Ps3 games? For a first time ps3 owner

Ps3 games? For a first time ps3 owner.
Is Resident Evils good?
A-rpg and fightan games.

I dont mind dragon age and I know i be playin dark souls. How much time will that take and should I go for Ds2 and skip 1st?

Pic related. My newborm baby. And wouldnt mind a reason to keep me out of the bars an streets


Kek. Theres a few?

>having ugly children
>having children at all

>mad cuck with no kids

Is that your wife's son or daughter?

>literally slaving the rest of your life to raise some annoying little shit
>thinks I'm the cuck

Delusional fucking retard detected. There's nothing wrong with having a girlfriend or significant other, but getting married and/or having children is the stupidest fucking mistake you can make. I've seen countless family and friends do it and regret it. Enjoy being a cuck though.

How is raising your next of kin remotely being a slave? If its something you enjoy. I guess really after so long its a step in life and nature brah.

Good job OP, /r9k/ is in here now. Grats on your kid, by the way.

Thank you.

You di realizar that without having kids humans would have already gone extinct?

>having kids

can there be a worse decision in life?

>if you're not a disgusting cuck you're /r9k/


You do realize that after I die I won't really give a fuck about humans and whether or not they go extinct right?

Because it's not something people enjoy. If it was people wouldn't constantly cry, bitch, and moan like faggots about how hard it is being a parent or even worse a "single parent".

Definitely don't skip Dark Souls, but since you have a ps3 I highly recommend Demon Souls. It's my favorite of them all (mostly because it was my first played)

None of the souls games are worth skipping. So just play them all. You also can play all the MGS games on ps3, so that'll occupy you if you're into that.

Also, RE5 is fun if you have a friend to play with, but besides that it's not great. I didn't play RE6, but I heard not great things

Frequenting Sup Forums.

>I main Reaper

>saving that image

you need professional help

>is autistic enough to have a child
>posts about it on fucking Sup Forums's video game board of all places

>all these normalfags on Sup Forums

This place has truly become Reddit now.

I wish you illness and death.

looks like a niglet

Is that your wife's son?

And why shouldn't I have a picture of my vagina saved?

Imagine all the kids at school laughing at him.

Ah no wonder youre so pissed. Youre a disgusting insecure femcuck that nobody wants to spend time with acter plowing your meathole. Get back to your daddy time, and figure out wtf is wrong with you. Also you look like shit in glasses. Stay mad

I look good in glasses, actually. Pic-related.

You sound jealous tbqh family