Publisher/dev announce game as ps4 only

>publisher/dev announce game as ps4 only
>hahaha jk *and PC

I got a great PC and a ps4, but i wont be buying this game cause the dev lied and used a fanbase's hype of exclusivity to spread the word bout the game

They never said it was exclusive. Whenever they were asked they always said that they have nothing to say yet. It was all but confirmed to be on PC as well since the day it was announced. Not their fault if you're just an idiot.

You are a massive faggot


Nioh's coming too.

Didn't they confirm that it could go to other systems around the time they revealed the "Automata" subittle?

i love tarogames! the gameplay is terrible but they make up for it with the mediocre stories that make me cry so much!!

>publisher/dev announce game as ps4 only
Oh really, when did they do that?

You should by hyped for the game because it's the sequel of a good game, and not because your master threw you another exclusive, you fucking console cuck.

I swear all the stereotypes about sonyggers are true, only ps3-4 exclusive games can be good in your eyes.

I'm honestly convinced some of these threads are my fellow mustards false-flagging as PS4 fags. There's no way they would be this butthurt.

you mean a price tag of whatever the game+a console cost? lol

Ok I'll buy it on PC then just to make your ass bleed harder

You reall think someone would do that?

Platinum multiplat games always look cheap.

>Every Nier thread will now be filled with this
I hate this place

You know how I know you're not an idort? or even play on PC? fuck even a Nier fan? you wouldn't be salty as fuck about this but actually happy that both Nier will be playable at it's very best and that more people get to enjoy its universe.

Fuck off back to gaf and masturbate to NMS some more.

So do Taro games.


Yes. Did something similar several times already.
It's not like anyone can tell for sure.

Just count up how many threads are started by people like OP. They want to blame PC users when this is what they do.

I'm more excited about the SFM models than playing the game on PC, 2BH.

Nier threads were terrible to begin with.

>I love to suck Kaine's dick
>i cry evry tiem!

Who cares. Don't be so salty because your parents could only afford one platform for you.

my pc is better



Yeah, it sucks but I don't see the problem.

I'll just pirate it instead of buying it.

Obviously Sony didn't think it was good enough to even pay for temporary exclusivity.

this is my plan, abusing a fanbase is wrong

Child's play

>being a Sonygger

Agreed. Why would people be disappointed about a (hopefully) good game reaching more people?

You should probably take your laptop out of a fucking volcano

>pcfags ruin another game with their autism

>511 c

>publisher/dev announce game as ps4 only
[citation needed]

PR rep basically confirmed it'd be coming to PC on forums not long after the initial announcement. It was always obvious it'd be coming to PC.

They didnt say about exclusivity too? For me Nioh looks like more exclusive then Nier. About Nier i knew from the very beggining.

Brand loyalty. It's sad as fuck but some people will defend their system of choice like the company that makes it will smile down upon them and say "good job" or something.

I'm just glad Nier will get some much needed exposure and hopefully if this is successful enough, they'll port the first game.

Yeah. PC fags...

Day one buy.
Its looking great.

Really glad I don't have to buy a modern console for it. Yakuza is the only other reason I'd even consider getting a PS4, and its just not enough to warrant it personally.

Strictly speaking, they have said it was being "exclusively developed for PS4" in a few press releases.

However unless you're a sensationalist fucking moron, that doesn't mean they lied or misled people, it just means the choice to release a PC version happened later in development.

Only someone trying too hard to have an overly anti-corporate mentality would assume it's fucking malice or "using a fanbases hype" or stupid shit like that instead of the logical thing of "they decided it later in dev".

>I'll just pirate it

top kek, lad

>being against games coming on PC
You're not thinking big here. Think about the models.

So nice of them to have confirmed that it will be free to play.

Anyone who makes a post like this angry about non-exclusivity is a child mentally and most likely physically.

>They want to blame PC users
You're an idiot.

There are no "PC users" and "PS4 users". Both 'sides' of this are just idiots jacking off to schadenfreude and baiting replies. They certainly don't give a fuck about either side of the game.

The more you perpetuate it by assuming any one 'side' is to blame, the more it'll keep happening too.

> but i wont be buying this game cause the dev lied

why should I care what you do with your life faggot?

>implying those weren't false flagging pcfats

>they took the bait
OP here
gg ez

>20k bucks for game protection
>entire lifesales for covering denuvo alone

>but i wont be buying this game

Doing exactly what Yoko wanted

>tfw these threads will be filled with shitposters and Sup Forums will fall for it every time

nice damage control but you nierfags were a terrible fanbase to begin with

>but i wont be buying this game cause the dev lied and used a fanbase's hype of exclusivity to spread the word bout the game

>twisting your logic this hard to excuse yourself from not buying a game over platform loyalty

Pretty pathetic desu

If you thought the game looked good before, then that hasn't changed. Many games get announced as exclusive but still include a PC release.

Also, when did they announce the exclusivity? I'd like to see what they said.

>511 C

Yeah, the problem is not with a single group of people, this whole place is just full of idiots.

Shit, we might be able to land on the sun if we coat our space shuttles in whatever graphics card you're using.

shut up sonygger

ya won't be missed secondary, and besides the copy i'll buy will make up for the one you won't

>expecting a Square game to be exclusive in this day and age

Part of me is suspecting this wasn't what Mr. Tako Yaki was expecting. I won't be playing it on PC, but I still hope it's not a hastily rushed port to squeeze out more money

I'm gonna play both versions at the same time!

Only sonygers can be this retardet.

Fucking this. More exposure to the series could potentially allow for more games. I'm buying it for PC and PS4.

Does anyone know if SE has done collectors editions for any of its PC releases?

hahaha god on ya, I'm buying 2 copies so it's already been filled in faggot

spec ops line

>no coherent story
>v masturbates to it constantly
>weak shooting
>no characters

literally the gunplay in cod blops is 8x better than that shit. but v loves it so I'll get shit on


Wrong thread?

I'm going to gift it to my wife's son.

Get mad console shitters

Who /dayone/ pirate here?

I know this is pure speculation, but do you think there's any chance the original will come to PC? or you at least won't need to know the story of the first to play the second game? My ps3 broke a while back and I don't think I'll ever buy a new ps3 or buy a 360 to play it.

>console debut
>exclusively developed
They were always speaking around it don't be an idiot
Also what is it with germany and steam versions, as far as I remembet MGSV got it's steam announcement at gamescom aswell

no they said it was being developed for ps4 and that was literally it, only overzealous sonyggers kept going NEVER EVER ECKSDEE despite no one ever even mentioning exclusivity

A PC announcement is an easy surge in press, and is essentially free advertisement. It wouldn't surprise me if this becomes a running theme.

>yoko taro playing with a valve

holy shit he is such a qt

did they ever say why there's a PC version planned? it seemed so sudden

loving the tears

I don't get it, how is exclusivity ever a positive? I mean it's great for those ebin goldface posts and all, but for real, how?

Are goldface posters actually serious? Worse, do they derive their entire enjoyment of video games from knowing they're not on PC?

I hope the majority of PC users will pirate this shit so it can flop. PC bros please revenge us

Have you seen the video? It's adorable.

People getting pissed over it being released on PC are fucking losers.

The only reason I am pissed is because I would be getting the inferior version, which wasn't an issue when it was just on PS4. So I decided to just build a fucking PC already.

And I'll be buying it because I don't have a ps4. So I guess it balances out :^)

Nioh coming to PC is a maybe, a very big maybe. It depends on wheter Team Ninja is still asshurt about the DoA nude mods.
