Need some decent games with random map creation...

need some decent games with random map creation, exploration and crafting / combat that could potentially turn into addictive time sinks

getting a little sick of image related because you can literally wander around the map for three hours not finding what you need, randomly dying and having to start over

shipwrecked is even worse

Try those
Neo Scavenger
Death Road to Canada

I personally love all the aspects of Don't Starve, and those are the game I usually play when I want a similar experience but don't feel like playing Don't Starve.

> Terraria

I tried pirating that game, played it for a while and then got pissed off at the fact that I will never be able to defeat the bosses if I'm not playing with other people because of how bullshit they are.

What you are looking for is getting laid you beta poster.

Boss HP scales with more players and probably gets harder since you will be playing with shitters. The only advantage to playing with multiple players is that you might be able to respawn before everyone dies and you might be able to get aggro off you to heal. You are just shit if you couldn't even beat the first bosses.

That's wrong idiot. Bosses are harder in multiplayer.

You are just a fucking casual shit. You probably couldn't even finish Super Mario Bros if you were old enough to have played it. (you aren't, most casuals are young as shit, like you)

if you can't even survive dont starve this genre is not for you

Not OP but damn, guess this is yet another dead genre. I played them all already.

Kind of light on exploration but factorio kind of fits what you want. Plus the autism factor can go off the charts and the mods give it a lot of replayability.

Factorio isn't even complete yet, though. Already played and got bored of it, btw.

Don't Starve seems really overhyped. Playing it for the first time a few weeks ago, your character is almost constantly needing to eat and most of the difficulty just comes from how good or bad your map seed is.


I really dislike it's aesthetic but there's a lot of stuff you can do and build. After "beating" it I can say that it's one of the only game of this genre that isn't generic early access bullshit.

>The Forest

Looks great and lots of stuff for you to make and interesting things to explore. Only drawback is that there's basically no goals at all because the plot isn't finished cause lolearlyaccess.

Terraria and rimworld

i really liked don't starve, but your right about the map seed bit.

ducking around with world options can make that easier, but then it feels cheaty

>most of the difficulty just comes from how good or bad your map seed is.
No its not.

All "seeds" are really really similar. Its the entire reason why I got bored of the game, after playing it straight for a week, I realized all games are the same than the previous one. Also food is never a problem in don't starve, cold and heat are.

Don't starve reign of giants is a good game, could have been great if the developer didn't drop the ball with the multiplayer bullshit.

Get Empyrion on Steam for u and me its on sale just 10$ :(
I am a poorfag
plz help

Almost every single one of those shitty survival games out there are addictive as fuck.

My latest poison is Rust.

>because you can literally wander around the map for three hours not finding what you need

nigga it takes me 15 days AT MOST to have a base built and at LEAST 80-90% of the map explored.

you might be doing something wrong

Is Factorio good? I thought it was some steam workshop bullshit but after watching the gameplay trailer I realize its about colonization and automatization while fending off natives.

Worth a try or should I wait till its completer?

this kid lol

Also, anyone else don't get what the hype is all about Neo Scavenger? It always gets recommender but I found it pretty barebones when I tried it.

Yes i will never stop till i get this game for cheap.

Listen to this guy about the seeds.

On every normal preset world there is without fail:
2 deciduous biomes, one always having the pig king and Glommer statue.

2 Desert biomes, one (if DST) always having the Dragonfly magma pools/DF the other a generally large assortment of hound mounds.

A spawning light green biome with the same pool of ample starter resources.

At least, and usually only 2 swamps.

At least and usually only 2 rocky biomes

At least and usually only 2 Savannah biomes, with beefalos in two separate herds starting the game.

ect ect. Once you learn how map seeds and game mechanics/time efficiency works it's easymodo getting RNG fucked is almost always spending your time badly (Like mining rocks at the start in a rocky where there is near 0 food seeds aside and starving to death because you didn't bring food)

Reign of Giants was completed *well* before DST came into development, it even got included free in DST in time, that point is moot.

What I meant is that he should have continued expanding the way reign of giants did, instead of dropping all content and focusing on multiplayer.

I guess I just wanted more because I was bored of the samey feel of the game.

normal dont starve is easy, yes, but try adventure mode or even going underground. its quite challenging.

also how is shipwrecked?

>getting a little sick of image related because you can literally wander around the map for three hours not finding what you need, randomly dying and having to start over

git gud

if you cant find the handful core resources you need and be settled down by day 6 you are bad

Klei did that though, they gave a (trusted to them) 3rd part developer Cappy the right to make shipwrecked.

Sure, I'll agree on launch and for a fair time after SW was buggy as fuck and felt a mess - but It felt like a real expansion in term of new mechanics and content.

I've admittedly spend combined about 2.5K hours in DS/DST, so I'm rather biased if not well informed - but with where DST currently is and with the free "A new reign" (formerly Through the ages) DST DLC being released in parts every week I'd say they are hardly dropping content for both single and multi - SW was not that long ago man.

I bought DS in early alpha years ago - I got a free copy of DS with it a few years later. I then got DST for free for my own copy and the copy a gave to a friend. Four games for the price of one, so I can't say the value for money here isn't amazing for earlyish supporters.

A lot better than it was, and also harder than RoG as far as seasonal challenges and resource management goes. I'd get it on sale if you're on edge, but full price is fine too imo.

It's definitely worth getting now if building elaborate machines is your thing. Wait for a sale if the survival aspect entices you more. This and RimWorld were my two pleasant surprises so far this year.

>NEO Scavenger
My nigga
Get it, pretty hard and it's world is very unique, especially when you get to the DMC. The lore is especially good

I love how the title is a reference to something in the lore

Factorio is a great game that fills a specific niche. If you like tech heavy minecraft mods, youll most likely enjoy this game.
The devs are no-bullshit people. The game as is is well featured, and mods add a lot. Try the demo. There will be no price changes when it is out of early access

Already tried Rimworld, really enjoyed it. After getting a base that can't die(in the easiest biome, with the easiest altitude, and the easiest temperature, mind you) I got tired of it. Seems like we have a similar taste so I will bet on Factorio. Time for vidya.

The mid game section of NEO Scavenger can be pretty boring if you're just surviving, you're basically supposed to head to The Glow and see what you can do there. The plot is a big part of NEO Scavenger and you can beat the game

If you liked RimWorld consider Gnomoria too then. It gets a lot of shit for being a simplified Dorf Fort ripoff but I put a decent amount of time into it. Plus it's got z levels which was a big complaint of Rimworld.

yeah no fuck you had to ragequit on this one because the game refuses to generate me a swamp and instead throws me tiny islands with literally nothing on them

Shipwrecked really is garbage. Capy didn't even want to finish it.

Git gud or use Mods

Try other games in the Survival Tags, maybe DS just isn't for you.