

I know about minus8 already, jeez

Why doesn't Metal Gear Ac!d on emu have a normal .rar containing an ISO to unpack? It's just the files with no ISO.

>gets mad
>doesn't stop riding the dick
What did he mean by this?


>you will never mutually rape your sister

That's a girl, right?


>Being underage

We all called it the PSX back then.

He wasn't that mad. Just gave the guy a mild scolding.


Skooter was ahead of his time.

of course

why is that boy bouncing up and down?

I love minus8

>30 yo

he's in his 30's user

>ess en ee ess

They're never girls these fucking days.

Well I just found the image, can't say I was disappointed. The brown version is the best.

When I was a kid people called the the Fat version the PSOne and the slim version the PSX.

Okay, I can buy it being a boy, but I'm calling bullshit on 30yo

I don't need your love, I want you to tell me I'm better than you

I never got why it's called the PSX either, especially when Sony made a smaller Playstation called a PSOne, and a combo DVR/PS2 called a PSX.

>"soo puhr neen ten dough"

how to spot a fuckin nerd

no you don't

>I found the image
>brown version

sauce user

>super nintendo

Guy's tumblr was deleted twice for loli/shota, so he's covering his ass. Also, that shota is supposed to be based on himself

Pretty sure he did a couple pics of his adult self fucking the shota self.



>"Super Nintento Entertainment System"

oh god where is Skooter now??

Nice autism, child.


Yeah, I called it the PSX too. WHEN IT WAS A PROTOTYPE. Then it came out and was called the PlayStation.

Imagine if people still called the GameCube "the dolphin" or the Xbox One "the Durango"

It's a special kind of autism exclusive to sonyponies

what is this

I feel like being nice, so open wide little baby. The artist's name is genda.

All memes aside, sauce?

>sewer tendo

boys can't be cute video games


>Not Super NE-System

>Do you think you could pose as two different people?


Looks like sonyggers never change.

No, no, it's okay, just keep questioning it. We all know you weren't old enough to crack open any magazine at the time.

Gee, I wonder why all the PlayStation emulators have PSX in the title? Must be morons.

>super famicom


>Calls it a BMP
>It's a BTR

I cannot express the rage this brings me

isnt he korean? wasnt porn outlawed recently? i remember whats his face, cousinanon having to quit because they were cracking down on porn over there

Damn, lad.

I just say N-E-S and Super N-E-S

It's been like this for 20 years an I refuse to change it because some fags chimp out over it

Nicely meme'd, kiddo, nicely meme'd.

>Pretty sure he did a couple pics of his adult self fucking the shota self.

That sounds hot

He's Filipino.

>magazines and emulators have more say in the name of a console than the console itself
Show me anywhere on the box where it says "PSX"

>jen e sus

>so-knee play-stay-shun
fucking kill me sonnygers are so dumb

That's a tumblr ban dodge technique so you won't get permabanned for creating underage pornographic content.

We've been through this before mejts, PSX was american and internet bound, euros didn't hear this shit in the 90s

Source pls


Neither did the Japanese



>he thinks you say it as like "stay shin"

Stay retarded, faggoid.

i know user

Can you say that again in American please

Yeah, and the magazines advertising the Wii called it the "revolution" but they rebranded it as the Wii before launch and everyone stopped calling it that. But you sonypony autists detest change because you're on the spectrum so you keep calling it something that it was only called for a short time while it was a prototype

Euro here. You're wrong.



>Search for Genda
>Cab't find shit
Fuckin japs and their samenames

>30 year old trap
>20+ years of knowledge on how to pleasure you

Yeah, nicknames should be officially sanctioned. Pretty sure you're the autistic one.

Where the fuck do you live that people were calling it PSX without strange looks?

>official company calls it PSX
>Huurr, it must be autists!

False flags, pls.


That game was a launch title and in development while the PlayStation was still a prototype called the PSX. This was an error and nothing more.
The Xbox one motherboard says "Durango" does that mean everybody should start calling it that?

Why is every porn drawfag fucked in the head?

For most PSP games, I extract the .rar's contents, then unpack said contents.

For MGA!, following my typical method, I'm met with files I can't interact with. They're neither .rars I can unpack to get the ISO, or documents ppsspp will recognize. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Sauce me up bro


Daddy touched me and mommy made me ashamed of my body

no one "called" it the PSX, but they sure as hell wrote it as such because it's shorter and "PS" meant too many things

today we use PS1, but that's because the PS2 is a thing

Source please, all of my reverse searches have turned up nothing.


You're probably not looking for it in the right place.

And the Wii was officially called the Revolution by Nintendo for over a year, so by your logic, the Wii should actually be called the Revolution.

Germany. And no one said it, just like no sane person said SNES but it happened a lot in magazines.


So is there anywhere where I can see minus8's ENTIRE image collection? Even on the image boards like gelbooru and sankaku there's a lot lacking

No really, just calm your fucking autism. It's exceedingly common to call it the PSX. We all know why it started.

You gonna question GCN or is it okay because it's on a box somewhere?

>It's a special kind of autism exclusive to sonyponies

Nice false flagging.

Because GameSpot called it that and many other sites, just look at any PS1 game review by GameSpot of the time, pic related. (PSX)

Having made a PSX half a decade later doesn't suddenly reverse history.

Yeah, I'm not.

>today we use PS1
But that's the problem, autist Sonyponies still say PSX as a "le 90's kid" status symbol.
And I've heard people say PSX on YouTube videos and in real life

Didn't know it was so difficult to port a few oldass arcade games that it took 3 years for them.

Makes perfect sense.

That's different because the Wii name stuck once it was announced. Stay stupid.

This is a PSX.

Think we had one here calling it the PSX in the UK and even they were so inconsistent with it that you wondered what they were playing at.

Might be a bong thing too but people actually call it that here, NES not so much though