are wagons

Really makes you think.

Witcher 2 was better than Skyrim, and it was the worst of the trilogy.

Ya it's free for the pc. Mods that need the skse won't be on it or there will be a light version. Idk I couldent play the game again with out frost fall or ineed.

Yeah, dumb fuckers haven't figured out wheels until recent years.

I would pay somebody to mod my skyrim to look like that

I dont have any desire dick around with load orders and hundreds of top mods for a fucking bethesda developed game again

The first video nearly had me thinking it was Skyrim until I saw the trees blowing in the wind. There is literally no way Betheshit can put that many trees blowing in the wind in their games

>Modern TYRE tracks
>hurr durr it's wagons

You retarded niggers never cease to amaze me

it probably is skyrim, but its a modded pc version not the one that is coming to consoles

Ah... fuck... I love the witcher 3 but I'm mad as fuck that we got a crossbow instead of the side knife.

Would have made cutscenes a lot more interesting by adding it and you could riposte and get some cool kills a la trailers.

I'll never understand some creative decisions. If it's because of the flying creatures just add throwing knives or special bombs idk... I rarely equipped my crossbow it just looked really weird with the swords

disregard i suck cocks

Well fucking done OP.

>what are years of continuous use

Wagons don't have tyres you goddamn genetic wastebin.

Do i need to play the witcher 1 and 2 too understand 3? I played 1 for a little and it's was awful.

no just watch a recap video on youtube and read the wiki and read the books and the play the games

Um... Not tyres?

Actually the ones in Fallout 4 are controlled by Havok soft body physics, you can see it during the intro when the vertibird is flying over the neighborhood and later when it lands outside V111.

They are also dynamically affected by wind, as is everything affected by physics, no default weathers actually have enough wind to actually make it super noticeable though and I'm not sure if modded weathers like True Storms does.

But yeah, what I'm trying to say is that the engine supports it.

But they aren't modern tyre tracks. They're a collection of wagon tracks slowly, over time, making a groove and stopping anything growing

the crossbow was mostly worthless garbage, however it became sort of useful with an adrenaline build with instant kill chance since it applied to crossbow bolts too. it was worth it to just toss out a bolt here and there and get instant kills

No, you can read up on the lore in the wiki but you'll miss a ton of shit and references from previous games.

Witcher 1 is a bit dated and boring in the beginning but it gets really good as you progress.

Just wait until VR homeboy

So what? It's still the most bland and boring generic open world shit game in its core.


Not even.

Witcher 3 has far more book shit than it does W1/2 shit.

You could just watch a let's play or a recap on youtube.

If you wanted a "full witcher experience" you could play through prevvious games and read the books - witcher games have a ton of throwbacks and someone who didn't read the books will miss a ton of those.

Fucking amazing that this is literally the Witcher 3, and you have dumbass contrarians on here who got rused, saying it looks worse than the Witcher 3.

Fucking poetry.

That's not what that user was talking about. He meant a visible tyre imprint texture in the dirt, not grooves / ruts in the ground. Why else would he specifically say "Modern tyre" track?

I swear, the lack of reading comprehension on Sup Forums is a testament to the underage on here.

>VR screamers and jump scares

>when you take out the hook but the fish is still biting

lmao you also got trolled

or did i get trolled?

you're the one that got rused, retard

What is the difference between modern tyres tracks and old wagon wheel tracks? By width? That doesn't mean much, wagons might have different sizes thus making tracks wider.

There's no way that's a video game, OP. That's a video of real life.

So this game is officially the GTAV of TES?

Honestly, W3 goes a bit overboard with the wind blown vegetation.

>Skyrim 2


Witcher 3 employed nearly twice the number of people and cost the same as Skyrim, with 4 years of tech improvements on PC and a new fucking engine.

No shit it looks a bit better.

Have you ever been outside? If you think a wagon would leave tracks like this then I think you should rethink your life.






For the waifus

I like how CDPR single handedly blew the FUCK out Toddler's entire Elder Scrolls franchise with their third game and first open world game.

More like the fucking rain, fuck me sideways it was always raining in velen...

At least in Beauclair rain was a rare event thank god...


There are no such profile imprints in the game though.

God damn that looks amazing, how did someone get Skyrim to look that good without it shitting itself? Far as I recall the game dies if you try to go too detailed.

I didn't say there was, I was explaining to the tards that wagons and cars leave different tracks.

as you're typing this i realize i wouldn't be able to understand a word you're saying if you were to speak it and i find that hilarious. your grasp on the english language is worse than even a nigger. you may have invented it, but the usa perfected it. stay mad, peasant~

It's the fat in the milk that creates the froth, and you're really not doing yourself any favors by drinking low fat in the first place. Do you even know the caloric difference between 1% and 2%?

What is appeal of poorly looking 3D models? 3D porn is the most plebeian thing, there is so many things that look off, especially lack of proper bone structure and body parts stretching while moving.

I'm not British, my fellow colonial friend

>american education


you may as well be. the usa ceased being colonials the moment they won their independence