
Lisa thread? Lisa thread!

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I haven't finished the game on hard yet but probably I should do it today

>the roulette part on painful mode

the limited saves makes me a little hesitant to start.. but then again, it was never a problem for me in the old resident evil games

What do you think Brad was thinking every time he got a new companion; like wow I guess I'm not as fucked as I though I was compared to some of the other guys like Fishman or The Wrestler.

>Play Pain mode
>Been over 30 minutes or so since I've last saved
>Fall off a cliff

in my head I like to think that Terry and Shocklord made Brad happy


>Arrive late to the party on LISA
>Know nothing about it
>See the option for Pain Mode at the start
>Assume it's the "proper" way to play the game
>Have to rip and claw my way through my first playthrough ever on Pain
>Come back and play on normal and it's a fucking cakewalk
>Didn't even know Hawk Hollywood was supposed to be a normal guy and not a joy mutant

Pain mode changes a man.

When will Lisa IV come out?

worth it

>while hanging out with all of these fucked up weirdos

is this game any good ?

don't get joyful



joyful is much better than painful

why is good ?


did you enjoy your first playthrough more then your 2nd?



kys yourself

the soup will never die!

at least you're not the guy who fell off the same cliff four times

other then Buddy, what's wrong with joyful?

Can you guys fuck off to a general or something?

Is anyone going to get the OST vinyl?

>underbrony this mad his shit game is ignored by Sup Forums


also where can i get a lossless version of the soundtracks for free

Brad was a bad person .
About half way though it becomes clear he's saving buddy to justify himself as a "good person".
Even after she explains to him what's going on he continues to presue her.
Would let humanity die just to feel good about himself

>lumping us with undertail

>Lisa thread
>No actual LIsa discussion.

For what purpose?

Shilling, that's what.

one woman isn't enough to recreate the entirety of humanity.

Didn't know about it, might order one

There's nothing even wrong with Buddy, sure she's a cunt, but that's the point, how is she supposed to act after going through everything in the first game while also popping Joy like they're Pez candies?

Brad... had a hard life

I enjoyed the story a lot and I probably wouldn't have felt so intense if it wasn't for pain mode

But going through normal let me explore extra content a lot more which I enjoyed too. I'd say overall I'm glad with how I played.

Technically, it is, the problem is it would create a genetic bottleneck and it would basically be a lottery on producing kids without fucked up genes. It would still be possible, just incredibly risky.

Is it obligatory in every Lisa thread for some to faggot to say not to play Joyful? It's not even that bad for what it is.

Threadly reminder.

The OST really is out of this world
Plus they're selling a limited edition LP of it


why would you do this to me?

What a cry baby

The series is over man. Lisa is finished.

does this cement LISA as one of the GOAT and most hard life indie games?

>look at me, i'm ablind nintendo shill who loves to come into threads acting like a 15 year old kid!

I'd love to buy one but I'm too broke to bother at the moment.

Lisa was an excellent series. The first one was weak as shit tho. Painful and Joyful both have their ups and downs. It's a shame the series is finished. I wonder what Ninja Tears will be like.

Anyone else thought this was the best game they ever played? story really got to me.

that's way too hipster for me

New Vegas still holds that title for me. If only I could find a Lisa themed NV mod

I would definitely say it had the most impact of any recent game I've played.
There really is no other game like it.