
I feel nothing anymore.

Have no clue about Phantom Pain and all that. What makes this dlc so bad?

It's CoD zombie mode with 4 player coop in an alternate dimension. How is that even remotely MGS related?

Well it's not like zombies are related to ww2 either.

Obviously not, but I never said I liked it being in CoD.



It's not dlc. Confirmed for stand alone new entry. Check the eurogamer interview.


>Grounds Series

How does it feel knowing that the Fox Engine will be squandered on CoD Zombies and then never see the light of day again?

I'm looking forward to it.

Any game with FOX engine gameplay is a buy from me!


>mfw you Metal Gear fags get BTFO
It's a shit franchise and this is what you get

>video game actually tries to be video gamey instead of cinematic qte bullshit
>hurr this is what you get

That's funny, any game published by Konami is a bye from me

>tfw Survive is probably going to massively outsell Death Stranding

No you retard, it will also be used for PES. Fucking kill me.

oh well your loss

>metal gear solid 4
>hour and a half cutscene
>implying these games aren't cinematic trash

You obviously haven't played V

>kult of Kojima
the saga continues, or should it be renamed as kult of Konami now?

Have we seen any actual gameplay yet?


No, I haven't, because I don't play shit games

then why are people whining this much?


I subscribe to the theory that konami is laundering money out to the yakusa. Konami is already dead, but they are slowly draining them through fudged numbers that can easily be blamed on bad business decisions.

It's an amazing game though, especially if you like your cutscenes slim

>i don't play shit games
>i just post in shit threads LOL

you are not superior

MGS is the most autistic fanbase on Sup Forums

yes even worse than sonic

>he didn't unlock the EMOTION AMMO
MGS4 is one remaster/steam port away from knocking the fuck out of anything MGSV.

Why would I consider myself superior because of what video games I play?

It's just what naturally happens after you announce a cash grab zombie game. There would probably still be backlash if it wasnt a zombie game but of all things Konami went with the "unique" 4 player SURVIVE TOGETHER or DIE ALONE coop zombie game.

I kind of hope they have kill streaks or something similar in the game but Metal Gear style.

too bad 4 doesn't actually have any gameplay

>"It's gonna be great by default."
>"It looks good"
>Bridging a non-existant gap because alt-universe
>are they?
>What is Peace Walker?
>"It's gonna be great by default" (2)
>"It looks good" (2)
>Literally MG's premise from the start. OSP.
>8 year waiting period??
>"It's gonna be great by default" (3)

I really want a Norman Teedus shoop now

I'm looking forward to bonus teams Shadow Moses United, Big Shell Bombers, Zanzibarland...

>Keeper Solidus
>Striker Fatman

i fucking love this image

>Thinking about what's next for Silent Hill

>E3 2019
>SH turns 20
>"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear... oh. We forgot your franchise."

And that's the best case scenario.

metroid all over again. maybe we'll get a 20th anniversary slot machine though.

man that Reedus/Hideo joint was gonna be dope wasn't it...

>Konami helped give us 30 years of Metal Gear

I can shove a bag of gold dubloons up a hookers ass, and yes, she will shit gold. But when the gold stops and just shit comes out it's time to stop.

Is PC MGO still filled with hackers?

Norman Reedus Feedus Deretus :DDDD

>Grounds series


it's goatse

>people actually believed that konamifag
you deserve the disappointment
