Where does the series go from here?
Where does the series go from here?
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beyond rock bottom
to the top of the mountain
bethesda will give it a soft reboot. Probably ditch the free roam and solely focus on a story driven action game.
The bottom of the Marianas trench.
In Fallout 5 your wife's son will be kidnapped by aliens and you'll have to run around the wasteland scavenging parts and recruiting scientists to help you build a rocket ship.
The last half of the game takes place on the moon, where you find an abandoned Chinese colony.
Now that Bethesda has finished digesting it and passed it out as a big steaming log, it'll likely remain a floater for some time, and will take many years to finally flush.
The next Fallout game will be a game where, get this: you can do ANYTHING
Not in the fucking northeast again hopefully
It doesn't go anywhere. It stagnates and becomes more and more of a pandering mess of poorly thought-out ideas until people stop buying it.
Get ready for Fallout 5 set in China or Japan, because the development team literally never played the original games and gets all of their information from the wiki.
Will it work tho?
Has any bethesda game "worked?" You could start a fucking ant farm with all the bugs you find in every new game.
The worst experience of a Bethesda game I ever had was playing skyrim on ps3. Jesus Christ that was awful
I'd actually like that idea. Least you get to explore something other than a bombed out United States.
It goes to the new engine they are making, back up hype lane, through Sup Forums cynicism and into everyones gaming library like normal.
I have a friend who played Fallout 3 on the PS3. Apparently once you play for so long, your file has to keep track of so many things that the game crashes upon loading. His save file was like 18MB or something and every time he tried to start the game, it'd freeze up for about five minutes before exiting to the PS3 menu.
I dont understand this meme,you can climb mountains in shitrim
>new engine
Didn't they just copyright Fallout: New Orleans? I'm guessing it's going there
They are making one. Thats why they are continuously telling people they are busy but not working on new games.
Even Bethesda knows their engine is outdated as shit. Its also why Skyrim is getting a remaster, its 'new' technology they are putting in the new engine that they could bring across to the old one.
Yeah the ps3 version of skyrim would do the same thing along with dropping to around 3 fps so the game would turn into a slideshow
hopefully whatever is next is developed by obsidian
By scale, they're actually just large Hills and the entire province of Skyrim is the size of a small city.
>They are making one
>its 'new' technology they are putting in the new engine
I have a folder for this. We could do this all night, friend.
Hopefully towards better games.
They said they were making a new engine for Skyrim. And for Fallout 4 -- and what do you know, Fallout 4 is literally a glorified Skyrim mod still using recycled assets from Oblivion.
>its 'new' technology they are putting in the new engine
>because the development team literally never played the original games and gets all of their information from the wiki.
I have a friend on the dev team (nobody super important, just does weapon models and shit) and this isn't true. A lot of people at Bethesda are pretty big Fallout fans, but Pete Hines is an egotistical retard who shoots down every legitimately good idea in favor of his half-cooked trash.
>Skyrim is getting a remaster, its 'new' technology they are putting in the new engine that they could bring across to the old one.
Are you fucking high? The sole reason they're "remastering" Skyrim is to cash in on the new console generation by just selling you the exact same game configured to run on higher settings than the PS3/360 version. There isn't going to be a new engine, why the fuck would they port skyrim to a new engine when they outright said that remaking Oblivion was too much work?
The smart thing to do would be to hand off to Obsidian or another developer whilst Bethesda works on TES VI.
But they won't do that.
>tfw no Midwestern spin-off Isometric InXile Fallout game
You mean fallout tactics?
>just does weapon models and shit
Tell him he needs to shoot the artists and then off himself. Zero thought or cohesiveness went into the weapons in FO4.
Wasn't their a rumor that obsidian was working on a fallout in lousiana?
He was actually responsible for the pipe weapons, kek. Tried to tell the artists it was a stupid idea but nobody listened.
At this point I hope they just sell the IP or just let it die forever. The problem is the IP would be rather expensive to buy, Meaning only shitty companies like EA could buy it.
Don't forget that when you get to the moon Liberty prime shows up to save you.
Be given to Obsidian. Bethesda are such a fucking hack devs
Point Lookout is as much "louisiana" as I want to experience. Go back to the ongoing story on the west coast, literally no one gives a fuck about what the retards at bethesda are trying to push with the east coast garbage.
Into the trash
i don't know why they wouldn't. they are pretty much putting in minimal effort these days anyway. may as well just get out of the development cycle altogether and pay obsidian peanuts to make actual good games while bethesda has parties in hollywood
>tfw no Van Buren
New Vegas was basically Van Buren 3D
Tactics was mediocre, not an RPG and also only half canon.
I want a proper RPG isometric spin off that clears up the canon of the midwest.
I have Skyrim on the PS3, and the framerate rate never drops, and the game rarely chrashes.
Procedurally generated everything. What could possibly go wrong?
Hi Todd nice to see you up at this hour
I remember encountering a bug in the PS3 version of New Vegas where if you were wearing a certain hat in one of the casinos you literally couldn't exit the building. Even if you unequipped/dropped it, the game would crash every time you entered a loading screen.
The issue could only be fixed by de-spawning the hat in the console, which you can't do in the console versions.
this smell like a fresh meme
Bethesda afraid of scaring off their target audience. It's obvious that if obsidian would try to make much more complex game with thoughtful story it's going to change target audience of the fallout games. Bethesda makes games like this on purpose because people likes to shoot stuff than think about what outcome could be best for new vegas and why winning the war for NCR is more like losing. People still arguing about this shit, when f3/4 fans just keep buying new videogames. It's all about the money.
Rumor is 100% wrong.
Obsidian's Louisiana thing is completely unrelated.
There was a couple interviews about them doing one and Todd said it would be a good thing.
If anything Obsidian would stay West Coast.
Fallout: LA/Boneyard
I wish Fallout was finally laid to rest.
The franchise should end, before it becomes another endless rehash in Bethesda's repertoire.
NV had the same problem.
We played about 60 hours in 5 days with a friend, fast traveling was a nightmare on xbox 360 after some time, it would take a solid 5 minutes or just outright crash.
While technically they're working on a project codenamed Louisiana, the copyright for Fo: New Orleans just dropped. So there's still a chance.
New Vegas was the perfect ending anyway.
>It's said war - war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road - has reached its end
Getting there, that's not the hard part.
>It's letting go
I just want anything at this point.
Fo4 is so lacking in so many areas compared to NV.
Obsidian FO is all i've wanted.
Apparently Todd is a pretty cool guy. Has some good taste in video games but completely oblivious to social media apparently.
Can your friend confirm?
Steve Hines is a cancer upon himself though.
I think another Fallout game leading off of NV could be pretty good. Maybe move it back west into California so you can explore Arroyo, Redding, New Reno, so on and so forth. Maybe orient it so that Redding and New Reno are on the bottom limits, so that there are still new vaults and areas to explore up north.
Story would probably focus on something outside of the NCR, that way they don't have to choose a definitive ending for New Vegas. Maybe set it far enough ahead, like 40/50 years, for the outcome to not really matter since the NCR losing land in Nevada wouldn't have a massive effect on the west coast, nor would it affect much if the NCR did completely overtake New Vegas and the dam. Either way, it'd be pretty interesting to explore a new kind of villain altogether.
I honestly want to see some kind of pre-war Wargames-esque AI that's spent 300 years simulating total nuclear war, coming to the conclusion that humanity needs to be erased before it can destroy the whole world. Think of something like self-propogating machines assimilating people robobrain-style rather than the synth/android garbage that FO4 tried to push on you.
I mean at this point it's literally anyone's game. You can handwave those old twitter posts saying obsi isn't working on it, since the copyright *just* recently dropped and Beth technically could have approached them over the summer about it. It never hurts to hope, user
That sounds an awful lot like the original plot to Van Buren where that AI wanted to use a satellite to lauch a bunch of nukes
>Seeing all the old ideas for Van Buren in NV
The burned legate and Ulysses were old ideas, albeit different. Ulysses was a megalomaniac computer gone haywire, and the legate was a hanged man who survived, incredibly powerful companion that you'd get early on, but a pain in the ass to travel with because he'd be so evil.
Even the twin mothers, a clan barely mentionned by Ulysses was a quite developed idea for a vault.
>coming to the conclusion that humanity needs to be erased before it can destroy the whole world. Think of something like self-propogating machines assimilating people robobrain-style
While I like the idea, that's a point-for-point retread of what the Master was trying to do in FO1. I'd much rather a new antagonist take the form of an oligarchy trying to exploit vault resources, or something of that sort. You start the game with your vault being forced open and an eviction notice being planted on your door.
For all its flaws, LR was the perfect ending to the game.
>If war never changes, then men must
And that is a lot more meaningful than F4 spouting WAR NEVER CHANGES HUUUUR like a moto, without any meaning behind
this is the mother and sister of a shitposter ITT
Looks like the mom got hit in the face with a frying pan
Fallout 4 had the "war never changes line" play 4 times in the intro/tutorial. Milk it, baby!
Without the true narrator. I'm still mad aboit that and the voiced protagonist.
Any RP possibility is dead because of that.
Why won't Obsidian confirm that they're not making fallout: new orleans?
Yeah for some bewildering reason they only used Ron for the trailer as opposed to the game.
They actually used Ron for the TV anchor
Why don't Obsidrones talk about and play other games that Obsidian makes? Does your favourite developer not make any good games? Why no one talks about Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny?
If Bethesda hadn't bought and rebooted the Fallout series from Fallout 3, a 3D game on Gamebryo Engine, no one would be talking about this series.
If Bethesda sells their Fallout ip to Obsidian, Obsidian wouldn't have a proper engine to make a 3D Fallout game. They had to use every asset from Fallout 3 to create NV. They can only create isometric rpgs themselves.
Oh shoot so they did. I meant as in using the "war never changes" line.
>hey guys why are you talking about New Vegas in a Fallout thread I mean come on, why not talk about Pillars of Eternity instead?
Zenimax will definitely keep the Fallout IP but they should seriously consider contracting it to a more competent studio.
>They can only create isometric rpgs themselves.
I would have zero issues if they went back to isometric.
I played 3 and NV and I can honestly say that a lot of the issues with the modern games comes from the first person perspective. I'd rather the series went back to its roots before it became even more like the homogenized minecraft/call of duty shit you see in literally every single AAA release.
Doesn't change the fact they made a better game with a smaller team, in a fraction of the time, with a smaller budget, even agter cutting corners and taking pieces out of the game the cube became a donut.
Although if they were to make a game with F4 engine, I would hope they could tweak the game to avoid the voiced protagonist and the stupid dialogue wheel. Just changing those two would change SO MUCH.
I've got an idea! Make everything purposely terrible graphics! Like, blocks and shit
>I have zero issues with a modern isometric Fallout game
How many Fallout fans agree with this actually?
wasteland 2 wasn't even very good
setting it in the fallout universe isn't going to suddenly improve it
I liked the look they pulled off with PoE but could they achieve something similar with a post-apocalyptic setting? Lush forests vs ruined landscapes?
I haven't seen anyone ever mention PoE in a Fallout thread or on Sup Forums in general. Elder Scroll games are mentioned regularly on both.
New Orleans was recently trademarked, so I imagine we'll be getting another game from a studio BESIDES Bethesda. There's the possibility of Obsidian coming back, but I very much doubt it. Not much hope in it.
Remember me?
PoE has very little to do with Fallout whereas modern Fallout games use the same engine that the Elder Scrolls games use. Recycled assets are another point of contention.
If they could just make a game that was like Wasteland 2 but not clunky and kinda-shit then I'd be all for it. Isometrics don't bother me one bit famalam.
Bethesda will try to push the Americana of the series again. For some reason they take the idea of fallout and look at it through a straw. That's one of the reasons fallout 3 and 4 were in large historical and political places. They forget that society has crumbled and new forms of government are needed. Bethesda took one good look at the enclave and thought that this reminent of the US government was the focal point of the series. We will probably see some retred of American historical sights again for the next game and a story that boils down to two earring ape tribes grunting at each other and throwing sticks till one falls over, and in the end no one is good or evil because morality isn't black and white
>no one would be talking about this series
Fallout was auctioned. Zenimax eventually bought the entire Fallout property. It could have gone to anyone else.
Into my toilet.
I think obsidian will be making a 20th anniversary spinoff game for late 2017/early 2018 with Tim Caine since he joined them recently.
>ditch the free roam
Kill me now.
Who were the other guys that nearly bought the rights as well? Can't remember.
They patched the issue people are talking about a couple of weeks after Skyrim launched.
I had the same problem in NV, only it prevented me from finishing the game the first time. Funny how people talk about how glitchy Bethesda games are but rarely bring up the clusterfuck of glitches that was New Vegas. Saying FO4 was bad because of glitches is a crutch. The things that are truly awful about that game are the dialogue and higher-up design choices, not problems in execution like glitches. I've had less glitches in all BGS games combined than in Fallout: New Vegas. And I've played Fallout 3 three times. Even though Fallout: NV is a truer Fallout game than 3, it has many failures and was not as good as the Internet thinks it is. Yes, I realize Obsidian was working with less time and luxuries. I think they still did a fine job and I enjoyed New Vegas despite the glitches.
All of them because people that support this garbage bethesda is doing are not true fans, arguably
New Vegas is only superior depending on what you value in a game. If you purely care about quest dialog, interaction, and choices, then New Vegas is clearly better. The main quest was lack luster but the side quests were incredible and filled with meaningful choices and the ability to approach things in numerous ways.