Why did they make everyone look western in the movie when they look Asian in the game?
Why did they make everyone look western in the movie when they look Asian in the game?
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They wanted a Hollywood movie. They hired Hollywood actors, Hollywood script assistants, even a Hollywood composer to replace Yoko Shimomura.
why do all the women look so flat in the face
a (You) free of charge I guess
Because Japan has a rising westaboo crisis.
>they look Asian in the game
yeah no. Asia has serious case of westcucking. Something changed in that region after WW2. Now they all want to be white.
Why did they make this dress look blue and black in my eyes when it's white and gold in other people's eyes?
What? Stop memeing.
I still can't believe the dress was actually blue and black. I guess I can't extrapolate from the fact that the background is so bright and the lighting was so terrible.
Kek, that's so black and blue it hurts.
White and Gold master race reporting in
I can easily see both color sets, I just have to change how I focus my eyes. Not sure why this was such a huge normie meme. Just proves how oblivious and unperceptive most of them are.
>Now they all want to be white
Who doesn't?
I now declare this a Lightning Thread.
Just kiss me
the funny thing is if I wasn't so familiar with FF's artstyle of making all their men look like fuckboys I'd think that was a girl. i guess they wanted the trap lover audience.
i-it's not a girl?
Becuase Japanese people are generally ugly, with flat faces.
Wait a second, there's an ff movie now? Somebody explain this shit.
Underage banned
literally weeb cryptonite
There are at least three 3DCG FF movies.
He might have thought they were talking about a real movie and not a straight to dvd animated shitter that nobody cares about.
I mean, ffXV one - I remember the blunder that was advent children or whatever but isn't the game delayed or something? And there's a movie too?
>those arms
>thinking it's a girl
sup virgin
could totally pull off that look btw, shame I'm not a metro queer
There is nothing wrong with CGI animation. It's literally the future of cinema. When filmmakers realise that they can control every aspect of the production under a controlled environment (no shooting delays because of bad weather since all motion capture and voice recording are done in a studio) and still turn out fantastically photorealistic, it will get insanely popular in the film industry.
Game is delayed and there indeed is a movie. Sean Bean plays Regis.
Also the movie already came out in Japan 2 months ago and it bombed.
And it comes out worldwide tomorrow and will bomb as well, 13% rating on Rottentomatoes.
Squeenix still hasn't learned from Spirits Within fiasco.
The movie was made for western audiences. And the idiots at Tabata think that by just westernizing the designs and shitting on their core design principle, they can get more FF fans. All it does is create an unneccessary dissonance between game and movie.
This company is dying.
>he doesn't want a HIGH TEST gf
Joke's on you, friend.
> And the idiots at Tabata
dude wot
Tabata is a person.
you can call it the future of movies, but dont you fucking dare call it the future of cinema. true cinema is art which can only be appreciated when it is displayed by a human, not some glorified cartoon. cgi movies are the kind of shit you see on the bargain rack at toys r us for 10 year olds. cheap entertainment enjoyed by the kind of kids who are always a little off.
*idiots at SE like Tabata
This seems like a typical Tabata thing. The guy is desperate to get more western attention.
Don't you have a hot coffee to be sipping, Quentin?
>I can easily see both color sets, I just have to change how I focus my eyes. Not sure why this was such a huge normie meme. Just proves how oblivious and unperceptive most of them are.
Look at it up close and it's white and gold
Look at it far away and it's black and blue
At least that's how it is for me and a friend I showed.
I don't get it. Can't they just make good, fun games and release them on time? Why would you even make a movie? That's completely insane.
Can you blame him? Console gaming is pretty much dead in Japan, it's all about handhelds and phones. If they want to keep making those big AAA console games they need western audience because who else is going to buy them?
but he has girl's arms u faget
she looks like something out of a fucking souls character creator
>le total control meme
and when filmmakers realise that 'total control' over every visual aspect of a shot doesn't actually make their movies better, what then?
the magic of cinema will cease to exist when it becomes entirely abstracted from real life.
It's blue and black no matter how I look at it. I guess my brain has made its choice.
I bet you think digital cameras are bad for cinematography despite the source files never disintegrating like film reels do, since digital files are just zeroes and ones.
We need the westacuck audience
We need the open world audience
It is absolutely sad to see someone's work decay like this, irreparably and irrecoverably lost.
>that demo back
>the result ingame today
Fuck you Squix I'm so getting the game on PC.
They got dominated hard and want the D.
*back then
Sometimes film negative decay gets so bad it is unsafe to dispose of yourself because the nitrate powder it inevitably decays into becomes too toxic, so you have to contact a hazmat center to safely remove and dispose of the material.
I don't. I'm happy being a pale Middle Eastern.
Whatever floats your boat, my sandnigger friend.
I wish Luna looked like this in the game. She's so much prettier.
Thank you, my cracker friend.
I agree, but her eyes creep me out.
Except it sucks all the soul and wonder out of movies. Just look at the Star Wars prequels. Pretty much everything except the human actors in those movies was CGI, and it suffered from it. Nothing can replace live action movies.
Game Noctis vs movie Noctis.
Does this mean I live in an anime
People that don't want their life to be a BLACKED script.
That's the european woman alright
These women aren't white.
>made for western audiences