So people say Mobile gaming killed this thing

So people say Mobile gaming killed this thing.
But what mobile games are people playing instead?
Can't just be Angry Birds can it?

What are people playing on mobile that compares to games like Killzone,Gravity Rush,Soul Sacrifice and so on?

If you say emulators I'll punch you in the face.

shit games

but people with shit taste is are the ones that brings the most money

handhelds still needed those people around

It's not really a quality standpoint obviously. It's more from a money-making standpoint.

Obvioiusly, very few titles (if any) can compete with anything on the Vita or 3DS for that matter.

You misinterpret mobile gaming killed the handheld.

Handhelds were killed FOR mobile gaming.

Sega sammy mergers
Kakao mergers
Squareenix porting all their shit to mobile and doing mobile release cash grab final fantasy games
With that will bring Sony.

Handhelds were killed for Mobile Gaming not killed by mobile gaming.

Sony killed it with no games beyond watered-down versions of console games and obscure weebshit no one wants outside Japan. 3DS still sold okay despite mobile taking over because it had some decent, original games.


I remember kids playing with their psp's at the mall now it has all been replaced with phones and the like

Those "obscure weebshit" titles are whats keeping it alive you know.

Plus if anything killed it, those memory cards did.

if you feed a live rabbit to pigs, those pigs still killed and ate the rabbit

Seriously. I don't want to pay $60 after buying the machine just so I can save.

I actually slightly happy about that. It's forced people to buy physical games, and the physical Vita games are all that are keeping me interested in the system. If memory was cheap, it'd be dead like the PSP Go

>Mobile gaming killed the Vita
The Vita was DOA and Sony dumped its corpse in a ditch, which was the smart thing to do

>So people say Mobile gaming killed this thing.

That's bullshit because the fanbase of mobile games do not really crossover to fanbase of quality handheld games.

> But what mobile games are people playing instead?

Fllappy birds. That's about it.

> Can't just be Angry Birds can it?

You should know that handheld gamers hate that shitty game and casual mobile gamers will never bother with actual handheld games on the vita or 3ds. Like I said, the playerbase do not really cross so mobile gaming isn't taking away handheld gamers.

While you do have a point, user-kun, the problem with that is a lot of companies nowadays don't give Vita games a physical release.

3DS is doing OK, but that is poor for being the successor to the DS.

whatever happen next generation for handhelds is up in the air.

The memory cards didn't help.

I've been enjoying choose-your-own-adventure style games on Android lately. Things like 80 Days, The Sorcery! series (which are amazing), Lifeline (though I've only played like 2 of them).

no one, individual thing killed the vita

mobile gaming, a shitty launch lineup, an apparent lack of desire from sony to even market the thing and the obscenely expensive memory cards that it didn't come with at launch all played into people deciding not to buy it (and thus not develop for it, etc. etc.)

they dropped the ball on essentially everything they could

It didn't have any killer apps to attract normies and keep the system afloat

>No Grand Turismo
>No God of War
>No Kingdom Hearts
>No Dissida
>No Call of Duty
>No good shooters besides Killzone
>No Monster Hunter

That's really it. Overall, it has better games than the 3DS, but Sony fucked up.

These fuckers are the one of the main reasons it failed.


Overpriced SD cards basically physical DRM that has you pay twice as much for half the size

>overall, it has better games than the 3DS [...]
How to spot someone who doesn't own a 3DS

Honestly I'm kind of worried for Japan. Most of the games are selling like shit on consoles since they're not buying a gorillion copies anymore except for handhelds. How long until all of them just go full mobile.

What's so good about buying physical copies of games?

>That's bullshit because the fanbase of mobile games do not really crossover to fanbase of quality handheld games.

But user phone games have proven that there's a HUGE UNTAPPED MARKET, it obviously is Vita's fault.

do remember sale charts don't include digital sales, which been growing every year

except for nintendo anyway, physical is still popular for them

I own both actually

>No Call of Duty
Declassied was for the vita and even included multiplayer and was sold as a bundle. I don't remember hearing good things about it.

For me, it's mostly an Atlus machine. Definitely the most dissapointing Nintendo handheld I've owned.

For the Vita specifically, region locking happens on the digital side. and with no multi accounts on it, it's frustrating switching regions especially when using DLC.

Also those memory cards aren't very reliable.

Digital is almost never as much as people imply. It's always wait for digital! and it's usually like 25k or some shit.

Why do you think the 3DS has more sales than the PS Shitta despite having much worse specs?

It has all the good games, that's why, sonyponies can't compete. The 3DS is famous for its amazing library.

Less space on your memory card, obviously. The average Vita game is about 1-3 gigs in size.

Hell, the 4 GB that supposedly comes with the Vita probably will barely hold 1 game.

talking about PSN here, not like Steam is popular in Japan

PSN has never got any sale tracking, all we know is that PSN is making more money than all of nintendo combined

Only reason I haven't gotten one. Fucking 60 bucks for a 32GB this is fucking highway robbery.

Again, how is this a good thing? Maybe NOT make overpriced SD cards? Having physical copies is annoying, especially for portable systems. It's bad no matter how you look at it.

Companies release sales numbers for their games tho. Never see games just suddenly double or suddenly see huge gains anything because of digital sales. It's like a nice bonus usually. And Sony charges like millions to pay for internet anyways with PSN+ bullshit to begin with.

Sony killed that thing.

The proof that it was just Sony's incompetence is the fact that Nintendo is making the SAME EXACT THING with NX to do right what Sony did wrong.

The Vita has an excellent library but the games don't have the same mass appeal and marketing that Mario and Pokemon do.

Unfortunately, user-kun, that's not an option in this case. Only thing we can hope is that Sony learned from their mistake this time and NOT have overpriced proprietary memory cards for the Trinity.

Obviously, other than the advantage I listed, it's also less transfering games between your PC and Vita.

The Vita has one of the worst libraries out of any system.

I thought that was revealed to be a fake rumor.

Trinity is PS4 Slim. That's the other shit coming with MORPHEUS + NEO.

Well, I didn't exactly check out the rumor when it was posted here.

>PS4 slim

Not really. 3DS games are much more shallow to me. My vita games play like something you would actually find on a console.

I thought they said the Trinity leak was about ps vita.

I know that you're falsflagging, but the Vita has more games coming out for it this year than the 3DS does.

I have never heard the mobile gaming thing ever used for the death of the Vita. It's Sony's terrible support to bring a great amount of first-party games to it, and the only games the thing gets anymore only caters to weebs now, literally. Also, the memory cards being stupidly fucking overpriced.

>So people say Mobile gaming killed this thing.

Mobile affected the Vita because Sony relied on more than just games to sell the Vita. Think back on why the PSP was successful, that was before portable competent multimedia gadgets existed. A lot of the functions the Vita is capable of doing have since been taken over by smartphones.

That is not why the Vita failed though. Sony's plan for the Vita was always to convince their huge and loyal home console base to adopt it. Sony didn't position the Vita to compete against smartphones or the 3ds. The problem is that according to Nielsen reports only about one out of 5 console players are interested in handhelds.

t. Marketing specialist

Not like Xbox just didn't do the exact same thing, offering a slimmer lower end model and higher end Scorpio.

Dead Trigger 2

Mobile shits didn't.
Sony did.

The Xbone made sense though, with how big it was. What could they possibly slim down more without fucking up ventilation?

My IA/VT box looks different, why is this?

The current PS4 is what I expected the PS4 slim to look like desu

Second cover it came with along with the Preorder DLC.

That's fine but I expected a smaller model from day 1 even without all this NEO bullshit. Did you seriously think there wasn't gonna be one?

I don't see what people expect out of another handheld anyways when they shifted completely to PS4 and even moved franchises like Gravity Rush there. It's like, okay, we're just gonna do it all over again. Bring it on Pokemon and Mario. Let's get em Uncharted and Killzone.

The thing is that weebs and weeaboo/japanese games is what's keeping the Vita alive. You've also gotta remember that the main reason the PSP was successful was mainly because console games back then weren't trying to be cinematic experiences.

PSP killed the Vita

They did the same retarded shit that hurt the PSP. Made an overly expensive handheld, badly advertised it, loaded it with proprietary memory card bullshit, and never gave it the crack addictive game to sell it like Zelda and Pokemon on Nintendo handhelds.

Mobile phones are just the reason why people don't carry around handhelds, not the reason they don't buy them. Mobile is about quick time killers not a full gaming experience.

If they had cut the useless bullshit out of Vita to bring the cost down, given it a fun E for everyone major game, and learned to market a product it would have been fine.

Still kills me the Vita is the only thing in probably a decade with great d-pad too.

>Still kills me the Vita is the only thing in probably a decade with great d-pad too.
The Xbone elite controller.

Haven't tried that one yet. Are its internal parts different?

They tried that on the 360 with the hey look we put a cross on it so its different and it was the same trash parts under the plastic.

Nintendo runs the handheld dedicated game device market. The Vitas audience exists. It's just a very niche audience.

The high price point and propiety memory didn't help anyone.

Vita and 3DS are going to be the last handhelds anyway. Its all over now.