So, what's the final verdict on the PS3?

So, what's the final verdict on the PS3?

I bought mine for super cheap after the PS4 released. Pretty good system, has some fun games, exclusives are solid for the most part. That being said the UI is 90% shit.


Howcame the NO GAMES meme became a normie meme yet?

best exclusives, worst multiplats

XMB was pretty nice and more functional than 360's dashboard, but navigating the store was always atrocious and even more so now

Pretty damn good. Most of the reasons to own one 5+ years ago sadly don't apply now though. You can get most of its former exclusives on other platforms in 1080p/60fps.

No gaems

Best system last gen but had growing pains.

Really really good console

Easily the best 7th gen console because of free online (unlike msjew) and some good exclusives like Demons Souls, Valkryia Chronicles, GT5/6, MGS4

Created Sonyggers with a inferiority complex and a generation of perpetually edgy "gamerz"

Otherwise it was ok because it had a couple decent exclusives

Poached to death by VITA and PS4 remakes.

Disgaea 4 had well over $50 of DLC, the VITA version included all of it.

I think Microsoft had more to do with the generation of perpetually edgy gamers.

The 360 dashboard was primetime for awhile. Updates just made it worse and worse.I used my 360 to play SF IV with my little brother yesterday and it is basically a train wreck at this point. Ads everywhere and shit.

Took too long to get a good library, but better than the ps4.

The entire UI is pure garbage. VITA improved on it, then PS4 improved on the VITA version. Yet there was never an update for PS3 and VITA.

more games than ps4

INCREDIBLE experience with a jailbreak/ODE

loudest optical drive in existence

Worst console of last gen.

All its noteworthy exclusives got ported to PS4 or aged poorly, i.e. God of War 3, All-Stars, Little Big Planet, etc.

When it comes to multiplats, the 360 almost always ran them better, i.e. Bayonetta, Street Fighter IV, etc. Fucking Red Dead Redemption runs at 640p on PS3, which 360 runs at 720p. How the fuck is that acceptable?

Hell it didn't even have the fun of the Wii. Quick, name something memorable with PS Move. Yeah, you can't.

PS3 was made by a group of arrogant assholes and it really shows.

but sonyponies who only have a ps4 only had a 360 during 7th gen, ps3 wasn't very popular among non idorts/people who only ever play on a single platform

>Worst console of last gen
You sound bitter, considering the only competition was the 3DS.

Demon souls and resistance series never made it to ps4, never will either (say what you want but resistance >>>>>>> killzone/uncharted)

Also vanquish is better on ps3

Loved it 8/10.

PC/PS3/3DS master race for that time.

You are an idiot. Although you are right about multiplats.

>not the start of 8th gen

The final verdict on all of last gen
360 first half and multiplats
PS3 2nd half
Wii for about twenty games


Fucking great
Best exclusives of last gen

Really slow start.
But fantastic game library in the end

360 was better

Yea I had the PSP so I knew what I was getting into with PS3. My only experience with Vita is PSTV which the UI isn't terrible, but is obviously designed with touch controls in mind. I do like PS4 UI for the most part. I don't care for everything being in a line again. Looks like the upcoming folders will fix my issue with this though.

If you compare the first 3 years PS4 shits on PS3 and i doubt that´s going to change.

>handheld shit having anything to do with console generations

Yeah no

Wii was garbage