Is this game gonna be good? Anyone play the alpha?

Is this game gonna be good? Anyone play the alpha?

I'm in Alpha right now. Its currently offline only while they fleshout features, and the AI. But Online shouldn't be too far away. Any specific questions?

Oh and forgot to mention. Yes its fun, AI is a bit too far sighted, but every engagement definitely gets your heart racing. The environment is immersive, and the gun play feels good. Its like the best parts of Dayz crammed into shorter sessions (basically not running simulator), and if you survive your following runs stand a better chance of success since you get to keep what you loot.

Ive been getting emails about this and I haven't really seen gameplay beyond the first full video from the very beginning. I am glad to hear that it's not a running simulator. How easy is it to get into compared to, say, STALKER?

Here's a pic since I realized my previous posts had no proof :P. Had to black out my details, it makes it hard to record/screenshot.

Could you tell me more about the AI element? I know the game isn't strictly speaking one of these, but a lot of open world sandbox multiplayer games disappointingly limit any kind of AI to zombies or mutants and whatever. The devs rely on systems and mechanics plus unpredictable human players and that formula is wearing thin.

Speaking of what kind of game it is, how is the world structured? Someone told me that instead of walking around a world, you deploy to these locations from a hub or menu, do what you need to and then leave.

So there's no story, scav mode, or coop atm. Just bug testing alpha. It's pretty easy to get into if you've watched the trailers. Hardest thing would be finding all the places where you can loot, its almost too natural haha. Modding guns is easy, its just drag and drop, or you can open up the modding ui. Everything is described in the item descriptions which is nice, like "TT Silncer requires a homespun TT barrell to install". Its not bullet spongy like others claimed, that was pre alpha when they were testing bleed mechanics. Everything feels right damage wise, especially shotguns

So Devs have been pretty cool about developing the AI system. They even have a permanent sticky about AI suggestions on the Alpha only page. The AI is promising, sometimes they hesitate too long when they see you, but it almost player-like. They also start shooting you from far away currently, this will be tuned they've said. They don't have perfect aim, if you stand still they'll hit you, but I would sprint around and they would almost never hit me. I've never been killed sprinting to cover from medium to long distances. They don't get one shot headshots often either. My favorite part about the AI that makes the Scav mode in the future promising is, if one scav starts pissing off other scavs by taking all their loot, the AI scavs will kill them.

What GPU and at what fps are you running that on?

For the second part of your question. It's hard to describe the game world since it's not really be done in this way before. The world is basically a trail of maps that are all connected. Some maps are small, some are pretty freaking big, but nothing seems to be the size of DayZ yet (which is nice, less downtime). I assume that the story mode will be an online experience that you can play with other players (friend lobby confirmed), and will progress down the trail. Everytime you enter a map it's called a raid, it will have weather and time of day stuff that follows a global clock system it seems, or can be randomized. You will have fellow PMC players (ff exists, but there are major penalties) and enemy PMC players (Bear vs USEC), and Scavs to compete for loot and survival. The goal is to get to the exit without dying and losing all your loot. At the end you return to the trader/stash/map select overworld to do stuff with your hard earned goodies. You can play as a Scav (not in alpha) where you are given scav gear and you must try to fight/loot other players trying to escape.

HD 7990
16 GB Ram
AMD FX 8 core 4.3GHz

I can't play Witcher 3 at 60 fps at max settings. However, I can play this game at max settings above 30 fps. Haven't tested what settings give me 60 fps, but it runs smooth enough that I haven't felt the need to yet.

The only game I'm excited for currently. How well does it hit the loot ratio? Like I know in mistreated fucking nothing spawned but in shattered skies you found guns every 3 feet. does searching buildings feel worth it? How about gun damage? Something that annoyed me with stalker was shooting someone with an AK from 20 meters away hit maybe one out of every 10 rounds and enemies could tank 7.62 like nobodies business. Basically how accurate are the guns to realism?

Loot is interesting. I expect it to be adjusted, but its nice where its at. Basically you can get various pistols, ammo, and shotguns from scavs, but things like VSS or ak or ar rifles you have to collect the parts from buildings and boxes, or sell enough other things to buy the guns or missing parts through traders (there is also flea market and auction too but disabled in alpha). There seems to be too much food spawning atm. Higher caliber and bullet type like armor piercing impacts the damage taken. Theres all kinds of health related stuff it can effect, like stress, fractures, bleeding, and such. And the bullet realism is GOD tier, like it has partial penetration/redirection. For example, if you shoot someone, the bullet doesn't stop, it gets redirected based on organs and bones, and continues on.

What game?

Great another army fps...cant wait

how can i join alpha

Oh fuck yeah.

the devs actually seem like they give a shit about their game too. I want to pre-order it so I can get the alpha at least but it's pretty expensive.

I like that higher end guns need to be built from found parts though, I remember that video they showed where they used an AK without a back cover so the spring was just putting the open.

also this is important: is there a mosin nagant in the game?

Sounds like GOAT to me

Oh and the damage seems realistic. Headshot with pistol is oneshot if you're not wearing a helmet will probably kill you if you aren't too far away. Few rounds to the torso with a rifle will kill you, unless some body armor. Haven't found body armor yet. Oh and guns jam btw, it gets really bad if you don't maintain guns.

Escape From Tarkov

If you can afford the $140 package you can get in now. The cheaper editions have already been selected unfortunately for Alpha participation, but will still allow you into beta if you choose them.

thx will do

Yeah the Devs talk to community daily, and seem to care as you said. I actually feel bad about breaking their NDA... I don't know if the moist nugget is in the game yet, that has been suggested on their weapon suggestion page though.

What items do you lose when you die in battle? I've seen a video where a guy only lost the rifles he was carrying, not ammo and equipment in the vests and backpack

The devs are actual Slavs right? Or Russians. They seem to release enough leaks to show good progress on important mechanics but otherwise just work on their damn game. I like that they aren't hyping their game up to hell through AAA channels, they let the footage speak for itself. People wanted to see gun customization so they showed it in a video. People wanted to see combat so they made a video. It's reassuring that the devs are this transparent.

I really hope for a nugget. It's the integral slav experience. What's the multi-player model again? Wasn't it something weird where there were only like 20 people in a sever and each side was either bandits or military? And will there be co-op? What about base building or at least base defense?

The plan is you lose everything not in you secured container (biggest size is 3x3, the one in alpha is 2x2, a pistol is 1x2 in size). However, this may be subject to change down the road if the devs want. Right now (for testing and such) you only lose your current weapon in your hands, which is a godsend cuz the AI can be brutal until you figure out how to fight them.

>playing as a male character
even with this many raifus, no waifu no buyfu

Kek, i can already see that i will spend half of the game getting my weaponfu, and then keep it in the container for the fear of losing it. Anyways, can you buy better secured containers, or do you have the one you get in the beginning for the whole game?

Looks good but russians have literally never made a single good game

If you don't speak Russian, will you not be able to communicate with your teammates or read the names of items?

Oh yeah they Russians, they seem pretty funny too from what i've read and seen in stream. The main community manager is Russian but speaks enough english to communicate well with english board (theres a russian board too).

The multi player experience is you can join a lobby with friends and queue for a map, and it will fill empty slots with other players, but its not structured to be a death match. The goal is to escape because you've basically been abandoned by your PMC in a hostile zone, and you have to deal with opportunistic Scavs (AI, sometimes players) that are looting the place, and rival PMC players where you're not exactly enemies anymore but they can kill you for no penalty. The people in your faction can kill you, but the devs are trying to make a punishment severe enough that dissuades this behavior. I think they are trying out karma system where too many friendly kills will make your guns jam more and you don't find loot as often. Oh yeah loot is instanced in boxes and people, but you can also pick up physical objects (like a dropped gun) from dead peeps.

I'm pretty sure you can get others. Higher tiers definitely exist since better ones are pre-order bonuses so there must be a way to get them

Not OP, but its in english too, and theres lot of people buying it in the west

do you ever wonder when your life got so sad?

Thanks, i really look forward for this game.

Fucking give me already. God damn politics, let me have my VSS.

is there anything actually supernatural about it? any paranormal phenomena? anything that made stalker more than just a generic survival sim?

This looks really good! I like the way the inventory system looks.

Yup I haven't used my VSS once for fear of losing it Q.Q. You can get better backpacks, secured containers, stash, etc. Depending on your package, you can start off with bigger ones at the start, but everyone else can also get it by playing the game.

Nothing paranormal. Just left to die in abandoned city, and you have to escape. However, shit can be tense as fuck, the sound, the lighting, the animation of opening and closing things. Its wonderfully immersive. There's not one gunshot that hasn't made me jump yet.

How's the smoke from shooting and from environment? Metro was always fun because of all the smoke and dust that would fill the air.

When you escape, then what? How is replayability?

Is the modding and UI as intense as I've heard? Someone said they disassembled their gun to the skeleton just for kicks, and then realized when they pulled the trigger they took out the firing pin or something and couldn't fire when they encountered someone.

Here's the map if your curious. This isn't a fast pace death match game, you will live in fear most of the time, there won't be super huge player pools in one match. And the number of people in a game depends on the match as you can see in this image. Note this is alpha and things will be changed.

It's pretty nice, I love all the details they have in the game. The smoke isn't as intense as metro, but it does look nice, they are pretty good with particles elsewhere too.

>mfw my old gtx 550 is so fucking old, it could never ever fucking run this

Well, either I cancel my working holiday or I buy a new PC.

Why don't you cancel your holiday AND buuy (I hope you man build) a new PC?

Whoopie, I totally fucked that sentence up.

I meant "Either I canel my working holiday and buy a PC or I play it later in 2 years or so"

Fucking 10 hour shifts fuck my brain.

Heh, VSS is the gun i was talking about, ill give a finger for it irl.

Can you pirate the alpha?

So re-playability is pretty good, you escape one map segment at a time. So if you want to go through all the areas in order with friends to experience the story you can, afterwards you can just pick maps that are fun to play. The game is a pretty comfy shooter already. Your gear you escape with after each map can be added to your stash (like if you want to collect guns or have backups or just save up for sniping peeps) then theres the auction, flea market, and traders that you can get gear from or sell to. Using specific dealers or doing quests for em will level them up and give you access to better stuff. Also theres levelling and a skill system that changes as you play. For example, if I like using traps a lot, it'll level up the corresponding skills, but if I stop using traps and just run around with a shotgun or something, the skill will decay to a certain level, until I try to level it again (which will be faster than the first time). However they are still working on this. OH and forgot to answer one guy earlier, no base building. Devs want you to escape and survive, not thrive.

How long are these sections?

What game is the gunplay most similar too? Most of these open world survival games have shitty combat/gunplay. Is it close to Insurgency?

Nevermind, just notice its written there

Depends on the weapon. VSS isn't the most moddable compared to ak and ar platforms. You can build weapons and fire it without stuff like dust covers, but it will jam more and stuff like that.

>I think they are trying out karma system where too many friendly kills will make your guns jam more and you don't find loot as often

That sounds extremely stupid, I hope they don't stick with that.

Factory you can like sprint to the escape in like 45 seconds. However, you won't get any loot that way, and sprinting makes a lot of noise so you'd probably get shot. The level may not be big like some of the others, but holy crap is it complex with tunnels and shit. Its bigger vertically, you have to worry about being shot from cat walks and snuck up on by people in the lockers, etc. Customs is bigger and has room for sniping and stealth with interesting buildings/foliage/hills.

So this got me thinking, what will stop certain players from being tryhards and just pouring all their skills into the cheapest tactics to troll new players? Any sort of consequence for being a shitter or does everything already have a counter?

Yeah this is probably the most delicate subject for them cuz every survival game seems to struggle with combating the "bandit system" to encourage more interesting scenarios. Like if a map has 4 players, it'd be 2v2vAI HORDE(sometimes players) so you could still do pvp, but it would be more interesting if you didn't have to automatically assume its gonna be 1v1v1v1vAI.

Yeah I don't like it either. A big part of role-playing a dirt bag bandit is betraying your companions and shooting them in the back to steal their stuff and that shouldn't be compromised. on the other hand, I don't want the game to turn into dayz where everyone immediately opens fire on everyone else.

Not sure. They still working on it and haven't said anything more on it. The names and skill pictures are in it atm.

Is it buy to play or F2P?


Will there be co-op vs AI? my friend wants to play co-op fighting AI without having to worry about dickhead players killing us

You don't need to worry about gunplay, it seems to be the main focus of the devs and they are good at it. Want to check your ammo? You manually check the chamber and the magazine. So magazines with ammo indicator holes are nice! You have to manually put the bullets into the magazines, which you can do on the fly in your inventory. If you try to strafe through a doorway with a long weapon, the character will actually lift the gun up to squeeze through the door, so using pistols and smgs actually have a tactical advantage at close quarters. The bullets are projectile based (not hitscan) and can ricochet off hard surfaces (and through people based on bone and organs hit), and can penetrate certain cover types by varying degrees of damage reduction based on caliber, bullet type, and thickness. There is effective range and some drop depending on caliber/powder load. Shotguns have realistic range. And to top it off, the recoil and muzzle flash is well done so that using a laser dot is actually better at close quarters for some people if you need a bigger sight picture. Like if i walk through a door with the shotgun shouldered, I may not notice someone prone because it blocks part of the screen well. Also snipers don't lose peripheral vision when aiming down scope.

From what I understand, yeah you can do coop AI, which will still be pretty freaking brutal, these AI are no joke, they suppress your position and flank your ass fast.

Good! I'm glad the game is going for hardcore immersion. I don't want to feel overpowered, I want tense firefights where my comrades are being killed beside me.

Oh the music is wonderful btw. In addition the nights are scary, and the positional sound is great! Your footsteps make different sounds based on which way your walking, what your walking, and the speed of your walk. You can control the height of your stance and speed by holding a button and using a mouse wheel (great cuz keyboards don't have thumbsticks). Back on sound, I was looting a body and playing with the inventory when I heard boots on grass and then concrete to my left and then behind me. I quickly exited and spun around and heard fainter boots on metal and realized the AI Scav had flanked me and was now creeping through a shipping container. Because I knew the Scav was crouching from the sound of his boots, I prefired about stomach level as i rounded the corner and got a headshot after a miss or two.