
Redpill me on Rimworld, Sup Forums. Should I buy it?

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i want to know if it is good as well

Pirate first, retard. /vg/ has a link. If they don't, ask them, they had it before


It's really fun. I'm enjoying it a lot.

I will buy it when it's not 30 fucking dollars. It's a great game, but man that's way too much. 20 would be the upper limit for me.

Pirate it first you ding dong.

Personally I liked the game enough to buy it shortly after pirating.

Anyway I'll to to expand an answer a little. Rimworld is the best DF-like, and there's quite a number of them. It's still has a long way to go to be like proper DF, but there's plenty of systems already present that can make some neat shit happen, like procedurally generated art, medicine and health (mental too) of your survivors, relationships, scenario system etc. The game is also brutally hard, but once you complete it one or two times, you will see that Rimworld is rather shallow on content and the game can become boring to play. To overcome this I would recommend downloading some mods and trying them out. The best one out here (in my personal opinion) is Hardcore SK, which features complex tech tree and adds a number of systems and mechanics to the game, making it even more like DF, not to mention making the game even more and punishing (though you can still play on low difficulty settings). You may think that Hardcore SK is just a garbage mod complication, but it's not like that: devs have revamped the whole tech tree, combat, starting conditions, crafting and survival mechanics. Expect a much slower and punishing start.


Just play DF.

>start playing for the first time
>married couple + some old lady
>everything is going fine
>game announces that a rat has become murderous
>husband accidentally shoots his wife in the head trying to kill the rat
>the old lady kills it easily with a knife

This game seems stupid

I looked up Hardcore SK and it looks like a crazy-ass overhaul. Like, there's almost 50 mods in it.

That sound great IMO.

Clearly you don't know how to enjoy failure. If you are trying to win then you should have just had the husband not shoot while the wife was around.

>i've never played dwarf fortress
>guys why is this dwarf fortress lite game so difficult

Except Dorf lets you have hundreds of little fellas running around, Rimworld limits you to ~10, usually closer to 7

Or do you really think that was funny?

No, you should buy it on a sale. 30$ is too much for what it is right now.

It can also be really, really frustrating because of RNG.

>paying thirtydollars to play babby Dwarf Fortress

It's way more content and replayability than some AAA title imo. One of the few games I don't regret buying in years.

No it doesn't.

Randy lets you have around 20 or even more.

However, try to play with 20 motherfuckers, i tried with 15 once and holy fucking shit its a mess.

As for you OP, i dont have my autism active to describe how fun the game is if you like Dorf Fort or games like those, pirate it first.

Since alpha 7 i been pirating the game, when it came to Steam i bought a copy because i enjoy the game that much.

Here is a litte story that i enjoyed that explains the game pretty well though the game systems.
Something like but in x1000 worse


How is 15 a mess?

You can give each one a specific job, like exclusively cooking or chopping wood.

> is it a good game?
> is it wort it's price tag?
absolutely not
> what I am supposed to do then?
pirate it, it's only 200mb

>good game
>not worth 30 bucks

weird logic

The raider attacks are the only thing completely spoiling my enjoyment of the game. They should be spaced out far more.

You can literally choose the difficulty you babbyman. Chillax space the raids more, it's even said in her description. And you can change storyteller/difficulty midgame.

Change your storyteller.

>get attacked by raiders AGAIN
>they got piss poor bows and pistols
>sit behind sandbags and let them come to me
>miss miss miss miss
>they fire once, kill 1 of my guys, wound another
Fuck this game

Does that only effect raider attack frequencies? I don't want the game to be any easier, just less frequent attacks

>"she hits as hard as anyone else"

Use turrets in front of your colonists to draw fire you nerd. Or use deadfall traps and a killbox.

>I don't want the game to be any easier
>less frequent attacks

that's literally making the game easier though

I don't have turrets yet when the pirates only have bows and pistols, nerd. It was early game. Didn't have many traps yet either.

little content and it's easy to beat when you get the hang of it, very similar to Banished which is half the price and absolutely fair

Early game 101 strat is build a row of deadfall traps in a corridor and force them to go through by denying them line of sight with your colonists. ez wins

>randy random extreme
>easy to beat

And mods like sk hardocre had a layer of difficulty that will fuck you over way more.