>san andreas has fully working mirrors
this game is 12 years old. why are devs not capable of doing this anymore??
San andreas has fully working mirrors
>fully working mirrors
>in small condensed houses
Where were the mirrors in the open world, huh?
Because a mirror essentially renders the same thing twice. In newer games, optimization passes look for unnecessary renders to save on those sweet frames, and mirrors (which add double the same render work) essentially stress out lower-end PCs and consoles.
I don't like it either, but there you go.
DN3D had working mirrors 20 fucking years ago
This is an old as fuck myth, and wrong
Thats not how it works m8
how about mirrors the size of a football field?
Not a mirror you dingus
Where's your mirror? I only see a portal.
>is reflecting everything in real-time
>"not a mirror"
>3 mirror threads on the front page
In cases where there are renders in newer games, what you see in the mirror is hugely subsampled (blurry, pixelated as fuck).
>a flat surface that reflects entities and the world
Sounds like a mirror to me
Only difference is that it's got an animated normal map and refraction going on too.
>mirrors flip image left to right
>they don't flip image top to bottom
Explain this bug
Uncharted 4 has working mirrors
What is this meme?
>Because a mirror essentially renders the same thing twice.
Wrong. I just happen to be writing a report on the rendering pipeline too.
tl;dr version:
>Room with a box in it
>Finds all the points on the box
>Multiply by World/View/Prospective matrices
>All of the points are pushed around into an arrangement that when you then colour (render) it looks like a view of a box in a room
>Takes up portion of the screen
>For what is in that portion of the screen, flip back to front and make a second frustrum pointing the other way
>THEN you render
You only render once, and rendering is THE taxing part of graphics.
There is zero reason why there is no reflections in games beyond hiding terrible 3rd person models/animation (since it's a shit ton of effort to make always FPS player/always TPS NPC look good when suddenly viewed from the alternative) and how you might get yourself confused when you think about occlusion with mirrors on the scene.
Generally if a mirror lets you see past a wall, you're rendering more scene and what do you know, most games either are open world and are struggling already on consoles OR they're optimized to run well but only in a cramped area that can suddenly be doubled awkwardly when reflecting around a corner.
Generally the worst a mirror does is force a game engine to render what's in front of you and what's behind you, since normally you only bother trying to draw what is in the direction in front of you. If you view a mirror close up you only have to draw what's behind you really.
>reflecting everything with a shitty wavey look
You aren't allowed to say anything nice about Uncharted 4. Know the rules of Sup Forums
t. veteran armchair game developer
>What is this meme?
the entire 7th console generation, and devs' tendencies to continue the trend.
>best looking game 2016 by far
there is your meme, thats one game
Only in the walking sim parts. Reflective surfaces disappear when the gameplay starts. Same with The Last of Us.
see this you fucking retard
i remember me and my friend got really high one day and then he was like "yo you haven't played infinite, have you? we should do that". i got to the part early on where you are standing in the water fairly early on. my instant reaction was "alright, time to see if this is a good game or not..." and looked down. all i could see was sky. laughed pretty hard, boss
>my way of determining if a game is good or not is if it has real time reflections
Is this a form of autism? I get that it's a nice touch but why would that ruin a game for you?
>play gta 5 on max settings
>also play first person because it has been added for a reason
>mirrors in cars not working at all
>cant drive properly
thats why it ruins a game
Well that's understandable, but for Biocock Infinite?
is the webm showing that the ai doesn't understand mirrors?
i think it's excusable, it must be really complex to do that
also ai already are one of the most resource intensive things, combining it with mirrors could result in absurd minimum requirements
>was really high
i wasn't serious, mate. I was making a spur o the moment joke. that being said, the gameplay was kinda bland and the story from what I played wasn't that gripping, which is sad, because i wanted to like it, but I will never finish it
>>Damn I'm lookin' goooood!
It's done on purpose.
Webm related, a cigarette butt sets off a pack of gunpowder.
it's just the picture from the top flip and put on the bottom.
nothing like real mirror.
It's very easy to do you fucktard it's just such a preformance hog it's not worth it
>beyond hiding terrible 3rd person models/animation
but your gif is a reason why people want mirrors - it's fun to look at your character goofing around all woody and stiff
>nobody notices you throw a bag of gunpowder at a guy's feet
Literal anti-technology.
It isn't.
I don't think it would be that difficult to reflect field of view off a mirrored surface. The NPC doesn't have to think or understand what it's seeing.
All it has is a detection zone
In a hitman game that usually comes down to
>Person in field of view
>Looks like a chef
>Has a handgun
>Oh shit
Would it be hard to code the field of view cone that enters a mirror to be reversed and flipped?