I think I'll replay Dark Souls again

>I think I'll replay Dark Souls again
>have a great time playing
>get the Lordvessel
>oh well, time to make another character
Why does the second half have to be so fucking shit?
It was so close to being a masterpiece.

>Duke Archive
>Tomb of Giants


Literally get fucking gud

Miyazaki stopped working on DaS after Anor Londo to focus on DaS2
...Which then he abandoned after helping design the Forest of Fallen Giants to go work on Bloodborne
Which he claims he dropped after coming up with the title

You don't do AotA?

Miyazaki; Japanese Nigger.

Not him but I think Tomb, New Londo and the Archives are good. The rest is just terrible.
Not counting the DLC and Klin.

>only two areas from the second half arent that good



It's actually pretty good aside from Demon's Ruins/Izalith. Just not quite as good as the first half.

>He doesn't lighten the sour mood of lost Izailith with pvp.

I like the second half but I like making new characters even more.

Learn the rules redditard, don't advertise your shit site

>Why does the second half have to be so fucking shit?

But it's not?

Well they're pretty blatantly terrible and unfinished areas.

>Tomb, New Londo
They're honestly pretty crap for replay value.
Great atmosphere, but it wears thin pretty quickly.

get the fuck out

Tomb of the giants is great, Nito is a very disappointing boss though.

When will this meme end?

>half of game is shit according to op
>game is close to perfect according to op
>half of game
You made your own opinion wrong. How do you do that?

There's nothing of value after O&S. all the bosses are shit, all the environments are shit, you did the right thing.


probably because most of the zones in the second half are pitch-black and not at all fun to explore

Let's look case by case:
>Lost Izalith
Awfully designed "level" that's clearly unfinished, retarded enemy placement (now you've clearly shown you can kill a few capra/taurus demons, now do it a dozen times), gimmick (firesage, boc, centipede, ceaseless discharge) or re-skin bosses.

>New Londo
Decently designed with appropriate shortcuts, but no difficulty at all except falling in the water by accident. Gimmick boss that's literally just a DPS test and can be cheesed with heavy armour.

>Duke's Archives
Neat setting, with a few nice ideas but very poor execution. Supposedtolose fights mid game are always obnoxious, and crystal cave gimmick is just 2 straight paths (except slab, but prism spam makes it pointless). Seath is a joke; only hard part is getting the tail.

>Tomb of the Giants
Again another nifty idea, but the sunlight maggot trivialises the difficulty and the spoopy dogs will haunt my dreams with their xharge attack. Nito is a disappointment, the challenge is not getting hit by his sword dance.

Parry ez.

I've never agreed with this seemingly unanimous sentiment here.

First of all, the first half isn't as perfect as Sup Forums makes it out to be. Sure, the Undead Burg/Parish is a masterpiece of level design, but Blighttown and The Depths are just okay, Darkroot Forest is just okay, Sen's Fortress is pretty good, and Anor Londo is fucking terrible. It's nothing like Undead Burg, it's the illusion of a city with the reality of 3 narrow corridors and some staircases leading up to a boss. The only redeeming aspect of Anor Londo is Ornstein and Smough.

Not only that, but the second half is way better than Sup Forums makes it out to be. Duke's Archives is awesome, New Londo is awesome, Catacombs and Tomb of the Giants is okay. Lost Izalith is kinda boring and Bed of Chaos sucks, but the boss rush through Demon Ruins (Ceaseless Discharge, Demon Firesage, Centipede Demon) feels badass to play through. Then you have all the optional areas like going back to Undead Asylum, Ash Lake, and the Painted World, the latter two of which are pretty good areas.

tl;dr the only perfect area of Dark Souls is Undead Burg/Parish in the very beginning of the game, and the rest of the first half is extremely overrated, and the second half is underrated

I got too used to 8 directional roll.
Just feels weird in DS1 where there is only 4 directions available.

New Londo

Given that you can do that before obtaining the lord vessel that shouldn't be considered endgame.

Because the second half is all dead ends.

First half is all open possibilities and paths that branch into other paths.

Second half is kinda like a megaman stage select.

>Halfway through the game
>Ignoring all the great stuff after lordvessel.
Yes user Lost Izalith has some poor design choices.

Do you do everything up to the yellow gates before getting the Lord-vessel?

Actually just finished the first one with a paladin type char and am curently playing the second. Wanna finish all 3 full boss run only using my weaponfu mace baby

if you release the lock-on, you can roll in every direction

What's your favorite way to play DS1 Sup Forums?

I always grab the straight sword in the valley of the drakes and make a paladin character

Astora's Straight Sword is fucking garbage, dude.

My nigguuuh! Tough i use the mace...even tough its subpar in dark souls 1. Let me tell you tough. Killing kalameet first try after years of pause from the game with a +5 lightning mace in full paladin armor and that sweet ass silver knight shield felt fucking godly!

play with standard weapon till i get the Dragon tail sword. from there i go to darkroot garden. maybe i can get the BKH OR i play with the sword till anor lando and get the Gargoyle Halberd

tfw dark sword and ass are awful in das1

they're both good in das3

literally meme magic

Why anor londo? Cut the tail from the boss

>>that's not guaranted there. you can get the axe, too

I always try to do a specific build but end up finding and using something I haven't tried yet

you can drop the shield, the helmet or the halberd from the bell gargoyle

>retard enemy placement
those two parts with copy and pasted taurus demons and the bounding demons always trigger me.
>duke's archives
another thing to add with what you said: it's freakin' hell if you're trying a melee only run. Those archers and chanellers make the place a slog to go through.

>New Londo Ruins
Not bad. The ghost room with the ladder to Ingward is pretty ridiculous though. The lower part is pretty straightforward but it's nice you can just drop down there if you die to Four Kings.

>Tomb of the Giants
A good level. Small but easy to get lost the first time through because of the gimmick and the layering.

>Lost Izalith
Trash. Ruins are mind-numbingly straightforward. Izalith is an eyesore as well as a boring flat plain with no interesting places to check out or good enemy encounters. When you get into the bowl it's just copy-pasted fat dragon statues with no thought put into placement, capped off by the shittiest boss in the game.

>The Duke's Archives
Meh. A lot to find but pretty much every enemy encounter is a Sword Crystal Soldier with a Bow Crystal Soldier behind him. At least the Broken Pendant is right at the start.

late reply but Astora's sword is really good, it's basically a dagger in terms of weight, damage, and stamina use but a sword in reach and fighting style

Get better taste

>fight Artorias in the DLC
>mad respect for the dude, one of the most best boss fights in the game
>I should probably do an Artorias roleplaying playthrough on new game plus
>invest 20 points on int and faith when I never had put a single point on these things
>finally get to anor londo and the giant blacksmith
>oh boy, here we go
>forge the weapon and upgrade it to +5
>change from claymore +15 to it
>try the moveset
>strong attack is shit
>light attack is mediocre
>maybe it'll get better if I 2h it
>a-at least the divine quality is good, r-right?
>it only helps you with four kings
Shit, man. It really sucks to do half of a playthrough and get this disappointed. On the bright side, I can still kill Sif again and forge the superior version of it.

The most fun I had was making a pyro witch (Basically giant dad w attunment slots and a qt witch hat). I ran to the catacombs at lvl 10 and got a fire weapon just before the gargoyles. From there I just nuked the rest of the game w my fire weapons and high vit, and spammed poison mist during invasions.

>get down to new londo ruins
>get estoc
>run into graveyard
>get zweihander

maximum dex or maximum str, theres no in between

>Second half of the game is shit
>Somehow "so close" to being a masterpiece

It doesn't work like that.

What armor did you wear when you first beat Gwyn and kindled/killed the flame?

I was using black knight armor. The uniform of his own loyal servants.

>claymore +15
And waste the titanite slab you used when you can use any greatsword or longsword? You got what you deserved.

First half isn't exactly great either. Unless you want to tell me single digit frames in blight town are part of the lore

Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are the only From games that are excellent from start to finish.

It has really good scaling. At 50 STR/DEX/INT/FAITH it does 680 damage or something like that, but even then the split damage type holds it back a bit. Still a high damage tier weapon if you wanna mad invest in it.
>superior version
If you wanna get a good moveset with physical only damage, just get the Abyss Greatsword. The cursed version will be another disappointment for you, as it will be basically the same, but this time around good only against ghosts, instead of Darkwraiths/Skeletons

IIRC From had issues with the timeline when they were making the second part of the game, or at least Izalith, right?

It was so long ago I can't remember the armor, but I beat him using a black knight greataxe, no parries, took many tries but since then it's my favorite weapon.

>implying dragon god and false king allant are excellent bosses
Those two were a disappointment, they hyped the dragon a lot but it ended up being a puzzle fight, and no comment about false king. But on level desing and atmosphere I agree they're more consistent and well designed.

Meaning deadline

Black Knight armor with Black Knight Ultra Greatsword.

>the illusion of a city

but that's the whole point, user

Uh, you mean True King, right? Because FKA is the best boss in the game.

Shit, your right, I need to replay it soon