>this is not a photo
>this is not a drawing
>this is an unmodified screenshot from a videogame
>this is not a photo
>this is not a drawing
>this is an unmodified screenshot from a videogame
Other urls found in this thread:
so this is the power....
of the PS2....
Wow it really is like a PS2 game
looks fine for an open world game
t. shill
So...this is the power....of Japanese devlopers
>low textures
>water that would have looked outdated 5 years ago
>all that enormous empty space of nothingness
>that blur
What PS2 game is this?
So this is the power of the PS4...
This joke isn't funny. Ps2 games were usually fun.
Is that edited or seriously what the video showed
so this.........
is the power..........
of blast processing...............
makes you think
If FFXV really was a PS2 game released back in those days, everyone would be praising it faggots
100% real. Most of these terrible screenshots can be found on either Gematsu or Square Enix's own website
Even NMS looks better than this.
just out of curiosity.. are there any games that meet Sup Forums's seal of approval?
Dating sims with bad gameplay, bad dungeons, bad story, bad combat like shitsona
They are making the ps4 version look bad because the game will look a lot better and 60fps 4K on the new ps4 neo which they want to sell.
graphics or overall?
Of course. Sup Forums universaly agrees on alot of games and how good they are.
>Zelda: Skyward Sword
>Dragon's Crown
>Super Mario Galaxy
>The Legend of Zelda: ocarina of Time
>Super Metroid
>Metroid: Other M
>Wonderful 101
>Mario Maker
NMS doesn't even have any water reflections
and no big dinosaur looking motherfuckers
actually good games do
no game is universally liked on Sup Forums, there is always one baiting faggot that has to be contrarian.
22fps 720p
60fps 1080p
Let's also post XCX's character models, shall we?
Hey bro. Who dat girl? She's got nice tits, I'd like to see if she also has a cute vagina.
Cutest fucking trap on the face of the planet
Fuck she's hot, source?
XCX: Shit gameplay, shit story, shit music
FFXV: Better gameplay, better story, better music, graphics even look better at its worst.
Every character has down syndrome.
>RT, LT, B, A
Its the xbone version you know, just like all shitposting material like OPs.
Use reserve image search retards
Well no shit you retard. Use your fucking brain. The PS2 came out 16 years ago. Standards have increased greatly. What was acceptable back then is not acceptable now. Think before you post you fucking braindead faggot.
Looks great. Already pre-ordered the limited edition. I'll be playing it and avoid this filthy place for a couple of weeks because of spoilers.
Im bisexual asshole how dare you accuse me of being so closed minded?
What is the Gremlin? AW scholar here, never seen her.
>repeated assets and textures all over the fucking place
I never judge a game for its graphics but this should be fucking illegal on a """""next gen""""" console
Is this porn?
I'll take whatever at this point. Ten years of waiting for this fucking game, I'm not about to bitch about MUH GRAFIX. I'll leave that to the new generation Z fags that are on Sup Forums now.
I just wanna play it and get it over with. Maybe it will be fun, maybe not.
I envy the mental gymnastics involved in convincing oneself this game has anything interesting to offer.
Thanks, Mark Cerny.
>pics of FFXV that Sup Forums will never show you
You guy do know that the 50 minutes video was from PS4 and Xbone? The PS4 version looks much better and will look even better on Neo.
PS4 version:
Xbone version:
>look it up
>it's actually 720p 30fps vs 900p 30fps
call me crazy, but I don't think anyone that posts the threads about these games is actually liable to play or buy these games...
so many uncharted threads started by PC players the exact same way... some many bloodborne threads... I think PC posters talk about the console games more than the console posters do... fukken A...
here comes the denial brigade
>All that bloom to hide the shitty environment
This game is beyond saving.
Fucking hell, why are graphics like that? Just crank down Poly account, crank up view distance and prop density. For a extra, crank up tex res if possible. There, a much more beautiful game that doenst try to be photorealistic
Here's pics of The Xenoblade downgrade the official Sup Forums rat doesn't want to show you
I thought you left anyway, why are you still here?
It will look even fucking better when the PC version releases
Not enough lens flare, I can still tell what's going on in tiny portions of the foreground
damn, that lens flare is obviously trying to hide the grass and dirt but you can still see how shitty it is
old prerendered bullshot, you can especially tell from the hair. maybe a prerendered cutscene.
But will you understand what's happening at 15 fps?
>Stop getting in the way of my shitposting!
Never Ever, PCuck
Try 150 FPS
>seal of approval?
Damn what an ugly POS.
This is also a screenshot from a videogame
lolsrsly? this looks so boring and shitty. Since when is Final Fantasy a GTA game?
>pics of FFXV that Sup Forums will never show you
What are you attempting to communicate?
what is up with sonyggers comparing different places at different times of day? the game still looks like the top image in that location
also LMAO with that bottom screenshot, lowered resolution and terribly compressed
You've clearly havent played Xenoblade Chronicles X because it runs stable at 30fps.
FFXV it's a fucking mess
Its shit, why do you need to clarify its not a photo or a drawing? Do you actually find this good looking? Holy shit kill yourself fagot.
>no shadows for the chairs
what year is it again?
t. nintencuck.
Funny thing is it looks almost as good running on an incomplete WiiU emulator on PC.
But really, why does this recent footage actually somehow look worse then the demos they gave us? Are they spending the next 2 months to fix how much it downgraded visually? I'm genuinely wondering. Maybe they'll have a giant install to help with the visuals and processing? I don't know.
This is supposed to look good?
demo vs full game
still looks better than FFXV
posting more screenshots from videogames
>comparing the platinum demo that was quickly put together for an event
When that Nintenyearold desperation shitposting kicks in xD
the demos ran like garbage and now they only thing they can do instead of throwing everything out and starting over is downgrade the graphics to make it run acceptably at release
>people consider 30 FPS "stable"
Thanks to the industry's low standards.
Please tell me thats the original xenoblade.
Is this another pic the rat of Sup Forums will never show you?
Why cant he use his mobile to spam these kinds of pictures?
I don't think you understand what this word means.
When's that from?
i'll remember this when the full game comes out
Are you unable to read the title of the video?
60fps is the minimum in singleplayer
144fps is the minimum in competitive multiplayer
>people actually waited 10 years for this game
Anything below 60 FPS is choppy and unplayable, at least in any game that takes fast reflexes and skill.
Pre-rendered cutscene from FF7, when you first leave Midgar.
I disagree. It was definitely more then playable most of the time. Sure it needed some optimizing but this seems a bit drastic.
What went wrong?
Are those trees/column thingies floating off in the distance? Shit looks like Oblivion
a stable framerate is a stable framerate, retard