This game is looking to be perhaps the comfiest Zelda game thus far.
This game is looking to be perhaps the comfiest Zelda game thus far.
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you tryin to tricked?
And you faggots talk shit about mgs5 being barren. Whoo child.
Not all of us have ADD and autism.
>Implying that the gaem will look anything like that
>implying that tree part isn't scripted
Sorry but with all the fucking overhyped games that failed to deliver, this one is just another.
You have a Nintendo. You clearly have autism.
Im looking forward to it. But i can see the hundreds of autists saying that its a skyrim reskin.
Hi bait.
>He doesn't know
Well it better be comfy because it certainly won't be scary
So what other things do you think were removed for the e3 demo?
Grow out of Zelda already, it gets worse with each gen
I just hope it's not empty and boring like WW Ocean
Fuck you roundeyes, Wind Waker was perfect game you just too stupid to appreciate.
You can tell where Zelda went wrong, the moment they added auto-aim
leaves would be too complex for true games, dont want them to get stuck
grow out of video games already, they get worse with each gen.
>Not watching tree house
One of the tree fort dudes cut a tree at the wrong angle and plummeted to their doom.
Nothing will ever come close to OoT and Majora's Mask. They'll never try that hard again because they aren't building Zelda as a brand anymore.
The world will feel barren.
The towns will be bland.
The puzzles will be too easy.
Wind Waker was the last great Zelda.
End of Rine.
>Nothing will ever come close to OoT and Majora's Mask
Good. That's the last thing I want
This seems like the first 3D Zelda game to follow the Zelda 1 formula, and that's fucking fantastic. Less emphasis on structured puzzles, more on exploration and discovery. Hope they nail it, and it looks pretty good so far
I fucking love how expressive Link is
Goddamn it link needs to be a girl!
So... nobody is going to call out OP on his blatantly youtube shilling?
>Wind Waker was the last great Zelda.
And this is where you lost me.
>Zelda 1
Are you in your thirties or just a hipster? Zelda 1 and 2 are bad Zelda's. ALttP was the first good one.
>The world will feel barren
Just like OoT.
>The towns will be bland
Just like OoT.
>The puzzles will be too easy
Just like OoT.
>Wind Waker was the last great Zelda
You mean worst. Wind Waker was the worst Zelda so far.
It really is telling of blind nostalgia when one open world is considered fine, while another is considered barren. Did you even play OoT? I know I had fun too, riding around Epona and all, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't barren most of the time. Points of interest were few and far between usually,. Hell, most of the time you found a point of interest, it was just something to remind you that you need to bring something you don't have yet to do anything there anyways.
I can't wait for Smash 5 to use BotW's hunter-gatherer, lumberjack link with his ridiculous arsenal of makeshift weaponry
Him him like a nimbler, close range oriented grappler of sorts
DS games
>any of the things you said
I plated OoT literally 3 months ago.
>>Implying that the gaem will look anything like that
But it already looks like shit graphic-wise, they're not setting an absurd standard.
Hell it looks worse than Just Cause 2 on the Xbox 360, a weaker console.
Watch as he ends up being shit tier again.
Literally all the 3D action games in the world have it to solve the eternal camera problem.
it's called a 2nd control stick, mouse or ir.
Not bait.
>Ride Epona away from castle town
>Ride Epona further
>The other town
>Ride Epona further
>Boring pixel trees and shit
>Ride further
>The exit to lake hylia
>Ride further
>Maybe more rocks to break, or more useless holes to find
Seriously. There were so many useless fucking holes that were hidden. Yeah game I get it, I can get milk from the cows, but its not cute or clever to keep having hidden cows everywhere, it just makes the game easier. Plus, boring. Wouldn't it have been cool to enter one of those hidden holes, and find something actually cool? Like a fire element hookshot or something?
>This game is looking to be perhaps the comfiest Zelda game thus far.
>implying anything will beat waking up a saturday morning and start killing goblins early while my mom makes me breakfast
Not him but I'm 26 and played Zelda 1 last year and it's literally the best one at being an adventure game, having to draw your own map, secrets actually being secrets and shit.
ALttP spoonfeds you a bit more than needed(still the 2nd best) and the others are all cinemating boredom.
Zelda 2 I didn't like it.
What's he pulling out?
Even "hardcore" games like Ninja Gaiden 2 or Dark Souls use it.
Again, it's a way to solve the inherent problem of 3D games.
>"graphics are most important" meme
>Awful: DS games
If nintendo learned anything with rockstar, they will leave the leaves and everything else, because casuals don't actually mind that.
All they want is a game to turn on, fuck around for 15 minutes, and turn off to do some casual shit like sex or something.
Casuals don't give a slight fuck to actually reaching the end of the game, and the more you try to force em into doing so, the less they will like it, and more GTA copies they will buy instead.
I'm in my wrong folder, just imagine this is a smug anime girl
What the fuck is happening in that picture?
>trying to imply that z targeting didn't revolutionize and forever benefit 3rd person gaming
Whenever you call a game like OoT boring you just end up sounding like you have ADD and can't stay focused unless the game is constantly throwing shit at you.
I saw the video on facebook, then just found the first YT video I could so I could actually post the thread.
The only reason it was in was to compensate for the then lacking framerate.
Hell the framerate is still way below the back then universal standard of 60.
Franchises like Ys evolved whereas Zelda didn't. It's that simple
60 wasn't the standard for 3D gaming at all back in the late 90s. That's why Nintendo was able to actually advertise F-Zero X's 60 fps as a noteworthy and incredible feature.
he's not wrong
it's barren as fug and can be 100% with ease and the characters mostly have nothing to say if it doesn't have something directly to do with some sidequest. I still think it's an amazing game and has a great atmosphere, but to say it's living and breathing is straight up lying.
Majora's Mask on the other hand...
The gay sounds he makes is fucking annoying.
This is so wrong it hurts
The world is barren.
The towns are bland.
The puzzles are too easy.
And its fun to ride Epona around the map, but even that can wear out pretty fast.
This is all that I said. Note the part where I never once called the game itself boring.
60 fps sadly died on the jump to 3D.
And was revived by sega, and then sega died.
I was answering to the retard that said the game won't look anything like the videos like it's somehow impressive as of now.
To me they're setting a pretty achievable standard, don't see why the game won't be as good when it releases.
>scary zelda game
I honestly dont know what to exspect...
Or a bonus if you're a grill.
The series before Wind Waker.
The portable Zelda games always have better soundtracks
I mean fuck, you'll never have a 3D Zelda game with an overworld theme like this
>Franchises like Ys evolved whereas Zelda didn't. It's that simple
Ys used and still uses an ISOMETRIC point of view, Zelda 3D games use free camera.
What's so hard to understand?
Holy fuck can you niggers stop shitposting for one fucking second.
>reminder that Nintendo won E3 with one game
>reminder BotW looks better than GTA, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Xenoblade X, MGSV, The Witcher, Watch Dogs
>tfw there will be a comfy portable version
Nintendo always wins, baby.
Put a halo on Iwata
You mean when your were a little bitch and is easily scared? Yeah, that time
>the series before wind waker
What are you a pussy? The closest game i could think that was scary was TP
way to miss the point, i'd even ponder how you could look at your own post and still hit submit
it's called evolution
>Majora's Mask on the other hand...
EXACTLY what I mean. In OoT, you find those hidden holes in the ground, but they never give anything actually interesting. But in Majora's Mask, due to having to visit places repeatedly, it gives the game replay value, since you are replaying certain areas. Plus, the hidden dialog can be interesting at times, and even surprise you. Ocarina of Time is a straight line with the illusion of a open world, while Majora's Mask is a open world with the illusion of a straight line.
Why isn't Zelda a girl?
Do you have some form of brain damage or something?
>empty house
>no enemies
>empty world
>no quests
>nothing to do
>the world is barren
Good thing the game has a bunch of temples
>the towns are bland
How much complexity did you expect from a 1998 N64 game?
Not an argument
>riding Epona can wear out pretty fast
That's probably why the game isn't based entirely on that.
>no quests
>no one in house
Towns are confirmed
>no enemies
Are you just dense or ignoring many things? It's the fucking starting area of the game, of course there will be less enemies
>empty world
Plenty of shit to do. Play with the physics and box, find chests, attack outposts, tackle shrines, etc.
Is this the only trailer you have seen?
What is the goal of this game?
Nigga the puzzles were easy as fuck. Even my five year old brain have no problem with them
>implying Zelda has ever been scary or even tried to be
Travel to hyrule city and rape smoke ganon
>it's called evolution
It's called being a niche games that survives on its own niche and has barely changed from Felghana remake on PSP 10 years ago.
Hell Celceta is probably worse than Felghana.
>Plenty of shit to do.
>Play with the physics and box
Is is 2006 again?
>find chests
With another usual weapon which break in 3 hits.
>attack outposts
Why? For another chest and to kill another hobgoblin?
>tackle shrines, etc.
Only normal thing.
Nu-males Sky have ruined Sup Forums
Now discussion of any open world game is fucking impossible.
why base this off MGSV instead of XCX? the makers of XCX aka the best open world in gaming are helping with botw
I suppose something along the tracks of "git yourself gud and equipped on the big world, go to the big dungeons, beat dungeons and watch the story when you beat em", mostly like the original legend of zelda game.
Not entirely sure yet. Seems to be 'gain entrance into Hyrule Castle and defeat Ganon', but that's just what the intro tells us. Could be something after that
Supposedly to gain entrance you have to complete certain tasks, aka dungeons, but the devs made it out like you could go straight to the end if you wanted so I'm not sure
Are you a girl? :)
>Woodcutter's House
>not in snow
6/10 comf would sit and caffeinate too
Why even post if you have nothing to say?
>is it 2006 again?
Why? Can't have fun?
>weapons that break in 3hits
So far the chests contain arrows and weapons that are significantly stronger than what you find out there, there are fire rods too, which up till now is not shown to be found anywhere else
>tackle outposts
Why the fuck not? Get items from chests, of course, and for fun. Of course, you can skip it, so whatever you do is fime.
Even exploration seems alright in this game, easy as the golem boss may be, it seems to be a neat surprise for those who bother to explore
Are you retarded? Serious question. Because I remember having absolutely no problem with them even without a guide
>woodcutters house
>wood is cut poorly
Actually, it was ruined many many times by many, many bland useless open world games.
And BoTW will need to show quite a bit more than it did to convince Sup Forums otherwise.
It have the potential in my opinion.
The tools shown until now have a lot of potential.
But will nintendo squander the potential?
You might be autistic
>But will nintendo squander the potential?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
Sometimes they shit in houses or camps.
I actually think what we see so far already above average. The physics and how they work with the spells already make it more fun than half the open world games around
Now with average dungeons and bossess, this game is very much above average
Being above average of complete garbage don't make it good.
But being good makes it good.
Yes indeed.
But there is the potential to be good there, infinite potential just like Megaman X.
But will it be badass like on X1-X3? ir will it be a little bitch like in X7?