>Steam release announced
>Playable demo before release announced
Jesus Christ how can everything keep going so right with this game?
Nier: Automata thread
>Steam release announced
>Playable demo before release announced
Jesus Christ how can everything keep going so right with this game?
Nier: Automata thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>playable demo
Yeah, gonna need a source on the demo.
This is what I found googling it
>is considering
come on man
I'm so ready for the music
I suppose it's not officially CONFIRMED, but that sounds more like hedging in case there are technical or timetable barriers than actual indecision.
This contains a translation of a Famitsu interview with Saito:
>"I’m thinking about whether something like a demo, for example, would be good to give users a chance to get their hands on the game,” Saito said. “Rather than have users experience it within a short 10 or 20 minutes, I want users to properly experience NieR: Automata with a demo of a 30-to-40 minute, sit-down-and-play kind of volume.”
Any chance of the first game being ported to PC then?
Feels good we finally get a console port. Steam is the best platform for console multiplats.
Given that the game is probably out in around half a year and we've heard nothing probably not. Hope that emulation picks up heavily within the next half-year
It won't
Just buy it for the PS3 and while you are at it buy Drakengard 3 twive.
I love tarogames!!! how early do you think the game will make you cry?! maybe 2 hours in?
are drakengard 1-3 worth playing, too?
I think if there were plans they'd have released it first to drum up interest in the sequel. A 360/PS3 is cheap these days anyway.
Unlikely given the engine.
Remember, Nier (both Gestalt and Replicant) was built in a console-specific framework and porting would be a time-intensive and labor intensive task... Magnified by the reality that the team which coded it (Cavia) no longer exists. That's a lot of money to sink on porting an unsuccessful niche game to a secondary platform.
Automata is built in a platform agnostic environment so the port cost is extremely minor, almost negligible.
1 and 3, yes. 3 plays like shit with the worst level design imaginable.
This picture pees me off so much
Fyra didn't deserve it
>Nier fans wanted nothing to do with shitposting and often tried to distant themselves from console wars
>Now it can't be used as bait for it
>Fyra didn't deserve it
You are correct
They were "considering" platforms other than PS4 too, user.
Look how that ended.
From a marketing perspective, promising a demo is a mistake, because hey, you never know what sort of technical issues may fuck up your timetable (they already pushed back the release date once, remember) and you don't want to release a literally broken game as a demo.
But it's abundantly clear that their intention is to release a demo, assuming that Plat has a stable, working build by the intended window.
This. Pick a PS3 so you can hack it and play DD3 and Persona 5 too, if you want the undub version.
Just from an industry stand point this is a great idea.
I hope this kinda thing happens more so maybe we can have less NMS and Arkham Knight
Demos need to make a comeback
No but don't you see her future husband's soldiers killed the Shade-wolf's friends who were actually peaceful all along!
A lot of new game + felt like an ass pull
She was a dumb mute who climbed her way into the king by being a slut.
>mfw faggots say they felt sad for the asshole dog
Fuck you
Same. It seems it will be as good as NieR's, possibly even more.
>"NieR Automata soundtrack is now on post production stage."
>"Keiichi Okabe and Keigo Hoashi wrote 80% of the soundtracks, 20% of it written by other MONACA staff."
>"The original NieR features layered tracks where the music layer comes one by one as the action goes on (ex: There’s just violin parts at the start, but when the enemies comes in, the drums kicks in). NieR Automata won’t use that feature anymore: instead they added more violent songs with the same tempo."
>nier party is diverse and interesting
>nier automata party is filled with sex androids with stupid blindfolds.
I'm mad
is the ps3 version of nier 1 playable?
I hope if there's a demo is like a Case West/Zero sort of thing. A self contained story/intro to the full game. I like that sort of thing.
I had 1 framedrop the entire game
Drakengard 1 or 3 first? It's gotta be 1, right?
Some of the scenes were 10/10 but some of them didn't really make much of an impact on the story for me
The Junk Heap and the Lost Shrine made me feel bad about what I was doing but it was pretty hard to feel bad for the Aerie since they're all dicks and Facade just kind of struck me as both sides doing what they had to in order to survive
Nier's sadness was kind of overhyped imo
Ending D was certainly unique and sad but not the soul-crushing sadness people made it out to be. Kaine relapsing right at the very end felt kind of shoehorned in and the saddest part is that you realize you literally caused the end of the world in order to be with your daughter
I beat it a few days ago with no problems
Kaine looks like generic waifubait until you play the game
Have you played the game? Then shut you whore mouth, retard.
>muh diversity
fuck off cuck
The 360 version was fine. And I believe the PS3 version was the primary one, so it should be as good or better.
Stop doing this, it's fucking dumb.
Stop telling people "X is confirmed" when the developer explicitly and exactly said "X is being considered". It's annoying and sensationalist. You don't write for kdramastars, you don't get paid by the view, just inform people normally.
And no, them saying "we'll consider this" and then doing it doesn't mean you're right about this every time.
Look, just fucking inform people of things accurately for fucks sake. Is that so damn hard?
I agree. D3 was more depressive.
I'd say start with 1, yeah. Neither is really great as far as gameplay but 3 is still a step up.
>a white haired old/young man
>a white book
>a white haired hussy
>a white haired blind boy
Sure is diverse.
Just kidding, I get what you mean but I'm sure they'll show their differences once we get to hear more from them as characters.
Oh shit that's perfect, I'd better get on that then. Might as well play Drakengard 1 first since I'll have my PS2 but not my PS3 with me at school.
Not that diversity you idiot.
fuck off, any one with half a brain would just call it for what it is. Are you trying to sell us something? No. So fuck off with that shit
Is there anywhere can I read Grimoire Nier? I found the translation but it's meant as a companion to the book so I assume I need that too, or doesn't it matter?
It's meant as a tie in to the game, thus it's a companion book. The only translations you'll ever get user is a summary. Have fun EOP
It doesn't matter.
this is as good as it gets
>they rerecorded the song with Emi Evans
It's like this whole game is Yousuke Saito experimenting with how much fanwank he can cram into a single title. Like, he has his budget from Square Enix, and he looked at the section with the "Marketing" header, and he said "if we spend every dollar of this on shit the Nier fanbase will shit their pants over, the game will market itself."
And somehow he got away with it
is the original gonna get ported too or should I just read about it?
>Nier is just 25 Euros on Amazon
September will either make or break my life so wish me luck.
That's because even Taro and the original staff admitted that they were surprised how much people enjoyed the OST, even over the game itself (a lot of reviews cited as much). They'd be idiots not to keep what ain't broke.
No. But play it, platinumfag.
1 is worth it for the completely insane and hopeless story. The gameplay is one the worst I've seen in a game. As repetitive as it can get.
3 is a great game. The story has both insanity and feels like Nier, but it doesn't get that good until you unlock the additional endings. I also has the best gameplay in any other Taro game, but that's not saying much. Overall is mostly very well designed, lots of fun differents weapons (you get to punch shit in the face at incredible hihg speed), enemies, bosses, etc. Level design on the other hand is pretty much non-existent. The performance is atrocious too, like really fucking bad. Still playable for me though.
To anybody that liked the game, Grimoire Nier is VERY recommended. There's so much really important shit that I didn't know about the story in there that it even surprised me.
PS3 and 360 are dirt cheap nowadays, come on user, it's worth it.
Solid thread so far guys, keep it up.
So it's a perfect sequel to 1
I think it's actually worse to the point that makes me wonder how much budget they were given.
>goth lolita battle girl
>her underage boy commanding officer
>Floating Siri cellphone with a machinegun attachment
>broken, outdated prototype robot nudist
I agree, what a tired and cliche cast of characters.
Get a fat xbox for cheap and install a rgh chip in it. It's not that complicated but it require some soldering skills. PS3 cost more, it's hack cost more too and it's less powerful than the 360.
Worse than Drakengard 1... that's impressive.
The final boss is amazing though
But you cant play DD3 on Xbox, retard.
>muh 10 more dollars
How did humanity un-gestalt? How did they get to the moon?
Never really cared about Drakengard or Nier, but seeing he gameplay trailers made me want to buy this game.
Props to whoever got Platinum to develop the gameplay.
Just got a used copy of the original Nier too.
Combat is better but no magic, almost no use of the dragon, literally repeated hallway levels and the horrible framerates, make it worse. Story and characters are great though.
I'd resigned myself to being a huge dick-worshiping bottom faggot, but that robo-waifu is hitting all the right notes. I hate this. I'm sick of being confused of my sexuality.
there were some successful cases of gestalt and replicant fusion far away
Nier basically only fucked up the area monitored by Devola and Popola, there are other androids out there managing other areas in the world
Does she have a dick?
wow nier's sadness was not overhyped, shitposter.
What's the twist going to be?
>the aliens who sent the robots are humans
>the androids are actually human
>final boss is nier
>final boss is emil
>final boss is red eyes caim
>B-but you can't play as X character
And why should I bother? The xbox 360 version run better and is in english.
Level design I'd say is just as bad. Main difference just being that 1 has much bigger areas, but that isn't necessarily good because it means a lot of the time missions drag on for way too fucking long.
Can't wait to see what wierd sexual stories and fetishes Taro comes up with those characters.
Specially 9S
My nigger. A lot of people hate it (and I understand why) but it's probably my favourite moment in the game.
Actually, if I'm not mistaken, it was Takahisa Taura, lead designer of MGR that wanted to make a Nier game, and by coincidence, Squeenix wanted to make a game with Platinum, so Taura presented a game document, they accepted and brought Taro along. I would've loved to see Taro's face when he found out.
Was it ever confirmed that Red Eye was actually Caim or it's just a reasonable assumption?
first game is shit
just watch a let's play for the story
Caim being red eyes makes so much sense i can't think of anyone else being red eyes.
Wasn't the sequel confirmed to follow the ending D? How could you end up fighting nier?
A month after release PC fags will be crying and bitching about something related to the game. It'll be the worst game ever, it's shit, console fags are delusional and all this.
And form then on we'll never be able to talk about the game again.
Same thing happened to Dragon's Dogma.
As much as I like games on PC, you fags just destroy any chance of having a decent discussion about them.
Do you know about ending E?
In "Ending E", told in Grimoire Nier, after the Shadowlord disappeared, a program to reset the entire Replicant system begins its execution in the Forest of Myth, and Kainé goes to destroy it. The forgotten Nier is reunited with Kainé, as a young boy, reconstructed with the “memories” that the tree had of his first visit to the Forest of memories"
The "moon" is actually Emil's head
I'm so happy the reason this game occurred was just a fucking coincidence that a Nier fanboy at platinum got handed a blank check on any Square property. It fits the series so well.
No one wants you here shitposter, leave.
They didn't.
remember, this game is based on the bizarre YoRHa stage play Taro wrote
In it, the entire cast is androids on a lunar base, wondering what it really means to be human. They have artificial memories of human pasts they could not have had. The android models are refined by transplanting memories and experiences from one robot to the next as they are damaged and need replacing
there is only a single android in the stage play who has ever actually seen a human in the flesh. All orders are handed down abstractly; this girl is popular among her compatriots for having seen a human in real life. Human. Singular
Humanity didn't survive. As we know, Emil is the only human left. The Gestalt process did fail. Emil is using the YoRHa program as his own version of the Gestalt process, to attempt to rebuild humanity.
The robot invasion was orchestrated by him. That's why all the robots look like him. He needed the YoRHa androids to develop the sense of camaraderie and purpose needed to experience real love and devotion and only a disaster could provide that framework. His ultimate goal is to turn the YoRHa robots against him, since the last step in developing their humanity is teaching them independence; he's waiting for them to finally care for each other MORE than they care for his orders. This is how he will recreate humanity, by teachig machines to think and feel as humans do and giving them the memories and personalities of humans
This is why the only confirmed returning characters are Emil and Beepy and the rest are said to only be mentioned
Try and make a thread about Dragon's Dogma. I fucking dare you. It'll be shit posted into oblivion like the last 50 have been.
The same thing is going to happen to Nier threads after it's released on PC.
So enjoy discussing it now, you lose that privilege with the PC release.
Is Yoko Taro genuine autistic?
Did I stutter? Get out.
He is certainly damaged.
>that classmate fell of a building and died with a boner story
no, the dumb cunt is right.
It's pissing me off too.
And even if shitposting in general is somehow avoided, it doesn't turn into meaningful discussion about the game itself
It turns into fucking "Can my toaster run this?"
"can i play this with a Voodoo2?"
"Do i need a motherboard to play this at 60fps?"
It's fucking bullshit. I want to talk about videogames, not your shitty computer
Now if it only can turn out better than the pile of shit that was the first game (inb4 muh story fags get mad, it was an objectively shitty game).
It's true that Taura had pitched a "game like a Nier sequel" to plat, design doc and all, and that when Squeenix came through looking to collaborate, Plat put that forward.
But that doesn't mean Squeenix wasn't also looking in that direction. For all we know, they came by and said "we'd like to work on a project. We have a few ideas in the works; a Final Fantasy spin-off, a Nier sequel, a Tomb Raider game, etc." and Plat said "hey, we have a guy here who pitched a Nier-sequel-styled game as a potential project, why not that?"
All we know is Taura loved Nier and had an idea for a game inspired by it long before Squeenix came knocking
Just giving you a taste of whats to come.
Game looks like shit, enjoy it pcfags.
Good thing this shit is on pc so we can mod that mole out
Huh, that sound pretty plausible. I'll have to look into it.
You can tell when he rubs his head voice's are telling him something he does not want to hear.
Don't go there user
It's published by Square Enix. 100% chance it'll use Denuvo.
Last I remember, you couldn't mod Denuvo games unless they came with modding tools.
Just like Rise of the Tomb Raider, right?
Why does he wear the mask? Not even baneposting
Oh shit, that actually makes sense.
I still have to read the translation that guy was making of YoRHa. If anybody is interested
nier2 com/blog/category/yorha/
Yeah, of course. Squeenix wouldn't have accepted it if they weren't interested in the first place.
Despite how much shit they recieve sometimes, I still think that out of all the big publishers and despite how obssesed they are in fucking up Final Fantasy, it's the most based one.
You motherfucker, how dare you, delete that shit.
It has nothing but SweetFX mods. Basically not even real mods, just shader changes.
Stage fright and autism shield.
>Steam release
Wasn't this pretty much the last good game never ever fags had to tote around too?
But Steam doesn't do demos.