Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 is a marvelous game

Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 is a marvelous game

where else you can play as:
>A South African, alcoholic doctor who thinks that every race has its place and enjoys toying with explosives as a hobby
>A hungarian explosves expert who actually learned his trade the sane, safe way. In the classromm
>A Russian Chechnyan war veteran alcoholic who is the newphew of the best mercenary in the bussines
>A German who thinks that Demonic bugs from fuck know where are cute, adorable, cudly creatures
>A military hardass who may or may not have a raging mancrush for one of strongest mercs in the bussines
>An American Humanitarian aid worker turned useless rebel
>Some random jackass who'se greatest Hero is Vlad The Impaler
>A southern redneck mechanic who somehow got part of his colon removed because he OD'd on some pumpkin seeds
>An Insane knife nut who cherishes his skills by carving the alphabet on people bodies while they are still alive. Ot atleast the vowels anyway
>A retard rebel who'se whole work consists og holding the door
>An American postal worker who vents his frustrations by killing random shmucks with the help of a Workers union
>An old ass doctor who'se better at bludgeoning people with a golf club rather than doctoring
>An old ass veteran merc who fucked some tramp in a tent trailer, knocked her up and is pissed off because the kids are leeching of off him
>A mental retard professional wrestler who mostly get hired to move boxes
>An undercover rebel who was hidden in the woods for years.
>A Londoner punk who really hates being british and actually knows martial arts + has night ops training
>An all around jack of all stats mercenary that trains a defence force in his spare time
>A military cadet dropout who has a major stick up his ass, but nonetheless a very loyal and competent soldier
>A seriously egoistical Hungarian leutenant who uses Machine guns like they're BB guns and has a gift of training people to do the same
>A former French marine Sniper who can't swim

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Too bad it's fucking unplayable in a window on W8.

Install the fucking fix then

It is not though. Requires a lot of forum digging and experimenting. I tried for about an hour and finally got it to work. Get to it, nigga.

there are like 5 people on v who played that game.


I just threw together a fresh 1.13/Wildfire merge together last night, time to get my insurgency on.

Do you still need to cheese the start by hiring a guy with rifle for a day?


you are hardcore.

nah, just cheese the night missions until you get rifles

Shows how Sup Forums has fallen then.

Well, at least in 2 most of the mercs are pretty sane and capable. The original had too many useless nutcases


I think all the useless nutcases went to MERC

>cant open up a gun store like 7,62 hard life

Reccetear gun and milsurp dealer game when?

>Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 is a marvelous game

no it's not. lets ignore the fact that sirtech were basically thieves, that they didn't completely ruin the Wizardry series, and that they couldn't make any money. lets ignore that

At the end of the day it's a mediocre strategy game with half the charisma of fallout tactics. u mad?

>Mouse speaks

Nice! I do that once a year with slowest progression of weapons and Bobby rays.
Gives a really nice twist with lots of shotgunaction and pistoljamming

>u mad?

Why would I be mad at your lack of taste? If anything I'm sorry for you, friend.

I keep reading about an item called "Trigger Grouping" that gives full auto weapons burst fire, but how or where do you get it?

Last time I ran through was over a year and a half ago, looking through all the new shit has been pretty interesting. Enemy armored jeeps? The absolute madmen.

I've long since gotten bored of playing the game normally, so I tweak up the difficulty and A.I, turning the game into a months-long insurgency as opposed to the default blobfest.

No Bobby Ray, Slow item progression, 3 IMPs, Ira, Carlos, Dmitri, Miguel, modified to be worth a shit, and that's it, everyone else has to be found and recruited on the ground; AIM is only used to hire non-combat specialists, and are only allowed in 100% secure, defended zones. It's pretty goddamn entertaining.

It has a stupid high Coolness rating IIRC, so it doesn't show up until pretty late game, and even then mostly in shops.

In 1.13 - yes.

In vanilla majority of them simply weren't in game.
Go back to making Grimoire, Cleve.

Bobby Ray's or actual shops? I'm tired of my SCAR-H having to full auto

Both I believe. What's your game progress % at? Also jesus christ how did I fuck my post up that much.

kys newfag

I've captured Drasen, Chitzena, Grumm, and Cambria and knocked out 3 SAM Sites.

By the way, SAM Sites look like comfy places.

Kill yourself Cleve you have proven time and time again you are a talentless hack and sirtech was in the right for cancelling your meme game.

Hmm, assuming your item progression seting is anywhere near normal, it shouldn't be long now until they start showing up.

Also SAM sites are hilarious deathtraps for invading forces, there are few easier tasks than defending stolen SAM site from enemy reinforcements, assuming you didn't blow huge holes in the perimeter to get in in the first place.

have you tried stracciatella

Trigger group needs the sci-fi option at the start.

I want something like this up to a modern standard so badly, and I mean strictly a new "realistic" turn based strategy/tactics game where you control a pmc.

Basically I want XCOM:EU without aliens, can anyone recommend anything?

Reaper all the way.
Btw, why do all the later """Jagged Alliance""" games suck so hard?

>game mods

Not made by Sirtech. They shut down after Wizardry 8.

JA2 has got a perfect battle system, but I wish there was a proper NPC interaction too. You know, normal dialogue options instead of "friendly", "mad" and so on.

Also go to /vr/ is you want to start a quality JA2 thread.

They're all shameless 3rd party cash-ins with zero understanding of what made the series fun, and evedn with 15 years worth of advancements in tech and coding methodology, consistently fail to match, let alone beat games made by a dozen canadians in a shack, or the efforts of a handful of bored internet folk making patches for fun.

That's why I never see it, I always play on Realistic. What difference does it even make anyways?

There are some sci fi bug monsters or shit. I don't know exactly since I almost played Realistic also.

On sci-fi random mine will be shut down due to alien bug like creatures infestation, you can go down there and kill them all, including the queen, but I don't remember having any special reward for this (other than gaining money from cleared mine again of course).

You can refine your vests with aliensperm

>special reward
Hearing everyone's reaction to them is reward enough.

I've been hearing about how neat this game is for a while and I want to give it a try.

Any advice for a newfag? Specific versions to run, etc.

I too haven't played it. I'm downloading gold edition including v1.13, is this good to start with or should I just play vanilla?

Jumping straight into 1.13 is going to take a fair deal of study and trial and error, the mod is so poorly documented at this point (the wiki has been useless for the better part of 4 years, and much of the information is wrong now) that you're basically on your own.

I'd highly recommend starting a thread when you start and pray that a veteran is handy to answer questions, otherwise you're going to be flailing around haplessly for quite awhile.


8289, newest version, bottom of the list. New revisions come out twice a month, but the changes are incremental. There hasn't been a "stable" release in years, so everyone just picks up the latest build and rolls with it.

Well I have it (for some reason I couldnt upload the photo from mobile)


Because those devs literally cannot recreate 1.13, so everything past 2 has been shit. ( I did like how you had to actually arm your militia in BiA)

I find it hilarious that a couple of mod-enthusiast programmers have created probably the deepest combat and ballistics system ever to grace a turn-based squad tactics game, yet shit put out by dedicated studios have 1/10 the depth and are still buggy as shit (Looking at you, new XCOM/XCOM2)


Fuck this guy. What kind of shitdick is THIS loyal to some old rich bat with 0 leadership ability? Money doesn't buy this kind of Donte-tier flippancy.

Start with vanilla then?

I started playing this a few days ago, and remembered some user saying that taking a fortified position was a fucking nightmare. Well, I guess he was right. 3 guys inside a house is an instant meat grinder for me (for the enemy as well). I just break the windows and lob tons of grenades inside, until they all get out (the game gives you tons of grenades, anyway).

I'm starting to get mortars, so I ask: can I make a hole in a ceiling with it? Would be miles better than throwing grenades inside.

Mortars and their ammo are very heavy.

In addition to this

If you want to destroy cover, get launchers.

Fuck off Dreidana

that's why you have mortar teams where one merc carries the mortar and shoots it, and another merc that carries the shells

For awhile, at least. Take a couple cities, get a feel for the basics, make your mistakes, then prepare to have your mind blown by all the cool new shit 1.13 adds to the mix.


Use explosives for an alternate entrance, really though entering houses, rooms, buildings like that is 100% bullshit there's always some faggot soldier just hiding waiting to fuck up your game.

Yes, mortars can blow open ceilings (and buildings in general under the right circumstances).

Also, for demolition purposes, two things: the VOG-25 Jumping grenades have ABSURD destructive power compared to other grenades, people and buildings both, and you can set the timer on things like Dynamite or C4, and then throw them like giant fuck grenades.

>A military cadet dropout who has a major stick up his ass, but nonetheless a very loyal and competent soldier
>An undercover rebel who was hidden in the woods for years.
>A former French marine Sniper who can't swim
I don' tsee these ones

>>An undercover rebel who was hidden in the woods for years.

I've seen this OP before, and asked the same question. It's one of the Unfinished Business mercs 1.13 added to the base game a few years back. Dunno his name. Likely the same case for the others.

What's wrong with it?

Mouse has an annoying, high pitched voice. Damn if she isn't an incredibly stealthy bitch though

>>A former French marine Sniper who can't swim

> implying you're able to shoot your gun while in the water
even with the scuba improvement in 1.13 swimming is of the least concern, since all fighting can only happen on land.

swimming out into the ocean on the coastal maps is a meme

She sounds like Fran Drescher after being kicked in the throat.


There's that one SAM Site south of Chitzena, you can swim around the fence and surprise them from behind.

7.62 is better.

>hilarious deathtraps

The meme bridge directly south of Drassen in Wildfire, holy shit I have never so effortlessly killed hundreds of black shirts in the same 20m radius in the same run as there. It's like a tiny Stalingrad.

1.13 has tons of retarded shit in it like Drassen Counterattack and inventory tweaks that drastically break the balance. You have to already know the game and tweak all their nonsense out of it to get something sensible, but then you're playing your own dumb game and not Jagged Alliance 2 by Sirtech.

The AI in the OG is way too easy to cheese also, especially by stance switching on rooftops.

How do you use stealth?
9 times out of ten the patrol turns around and shoots me.

Night ops.

You do it slow, and do it from afar. If you're trying to stealth stab or cuff somebody, don't bother. The AI spins around incessantly to the point where getting close is rarely doable.

Camo kit, do it at night, fuckton of agility, stealthy skill helps too.

Just when you think Black Shirts are super badasses you see them run right into your LMG and pals. What are those guys that are more elite than black shirts, look like they have brown shirts and a weird tinge about them?

Serious question, has anyone ever got Spy to be useful? The skill spy lets you disguise yourself as enemies and civilians

>If you're trying to stealth stab or cuff somebody, don't bother
I killed hundred of soldiers with a knife

They're just wearing camo.

Yes, I just get a stealthy guy with a suppressed pistol and just go close and headshot them. You can probably put it to great effect with a team of spies.

With stealth, or running up and stabbing them in the face? Melee combat is fine bordering overpowered if we're talking close range battle, but actually getting one square behind a fucker and slitting his throat has always appeared to be a pipe dream, Spy disguises aside.

Yeah but it was a throwing knife/you beat them unconscious first.

Yeah, they're still elites/blackshirts, but ones that have rolled very high on the rank and equipment RNG. They're more of a threat than a "normal" elite, but it's not the same kind of leap between a regular and an elite or anything like that.

My all time favourite game.

The addition of radio mortar strikes, tripwires, tanks and deadly games mercs to name a few made it greatest.

>mfw ambidexterous IMP with gunslinger

This feels like cheating.

Does this work as is?

Anyone else love defending towns from attacks?

I love rigging a place with mines, claymores, mortar positions and fighting 200 enemies plus tanks

I've never played so do I download the gold version then download the 1.12 patch? I want to beat the game before modding.

>That time you were clearing out some regulars
>Open a door and it's Mike

Yeah, basic install shit for JA2 and then 1.13 goes like so:

>Install JA2 Gold in a random folder somewhere (NOT the program files shit games used to default to, newer Windows versions interfere with shit like this and it will cause problems)
>unzip the SCI package you've downloaded from that link, then copy the contents on top of the original vanilla folders/files
>if you're using windows 7 or below, this step is unnecessary, but otherwise go to the docs folder, check out the Windows 8 and 10 fixes, and copy the files to the JA2 directory

At this point you're ready to play, but I'd advise hitting the .ini editor first to turn off the intro, change your resolution, etc etc.

>everyone on the squad freaks out
>except he's point blank
>bomb the shit out of him

Played out like that for me, in a way. Pointman had a Shotgun and Mike had no AP, so my IMP merc shot him in the face, he takes a shitton of damage but is still alive but cowering, injured and dropped his weapon. Needless to say next turn he was dead. That coated Specter helmet is pretty strong stuff

Welcome to my establishment.

>but cowering, injured and dropped his weapon
You could have recruited him then

His VA work is so shoddy since it's from the low-res voice clips from JA1 that I couldn't bear keeping him the one time I tried.

Anyone have any NCTH settings before I give the game another go?

Yes. Don't. NCTH system a shit. Everyone is Mr. Magoo-tier with it on. Old system best system.

Anyone got a mega link handy?

but Drassen counterattack is one of the best moments in 1.13

at least when you don't mind save-scumming


What did he mean by this?

arulco dot blogspot co uk/

recommended for any avid 1.13 player

overhauls and changes a lot

>levels of enemy are Police, Regulars, Elite
>enemies use mostly old NATO shit because realistically thats what they would have
>have to supply your own weapons and gear to milita
>improved AI
>totally resigned sectors causing lots of clutter and more cover and concealment.
>game starts half way, mercs drop in with substantial gear but the enemy start with basic rifles and late-early game stuff. no more meme pistols and shotgun battles.
>massive counter attacks for ALL cities, the army is actually in army sizes, meaning you need to be extremely tactical with what youre doing