Why do underaged people like this game so much?

Why do underaged people like this game so much?

>10mn cinematic
>10mn exposition
>45secs gameplay to retrieve to backpack in the tree
>20mn dialogues with the boss
>"hide if you don't want to be seen" dialogues
>game starts
>worst controls ever seen in a ps2 title
>horrible camera
>horrible AI
>bad graphics for 2004
>bad animations for 2004

By the time I tranqu'd 3 soldiers I already lost all will to play the game. So why do kids love it so much? Is it because I started to trend of 50h cinematics and 15mn gameplay or something?

1 was a masterpiece, but everything after that except GZ was fucking shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


More like you need to be at least 18 to fully appreciate this game, which OP clearly does not fulfil

So, once you turn 18 you start to appreciate cinematic experiences with horrible gameplay/graphics/animations and cringe worthy dialogues/exposition?

>Is it because I started to trend of 50h cinematics and 15mn gameplay or something?

it had the same amount of cutscenes as mgs2

Anyone who says MGS1 is a masterpiece is fucking retarded. As a """"STEALTH"""" game it literally plays like your controller is half-functioning, covered in liquid shit with nails menacing the fucking grips of the controller. Almost everything about it from a gameplay perspective was a complete fucking travesty.

But MGS2 is also garbage, only 1 and GZ were good.

Yeah nah, I'm playing both as we speak and MGS1 is more intuitive than 3. And MGS3 got released way later on a more powerful plateform.

2 and 3 were the only good games in the series.

MGS1 was awful. Boring boss fights, terrible level design, loads of gimmicky sections and too many forced combat sections? It boggles my mind how anyone can see it as anything more than Kojima's extremely rough transition into 3D.

>bad graphics for 2004
>bad animations for 2004

The same year Half-Life2, Far Cry and Doom 3 got released.

MGS3 feels like 4 years behind compared to those games.


Yeah, MGS3 is only really liked by the late 90s crowd, aka the people that grew up with PS2s. MGS3 was their first MG game due to the hype so it instantaneously became their favorite out of the franchise. I don't blame them, MGS3 isn't BAD but it's definitely one of the worse MGS titles in the series, you could argue it started a spiraling down trend for future MGS games.

As it stands the objectively good MG games are MG2, MGS1 and MGR. I personally like MGS2 too but I can see why some wouldn't.

I started playing the metal gear series when I was young, starting with the shitty NES Metal Gear port.

Mgs3 is good, as well as the first one and 2. They started going downhill with 4. I did actually play through 4, it was okay but not anywhere as near as good as the rest.

I've played MGS1 at least 15 times and I've gotten big boss ranking on extreme, and it's overall my favorite in terms of story and boss design, but anyone who says the gameplay holds up in ANY way is fucking deluding themselves hardcore

The camera angles are the worst in any MGS game ever made, even worse than vanilla MGS3 without the 3rd person cam, which was staggeringly bad.

The movement is god awful and doesn't respond to stopping movement as quickly as the later games did.

Trying to go through the game with stealth is awful because the melee sucks, you need to be positioned perfectly next to the enemy or some of your attacks will miss and then you're fucked because you'll get an alert.

Gray Fox is bullshit because if you fight him melee and you forget that when he loses all health, he spews electricity and instantly kills you if you're close to him regardless of your health, so if you're going melee your first time through, you need to have prior knowledge of the boss or you'll likely die.

The entire section where you have to backtrack to get the sniper rifle is fucking dumb, and then trying to out-snipe Sniper Wolf before you get captured is hell unless you've practiced it for hours and know exactly where to aim because of the slow ass aiming speed of the sniper scope in comparison to how fast she locks on and shoots the shit out of you.

The button mashing section is tiring as fuck if you want to get the Meryl ending.

Climbing the comms tower is complete fucking shit and annoying as hell, even if you waste all your chaff and stun grenades it's still hell and you're going to lose at least half your fucking health.

The Hind D boss is annoying not because of the boss fight itself, but because the second missile he fires at the end is impossible to dodge unless you have prior knowledge of the fight and know EXACTLY where to stand on the rooftop when it hits, which isn't fucking intuitive at all.


Oh and MGR is shit. Literally not even a MG game

The rappelling controls fucking suck and you're almost bound to lose health because of how bad they are

The three guards after the rappelling scene are fucking shit, because after you shoot two of them, even with the sniper, you can't fucking kill the third because the sniper aiming is so slow and he fires infinitely over the bridge and hits you regardless of the distance, so you basically have to have prior knowledge of making three shots on each before taking the 4th kill shot on each so that the third doesn't get the chance to fire over the bridge.

The second Sniper Wolf fight suffers from the same bad controls and aiming speed as the first

The PAL key backtracking was even worse tedious backtracking than the sniper rifle fetch

Metal Gear REX is hell on ANY difficulty after wasting all the chaff on the comms tower (which you fucking NEEDED to, especially in the case of extreme), and you can only get like 4 chaff grenades at a time from the one point they respawn in the boss room, and because of the sheer volume of fucking chaff you need to throw to make REX's seeking missiles not fuck you in the ass, it's NEVER enough, and you need to basically run around the entire fucking room to avoid them so you can't even camp the chaff spawn

The melee controls for the final Liquid fight make it one of the worst boss fights in the series, bar none, it completely sucks ass, his tells are broken because if you get too close to him (which happens all the time because of the shitty unresponsiveness of the controls), he'll run to another side of REX and it skips a sequence where you can hit him (you have to only make hits on the first and second times he moves, after the third move, any hit you attempt will be dodged and countered), and his bull rush attack was fucking broken because even if you were nowhere within range of being hit, you'd STILL get fucking hit by it.



Before MGSV came out it had the most amount of gameplay for the entire series. I'm 27 and it's my single favorite video game of all time.

And the final chase section is the worst forced vehicle chase in vidya. The slow fucking controls make it HORRENDOUS to go through, and if you have low health and you're going for a BB run, you're pretty much fucked because even if you have the machine gun on Liquid's fucking face the entire time in first person mode, and have practiced the exact positioning of his shit fucking face, he'll get damage immunity after each hit and can shoot back at you and you CAN'T FUCKING AVOID IT, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.

Each revisit to this fucking game showed me more and more bullshit and poor design decisions were put into the game. The only reason I would ever play it again is if I wanted to experience the story again. The gameplay is in no way a good aspect of MGS1. It's awful.

tl;dr, it plays like absolute shit in every way, and if you want to know exactly why, read my post.

The same reason they like RE4. It was their first game in the series.

No thanks. I played the game when it came out, it was great. I dont need to read your autistic diary lol.


Never said MGS3 was bad, I just said that it's on the lower spectrum of good MG games.

>They started going downhill with 4

MGS4 is more or less MGS3's gameplay but refined. MGS3 started bad trends like outdoor stealth and more Big Boss.

>MGR is shit


>"lol guys this game is better than every other"
>no other reasoning to this statement, just shit
>"It's actually fucking terrible, and here's every reason why."
>"nah it's still good you're just autistic and i won't argue because i'll lose lol"

I know this is a bait thread, but come on.

You just got burned bro

the camera was shit in snake eater, it was vastly improved in subsistence you faggot

Isn't it obvious?

>it's an ACfag thread

No, MGS3 is one of the best mg games.

Doesnt require any elaboration, mgr isnt even a real metal gear game. It was made to hype up literal children and make them interested in the series because muh cuhraazy dante combat.

"Dante combat" its very fun and a nice change of pace, besides it suits more ninja raiden

>literally no argument


So mgs3 is the skyrim of mgs?

>came out in 2004
Are you purposely being retarded or do you know what year it is?

that fight with liquid snake was such shit

I remember being so hyped to fight him but it took me over 2 hours just to beat him, then "oh boy i beat the game"


Once again OP is a fag.

Poor bait take your (you) and fuck off you dirty manwhore

>better than every other
So i see you cant comprehend written word either
>arguing opinions
Are you retarded? Lol

You just got buttmad and triggered, causing you to write a short story about a video game. Kek. Sure showed me.

It's on PS2, what did you expect?

Why would he need to when the skill ceiling is so low?

So, from these replies that I assume are OP... Looks like OP is hipster trash that doesn't like MGS3 because it's deemed as one of the best in the series. How you get bored after 3 enemies beats me. You must either be some editor at Kotaku/IGN, have the attention span of a fly, or the jungle setting just didn't really suit you.

I recently became a fan of the series a few months ago and honestly love almost all of them. Can't really choose a favorite cause almost all the main ones were good. But to completely discredit MGS3 just because you got bored after knocking out 3 enemies is laughable. Controls, you get used to them. And MGS1/MGS2 had a ton of cutscenes/dialogue so I don't get your complaints about that.

The only games I don't like are PW and GZ/PP. They just feel like fillers to me. The ending of MGS3 was enough to see why Big Boss was done with governments. At least PW had Heaven's Divide though, sung by the same that sung Snake Eater. GZ/PP was just... terrible. I'm still in the first chapter of PP and I bought it when I bought the Legacy Collection. Every single game, I was glued for hours and hours, but PW took me awhile, and PP, I can't even play for an hour till I get bored doing filler stuff ("B-BOSS, GET A TRANSLATOR EVEN THOUGH OCELOT SPEAKS RUSSIAN AND KAZ SPEAKS MOONRUNE") for no reason that seems to be irrelevant because you aren't even Big Boss to begin with. Also, for me, the whole switch to Tactical Esionage Operations just kills the immersion and continuity/flow that the games had prior

Honestly, If I had to rate the games I've played, it'd be MG=MG2=MGS1=MGS2=MGS3=MGS4 > PW > MGS3 Pachinko (Cause damn those visuals are beautiful, but Konami is shit) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GZ/PP


There's your problem. It feels like a casual game because you're treating it like one. Start the game on European Extreme and CQC/ghost only and it will feel like a much better game. However, tranq the bosses or else it's piss easy then.

You kids are so emotional nowadays. When did everyone become a sissy faggor who thinks there is an argument of opinions they must win?

Lmao @ ur life

You actually may have autism. This isnt a meme or insult.

Nothing, but the user was implying graphics and animations werent shit.

>Gray Fox

I swear, the only reason people like that fight is because Fox cartwheels through glass.

You're absolutely right. For some reason I remembered this game as fondly as everyone else but when I replayed it it was so bad it left a bad taste in my mouth for what was once my favorite series.

Now try playing the original without the fixing of the horrible camera that didn't suit the setting at all.

1 and 2 are still GOAT tho.

You type like a 13 year old

>Older games suck because GRAFIX

Confirmed for halo babby.

Thats okay, because im not a buttmad autist. Kek

Every other is an exaggeration, but not by much since you're saying every other MGS game except for 1 and GZ were garbage, which, unless you're illiterate, implies that you think MGS1 and GZ are better games.

If you want to come here and spout shit, expect to defend your position, which, as I might point out, you haven't entirely, you're basically just responding to every post with "lolitrul u get a life lmao hahah xdd."

I mean, the only thing you've been doing is projecting hardcore about me being assravaged for writing exactly why the game is shit, which you haven't acknowledged at all and completely ignored, but go ahead and keep eating shit if you want to.

The fixed camera only worked for The End battle really.

No, I don't like mgs3 because of the reasons I listed. When it takes over 20mn of cringe worthy dialogue and exposition to start the game, something is bad. When you finally start the game and have to face horrible controls, graphics, animations, AI, it's discouraging.

I forced myself a bit and rescued the russian guy then got attacked by the revolver dude. So far there's nothing good except maybe the bullet ricochet.

>since you're saying every other MGS game except for 1 and GZ were garbage,

Stopped reading. Are you just making shit up? How are you coming to these assumptions? Did you not read what I posted?

You need to go take your meds, bro. You are clearly delusional.

You sound so entertained lol

Literally in the OP.

>1 was a masterpiece, but everything after that except GZ was fucking shit.

i'm 24 and this is my least favorite mgs game by far.


I never said it sucks because of graphics, I just said graphics are ultra garbage for a 2004 games.

Plus I dont see the link with halo

the controls arn't bad tho, and the ai is pretty good. Give it another try.

Are you talking about A fixed camera in MGS3? Or the camera that they fixed afterwards for Subsistence?

OP is having a panic fit or something because peoples opinions dont ally with his lol. I think he needs a safe space.

Yeah the one in the original game. Was awkward elsewhere.

yeah I've been playing all the games and MGS1 i enjoyed a lot since it looks great lowpoly and the first few stealth sections were great but holy shit it's direct downhill to THE worst gameplay sections in a good game.
A stealth game gets turned into combat game with inflinetly respawning fucking enemies. It turns into garbage. I still like the game despite that but fuck

Im not the OP. Are you stupid?

Seriously, you need some anti anxiety meds,or something. Youre having a NUCLEAR meltdown over a game and cant even follow posts content properly. You need to practice your reading comprehension.

It's the way poeple express opinions on this board, they try to be objective and the moment they are proven wrong they back off and say "its just an opinnion u buttthurt"

top fucking kek, good meme dude

>mgs3 was so bad they had to fix it by making a rerelease shortly after

You're the one that initiated the exchange of opinions and then you're the one that backed out of it with ad hominens and buzzwords. At least your posts are a shining example of the type of people that consider MGS3 the best in the series.

The camera.

I'm not having a panic fit, just asking. This is a board were people hate cinematic experiences, walking simulators, dialogues written by a 12 year old and poor gameplay, and this game combines them all.

How did it help for that fight? That's an example of the camera being terrible to me since the fight area is so big. if you get close to him and lose sight you have to go into first person which halts you rinse/repeat.

I agree with this bait, so I guess this thread isn't for me.

>proven wrong

You are literally retarded or autistic. All ive posted in this thread was my opinions about mgs3 being good.

If you are trying to argue opinions as universal truth you might literally have autism.


You need to calm down lol. You sound like a triggered sjw.

Why do adults like it so much? Why do critics like it so much? Why do most people who play it like it so much?
>bad graphics for 2004
Nigger, MGS3 was pushing the PS2 to the fucking limit. It looked great.
>horrible camera
Are you talking about the original release?
>bad animations
Okay, you're trolling. The CQC animations were very impressive for the time which is why they're the fucking title screen.
>worst controls ever seen in a ps2 title
You know this isn't true, so why say it?
GZ is the least complete MGS title. You are either trolling or a child yourself. Die.

Uh, I wasn't talking about you

It's not bad at all, but it isn't a masterpiece either. I prefer MGS1.

REEEE stop hating on this 8/10. I played this game and Metal Gear Solid 2 as a kid and I can appreciate the art.

MGS2 Tanker Mission is a 10/10 masterpiece in my book. Huge plus on soundtrack, level design, and storytelling.

MGS2 Plant Mission 7/10 at most.

Oh, well that was meant for the guy freaking out and asking for empirical evidence of opinions. Thought you were him.

I like it and I am 21. I replayed it recently. It is still the best in the series and yes it was the first one I beat. Tried to play through MGS2 and I couldn't do it. I love linear games but MGS2 is too linear. MGS3 is the perfect balance between linear and open gameplay. MGSV TPP took it too far.

Honestly, Twin Snakes solved much of the gameplay/controls problems. It also made it easier though due to tranq. gun.

not him but
>Nigger, MGS3 was pushing the PS2 to the fucking limit. It looked great.
Yeah I agree the graphics were good but the resolution is so fucking low the enemy can see you ages before you can see them because they go perfectly into the blurry fucking mess that you see beyond 20ft from you.
Have fun proning and crawling everywhere because you haven't memorized all enemy positions because you're playing it the first time
>Are you talking about the original release?
Yeah the original release is what I have since I got the collection and the original release is fucking unplayable
>pointless camera angles
>go fps every 2 steps to see what's going on
>crawl everywhere in case you get spotted by invisible enemy you propably can't even see in fps thanks to the blur
And it was so fucking bad they had to rerelease it, which automatically means it's not a great game.
>You know this isn't true, so why say it?
crawling controls are fucking horrible and have been in every single release up to PP.
snake never wants to go where you input. The controls make no sense, only diehard mgs autists who are convinced every game is absolute pinnacle of stortelling and gameplay believe its wrong but the controls are fucking horrible for crawling.

Graphics are shit compared to other 2004 games, even if they pushed the ps2. Animations were bad even for 2004. And controls are shit. Yes original camera is almost superman64 tier bad

GZ had stellar gameplay

It's ok

Not that it helped, the fight just feels so different with the subsistence camera. Might be experience but it just feels easy with the free camera.

>MGR better than MGS3
Here's your (You).
Why single out people who grew up with a PS2 when MGS2 was released on the PS2 as well? Obviously MGS3 ramped up the Big Boss fetishism and did some retconning, but they were doing the best with what they had and it's absolutely better than PW, GZ, and V. One of the worse games in the series is a gross overstatement. You're either an idiot or a troll. Replay all the games and come back with a better opinion.
t. MGS2 supremacist who also recognizes the quality of MGS3.

You're comparing PC master race games to the PS2. What next, going to tell us how much better MGS1 is compared to Pokemon Gold and Silver in the graphics and animation department?

>I played the game when it came out, it was great.

You'd need to be at least 18 to have been around for that, so your lie doesn't hold up.

>d-d-dont you dare compare console to pc games in terms of graphics
>b-but its fine if we compare ps4 games to crysis because it makes consoles look goood

Graphics were shit for the era, deal with it.
They were good for PS2 title tho.
But that's like saying "he's can type fast for someone with no arms

You're right about the camera angles in the original, but the thread image is of Subsistence, which is what I based my reply on. MGS2 got a re-release too, but not because of the camera fuckup like with MGS3. PW technically got a re-release if you include the HD edition. I recognize the flaws with the MGS series, but sorry, it's a great game.


Honestly I feel all of them are just different degrees of good, and for different reasons. PW in my opinion is the worst Metal Gear game I played, but even then it's still a 7 or 8 out of 10, it's still better than most shit that hits the market.

mgs1 was shit compared to tenchu and thief in both graphics and gameplay. The only reason it's well remembered is because it's babies first Tom Clancy novel plot was impressive to the sevens year olds who played it.

Still doesn't make the controls worse than every other PS2 game. You're still wrong about the animations being bad for 2004. The bar was still much lower than MGS3. Do you just like GZ more because it has less stuff that you're unable to pay attention to and think about? You have a warped perception of the series. Faggots like you are a dime a dozen.

Fresh into MGS here.

why dont you wait 10 years and find out for yourself

Yeah it was 2000 when i first beat it a few times, so I was about 15 then. The y2k hype thing was happening and I was worried id not get to finish the game if the infrastructure collapsed.

This is a joke, right? GZ is the shortest and least finished of them all? Why put it there? Because it has the least story?

it's the only way we'll ever get a taste on our own terms of what our dads loved about all the fiction that came out of the cold war. that and the old guy is the best boss of any game ever.

Tom Clancy tended not to have any magic sci fi shit running around, Metal Gear is only like Tom Clancy novels if you think anything that has some military jargon and window dressing tossed around is Clancy like.

because it was the least fun.
One map that's tiny and you don't even get the full fucking base. No interior areas and the missions aren't no where near as polished as the first mission. It felt like a really good demo but still as a demo.

And the crawling controls were horrible. It should've just been like the damn ship mission in 2, where it's an intro.

>I was worried id not get to finish the game if the infrastructure collapsed


tom clancy has magic sci fi shit like hammerspace objects and dumb technolgy and shit.
Only real difference is that MGS has insanely corny b-movie story and setpieces and is far more over the top.

Yeah thats a pretty big difference. MGS is nothing like Tom Clancy novels.

Some people like interactive movies, some people like pure gameplay. It's taste.