Why did none of the Stargate games ever got released?

Why did none of the Stargate games ever got released?

>there will never be a Stargate MMO with the same engine as pre-update Star Wars Galaxies
Jaffa Kree my shit up senpai.

dunno if a mmo would have worked but the fps looked cool

A normal mmo wouldn't have worked, the pre-nge swg engine would've been dope as fuck though, was made for ranged combat. Still sad I never got to try that third person shooter they had out for a few months before pulling the servers down.

SG-1 and Atlantis were pretty neat. Universe had potential but squandered it so badly.

My favorite episode is probably the 200th one, even if it was done during the worst seasons.

bad luck

>you are now aware that by in universe logic there exists a world where the mmo is actually played out in the TV show
>you are now aware that by in universe logic there is a universe where we actually got good stargate games

Would space combat work in a Stargate game? Stargate rts?

Did RDA ever lose the weight he gained after leaving SG1? Hated seeing him like that.

The movie had a game released. It was a nice puzzle game. I enjoyed it as a kid.

The stargate would make badass loading animation too.

As long as it's not early Stargate yeah, Earth had some ships that could go toe to toe with Goa'uld ships. They had decent air battle scenes in a few episodes.

yes. i don't have a picture, but he did

also, general question for the thread:

do you have any hope for Emrich taking the reins back and giving us new movies

Universe was pretentious and too serious.
You can't go from a sorta campy sci-fi series that had heart and try to turn into that shit.
Plus it would do the soap opera thing where it would draw out shit and over emphasize on pointless drama.
I love SG-1 and Atlantis and now I can't even watch Sci-Fi anymore that all their shows are crap and they STILL waste money on shitty B movies.

>Syfy (formerly Sci-Fi Channel) is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the NBCUniversal Cable division of NBCUniversal, a subsidiary of Comcast.
Licensing is an absolute nightmare. Sharknado's endless sequels are frozen for months, as divisions fight among each other for funding and endorsements.

I thought he was already working on a movie that would obliterate and ignore the tv show canon?

Atlantis had some great cig fights

>take a nigger
>put a tattoo on his forehead
>call it an alien

he is. the new movies are following what he originally wanted to do following the original movie. think the general stance on the tv shows is that they happend, but in an alternate universe

>what is every sci fi ever
Fuck, OG Star Trek didn't even put shit on their heads, they just dressed them up like retards.

>trying to start shit in a stargate thread

>Star Trek
>put a jew in space
>call it an alien

RIP Leonard

starcraft doesn't count? protoss gateways

>was in the Stargate Worlds alpha
Jesus fucking Christ it was horrible. I'm glad it was never released.

Holy shit, tell us stories. All of them. any of them ;_;


Nah, for Stargate you want turn-based. Maybe a game where you play as one of several competing System Lords vying for dominance. Diplomacy and warfare with Earthlings occasionally showing up to wreck shit as some kind of random event.

Would main best system lord all day erryday.

my friend was so hyped for it and kept shilling it to our group even tho he wasn't in the alpha. What happened?

>protoss in stargate

im not sure how i feel about that honestly

i'd rather them stay away form earth based stuff. i just want more stuff on the goa'uld

One of the best game gear puzzle games

But I liked the tv shows more then the movie...

Jaffa are very specifically just slightly modified humans meant to be a slave race.
Stargate has some pretty alien ass aliens in it.

Id4 resurgence was shit so no.



because it's a meme show favored by reddit

Stargate mod for Stellaris when?

>endgame threats are Wraith, Replicators and Ori

What else could we put in it?

I bought it and thought yeah fuking shooting goauld and shit but then wtf ist a reverse tetris???

I think that a Stargate video game would work best with the Mass Effect-style gameplay. Or maybe MGSV-style gameplay.

Because Stargate is not really a straight-up military style shooter. It's also not a straight-up exploration game, so I don't think MMORPG is a good fit either. A Stargate game would need to have maps that are big and semi-open world. There would have to be multiple options to accomplish "the mission".

Example: Early in the game you go on recon missions. What classes do you bring on your team? Soldier, scientist, technician, or archaeologist? Do you go all soldiers in case you run into trouble? Do you bring archaeologists and scientists in an effort to avoid trouble altogether? Or do you sort of recreate the team from the show by bringing 2 soldiers, and 2 of the other classes?

There would have to be a lot of work done to make sure that each map is carefully sculpted in order to allow for different paths to be viable.

If they added multiplayer to the game I think the most they should do is 4-player co-op either through LAN or over network.

The game should also allow you to gain "points" as you accomplish missions. If you execute a mission perfectly, you get more points. Later on you could spend those points to unlock either permanent upgrades to your team or one-off bonuses. Examples of the permanent perks would be equipping your people with those staff blast resistant inserts or putting a 50 cal on top of a MALP that can be used near the gate. Examples of one-off bonuses would be calling in one of the combat SG teams to join you on the mission (AI-controlled allies). Or having General Hammond launch an UAV through the gate before your team steps through.


I didn't mind the seriousness of SGU.

But what I DID mind was the teenage drama bullshit. And the random "this episode I'M the crazy one!" personality shifts that the characters went through.

>not hammond of texas

ya dun goofed

I want a mod for XCOM where you send your dudes through a stargate instead of a drop ship

Sorry user its been a long day. I'll go rewatch season 2 in penance for my mistake.

>No Stargate RTS where you play as Replicators and eat everything on the map

get fucked.

>Do you go all soldiers in case you run into trouble?

>not sending SG2-13 to get senselessly sacrificed so SG1 can roll in and save the day.

Wait why isn't there a Stargate overhaul mod for Xcom 1 or 2?

>protoss in stargate

>im not sure how i feel about that honestly

The psychic power of the Ancients. With physical power greater than the Jaffa. With the style of the Asgard.

Protoss would be too OP for Stargate.

Kek yea me too admittingly at the time. Ended up liking it though after awhile.

Things will not come down my son. Things will in fact, calm up.

oops meant wife's son*

wrong thread?

Dad Kratos is Christopher Judge. So you technically hear Teal'c while playing it. Quote is wrong, though.