One shitty scene where you fight Liquid in a robot for no reason was cut

>One shitty scene where you fight Liquid in a robot for no reason was cut
>People acted like this was big deal for months.

Pretty sure the whole game being god awful was why its a big deal.

The child soldiers you save steal Pequod, Salanthropus, and have the English parasites and then the game ends without resolution.

Because the blatantly unfinished ending to that storyline as is makes no sense.

Did you rike it

The gameplay is fucking amazing though... I thought gameplay was the most essential part of a game

You feel it too, don't you?

It's literally a great game and I'm not even enlarging the thumbnail on this shitty bait. Begone, troll.

>Kojima had 6 years to develop his game
>People blaming Konami

>80 million dollars

To be fair, alot of that went into developing a whole new proprietary engine for Konami.

They're probably going to save millions a year in licensing fees.

He used that time to develop the best game engine ever made, Fox Engine.

Oh yeah? Where are all the fox engine games user? WHERE ARE THEY?

In pachinko parlors

You mean it all went to joost and keef, plus those 80s songs.

Metal Gear Survive and then whatever games come after.

Next year you can fight zombies with bows and arrows and makeshift weapons.

Why does she sit like that?

I want to ______ Eli

>entirety of MB gets outwitted by a pack of niglets and an edgy little white boy

It's all Kaz's fault.

what did they mean by this


Rocket punch

use rubber bullets to concuss

They want to reuse assets from MGSV to quickly pump out a new game so they pretend it's a spin-off.

That first post is literally just complaining that the game doesn't hold their hand enough

>no camo index
It's there, just not displayed on the HUD. Fucking just think for literally one second about what you're wearing vs your environment.

>no sound ring
Fucking just think literally for one second about how much noise you're making and how far that sound would realistically travel.

>no buildings
There are buildings, just not nearly enough of them.

>no way to tell if what you're doing is affecting the guards ability to see you
Fucking just think literally for one second about what you're doing and if it makes you more or less visible. If you're standing and moving, obviously you're more visible. If there is smoke between you and a guard, obviously you're less visible.

>hit or miss detection
Literally what? Learn to aim shitters. Hit detection is great in this game with the exception of sometimes helmets protect part of someone's face that is clearly exposed.

>ui is somehow more difficult to navigate despite the fact the original bars on either screen were a much better idea
Literally no.

>guards dont actually have any interesting ai just simple x-y reactions
Finally, an actual criticism that isn't unfounded.

>horrible aiming cursor
Literally no.

What does this even mean?

>vehicles are useless
Literally no.

>ddog is broken
>quiet is broken
Don't use them.

>bosses are either cheap on extreme or laughable on normal mode
While they are laughable on normal, on extreme they're almost too easy as well. Out-sniping the Skull Snipers in mission 48 is the only real challenge in this game.

>game is centered around reflex since guards spot you through LOS
If you turn off reflex then you'll realise how retarded this is. Even if you get spotted and have no reflex, you still have time to quickly dispatch them with an effective shot. It's very hard to do this in time, but it's possible.

>fobs are terrible balanced
In favor of who? It's fine.