What would a Gungrave game play like?
What would a Gungrave game play like?
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I'll never watch this anime because the game sucks
You have to skip the intro.
There's already a gungrave game for ps2
Like this
The parts where it remembers it's a vidya adaptation are easily the worst, everything else is great.
>press square to shot
>charge the especial to go crazy
Also the ending is better fucking blowing off harry macfagget head
It looks fun to play but actually doing it feels like such a slog, no clue how it caught on as a cult classic
when i was like 13 i cried for fucking hours at the ending
good shit
9/10 anime
only thing that i didn't like was absurd "boss" designs
You mean the parts that take place "present day" when Brandon is Grave? Yeah, those are pretty shit.
Honestly I think the anime would have been much better had it just been the mobster story.
Gungrave already has games, the anime is based off the games.
There are two of them for the PS2.
And like this youtube.com
>for hours
fuck i meant minutes, god DAMN
not that much of a sissy
wouldn't blame you either way, biggest bros before hos moment in anime
>when they're talking things through at the bar while shifting between their past and present selves
Good call, the anime sucks too. It takes 17 episodes to even get to the point where it can be considered to have begun, the music is all shitty, and it suffers from a severe case of Japanese repeat-everyone's-name-superfluously.
Always heard it said but Overdose really does look a lot better than the original.
>Darksiders 3
>The music was all shitty
>It takes 17 episodes to even get to the point where it can be considered to have begun
But that's when it starts going downhill
>Honestly I think the anime would have been much better had it just been the mobster story.
Definitely, felt like it shifted into a knock-off Hellsing but without any of the personality of the original. Brandon being an autist is part of the charm but it only really worked with the mobster part.
biggest cuck in vidya by a milestone
It's Ok
I was surprised how good the anime was. The whole thing, even the cheesy bits, are still solid.
>this thread
Cheese was mostly kept to the action scenes from what I remember, the bulk was sombre through and through.
Been years but I still get this popping into my head
Yeah, that ending was great. I need to rewatch the whole show some time. Does it still hold up?
hell if i know, it's been ages since i watched it
i don't watch movies / anime anymore, just play vidya
last anime was at least half a year ago
I have no idea how you are managing that. For me it's other way around, it's harder to get myself to play video games as opposed to watching anime/movies.
my biggest problem right now is shitposting on Sup Forums because i have shit to do but don't want to do it
so i don't accomplish anything OR play more than 2 hours of vidya
Get out before it's too late.
It's sorta weird and different and has a comfy feel of walk forward and shoot things mindlessly for 2 hours and win.
It's pretty easy to beat.
Only just got this, what's wrong with me
If you liked it then you'll like it now, only difference is you now know exactly when it's gonna drop in quality and pick back up again
Don't think I could rewatch it myself though, the frustration when he leaves his waifu distraught just to send his boss in to comfort her knowing full well what will happen is not something I want to experience ever again.