>post yfw
Post yfw
Your retarted
>using @
Quote: Originally Posted by Anonymous 348824142
>using @
>giving free (You)s
>IGN giving anything a score below 7.5
How will they ever recover from this?
Ugh #reddit #leave
haven't thought about that
by telling everyone that IGN is only 1% of all the video game related news sites and that their minds are blown by how ignorant the reviewer was
Even Leddit fags are sick of Sean and saying the game was a huge ripoff.
>tfw you didn't buy no man's sky
But Sup Forums said it'd get 10s and they'd pay reviewers
There are many people, myself included, who feel they have received the game that was advertised. I didn't follow everything about this game, but enough to justify a purchase. The funny thing is, two weeks ago people were asking what you did in this game, yet now we suddenly have a list of things that apparently the game was meant to be. If you went back and looked at games that are released within the last few months/year, and looked at their trailers and development videos you could draw up a list of things that didn't make the games as well. Game development is about compromise. It is governed by technical aspects as much as it by its artistic intentions. We are in a position where people are trawling through every single interview hoping to catch the poor bloke out. That to me suggest this is more than simple criticism, and more in line with a typical boring gamer outrage. I didn't see many people citing the criticisms in the list until someone had written it out, and now it is suddenly Hello games this, hello games that.I don't particularly like terms such as liar, molyenuex 2, etc because it is not criticism, it's abusive. If in 3 games time Murray still has the same accusations being thrown at his games, then yes, maybe we can have this discussion.
But at the moment you have to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is a relative new face in the industry that was shoved into the spotlight, with strong ideas that should be celebrated. But instead, like gamers do, especially with hyped games, they really gone in for the kill, and i think that is really sad.
All i see is a Phil Fish mark 2, Jennifer Helper, Greg Zeschuk etc happening here. Customers are owed nothing.
There are a lot of things that Sean will learn from this, but i fall into the camp that some of the behaviour surrounding this is pretty low especially the blanket statements about Sean character, and yes i think this is blown way out of proportion.
This right here has made it worth every penny I spent on it.
I pirated it.
can someone tell me a good game review site? obviously IGN is normie tier, but is Metracritic good? I thought it was, but someone said it wasn't
Even with Sonys marketing budget they couldn't afford that.
Yet they still made a gorillion dollars from mouth breathers who pre-ordered it.
You're better off trusting IGN than Metacritic. The way they calculate a game's overall score is beyond retarded.
how can you possibly think metacritic is a game review site?
It's a review aggregator, it does not do any of the reviewing.
Sup Forums is the best review site around
>its ok when no mans sky does it
I just wanna know what gaymes is good ;_;
i-is BF Hardline worth $5?.. help
>reaches for the stars
first of all it's five fucking dollars. second of all you shouldn't ever be buying ea games
5.5/10 pasta
>This right here has made it worth every penny I spent on it.
low res textures?
>Didn't read the spoiler
>Didn't read the filename
>Didn't see the image
Kill yourself.
The sad thing is most of these pastas originate from Reddit as real and serious posts. Reddit will defend any game to their deaths.
>no stars in the game
youtubers are the best reviewers right now, just put the name of the game and "review" on youtube and watch the video - or literally just watch gameplays and decide for yourself
just wanted a review site for future reference
Dunkey's review of it is probably the most realistic review as of right now, despite the lack of a real score
Stuttertipying fags are the worst. I bet you hope people will bully you like the chinese girl at nanking you wish you were.
no bully pls
A lot of you guys keep bad-mouthing Sean and his buddies. I hadnt posted here until now because I've been playing one of the best games of all time. It's called No Man's Sky, if any of you have heard of it?
Anyway, for the life of me, I still don't understand how people can call Sean a liar.
Of all the people I don't know, he is the least likely to lie to me.
This is a man who was so excited about the game he created that he forgot his shoes during that one interview. If you can name one other shoeless developer that didn't tell mis-truths about his game, I'll eat my hat.
And so what if he talked about a game that never existed and then gave us a different game?
That's what all good developers do. This honest, humble man is a hero in the industry. His creativity knows no bounds except for the capabilities of the PS4, I guess.
>expecting people to put this much effort
he gave it a 2/5, it is in the after credits
Then yeah, that's the perfect score.
literally one of the best gaming channels right now
In all seriousness he really does combine humor and seriously good video game opinions and critique flawlessly. He's gotten even better after quitting League too, which he is also spot on about.
>Of all the people I don't know, he is the least likely to lie to me.
7/10 pasta
I think you might be retarded
he is also damn good to watch playing league, but his channel has gotten really smarted now that he doesn't do so much league videos
NMS reddit sub is very cringe to read, the amount of emotional bullshit they tend to say on the posts is gold.
>"This game changes everything, it changed my relationship with my father"
>this game is everything I wanted in LIFE
stuff like that is all over the sub
Who`s that? Mandalore Gaming for black people?
6 too high
>Literally Who Gaming
Yes, I'm so sure he's the one who came first and is the better of the two
>pirate it
>play for like an hour
>having fun
>realize that there is nothing beyond this except for upgrading equipment and looking for new procedurally generated rocks and animals that do literally nothing
I did not watch all the game's trailers, but boy, I did not imagine how many promises they actually broke.
Look at this shit
>broken ships
>giant worms/snakes
>different behaviour for animals
>Rivers, I guess?
are there even oceans on the planets?
>live in croatia
>a shitty small country that survives purely on turism
>high level of unemployment, people digging through trash to survive
>corrupt government that simply doesn't give a shit
>young people leaving the country as there are no opportunities
>welcoming refugees with open arms while we can't even provide for our own people
>yet newspapers have an article about fucking No Man's Sky of all things
So this must be it then. This must be the absolute pinnacle of video game industry. Nothing that has ever or will ever come out will surpass this absolute, definitive and eternal masterpiece.
Never seen one, is there even any fucking water on any planets?
I've thoroughly enjoyed NMS so far (only a week in but there you go) I've seen all kinds of things, flown, explored, marveled at creatures, had moments of science fiction film, loved the sound track, and an assortment of other things.
In short I've realized some things:
1) This game is totally what I was expecting 2) This game CLEARLY isn't for everyone 3) To many people confuse expectation and hope 4) Even more cant conceptualise just how big it it
Given all the above I have to admit I've got bored of seeing so many complaints when there's so many of us enjoying the game and sharing those moments.
In short: why keep playing a game if it isn't working for you? Life is too short and there are tons of games worth playing...
>yfw you didn't fall for No Man's Buy
I don't care that this game objectively failed to deliver on all the promises the devs made and doesn't even have features currently advertised to be in the game, I definitely got my money's worth and I'm personally having a great time.
I paid over $60 CAD for this masterpiece and because I am an easily pleased fanboy that means you should be too.
I said similar things when I finally met that girl I had been talking to on Tindr. Well, it was actually a guy and he mugged me when I met him but I still got to have a date so take that haters.
So when I first started my game up, it bugged out and stayed in the "loading screen" bit after the title comes up, bearing in mind I had come home after a heavy smoke sesh and was currently thinking about all kinds of shit whilst staring, for what must've been at least 5 mins the stars shooting past and the backround changing coulors. Needless to say it was one of the best highs I had, all before holding square to initialize
fuck off back to /sci/
I've seen people complaining that the game isn't worth $60. I bought a PS4 just to play this game and I am not at all disappointed.
After playing for about a week, I can tell that I'm easily going to get several months worth of entertainment from this one purchase. I can't see how people don't think it's worth $60. It's an amazing, open ended game.
Edit: Thanks for the gold! Time to make my way to a galactic trade network terminal.
Edit 2: It's funny how many people insist that I'm just in denial, or that I regret my decision but am subconsciously trying to convince myself otherwise, or something. A lot of very bad psychologists in this sub, apparently.
It's all about expectations.
I wanted a single player game where I could relax and satisfy my wanderlust while taking in some crazy landscapes. I wanted what they delivered. Hell, I wasn't even expecting crafting or upgradeable ships.
One of my friends wanted multiplayer minecraft in space with awesome ship to ship combat.
One of us is currently salty af.
I'm sorry. Stay strong and REMOVE KEBAB.
>people fell for it
At least you have Serious Sam.
but why
When's this gonna hit the Humble Bundle?
Probably as quickly as Battleborn did.
Germanfag here. I feel your misery. Our government continues to ruin Europe and our journalists deem this the perfect time to report on Hitler's cock sock getting auctioned off.
Post yfw you saw through Sean "He who tells a thousand truths" Murrys lies.
I fucking hate Reddit so much.
>MFW peripheral dumb-consumer friends tried to convince me to preorder.
I see a lot of people who say they hate the game, Sean is a liar, and they basically cant even go on with their life because this game doesn't have everything someone said it would have. Yet their ENTIRE comment history is about THIS GAME. Its like they lost a girl friend who broke up with them because they turned put to be a giant loser, and now they are obsessed to make everyone else feel the same way they do. Its pretty pathetic to be honest. Sorry for the shit post, but if only a couple of these douche bags see this and feel like idiots for at least a couple of seconds, then it was worth it. The amount of keyboard warriors who would NEVER say anything to your face but like to hide behind the anonymity of the internet around here is laughably high. If you really care that much about a $60 video game, you need to re evaluate your life. Maybe have some respect and realize some people are enjoying this game. I can say I am not proud of some of the replies I have given to these losers, but it is what it is. Hope the people that are enjoying the game continue to do so, and to the others... No one is forcing you to play or comment here.
I feel for you kraut, I really do.
>IGN reviews are paid
>5/10 should be the average, review scores are inflated!
>look at this blunder of the century! BTFO!
>everything is shit!
Stop deluding yourself.
Too high.
5.0 at most.
>5.0 at most.
so pretty much average, not good but not bad either?
Fat man reading copypasta
the best part is this game sold 1 million copies at least
Anyone who bought it needs to BTFO from this board, fucking faggots all of u
>come to Sup Forums
>Try to discuss shit games because that's all you know
>Get BTFO with your shitty taste
No child, being critical about garbage games (which gets you banned on other sites) doesn't mean someone hates everything. Get some taste first.
try harder autist
>being baited
Ayy fucking lmao
I've enjoyed the game. They lied to our fucking faces but it's an okay game.
Oh shit, I laughed. Thanks, user.
Buy BF4
Holy shit, why do people on Reddit write in such a specific way? It's like they have their own "text accent". You can tell from the first fucking sentence.