This game is dead right?

This game is dead right?

correct, that game is dead
island 2



youuuuu motherfucker

>Dead Island
>Dead Island Riptide
>Escape Dead Island
>Dead Island 2


>none of them even remotely resemble the Dead Island that sat in development hell for years

You missed one.

Which one? The MOBA everyone forgot existed? Or whatever that game that came with Definitive Edition was

It'll see the light of day, one day.


didn't they nuke the steam store page for it a while ago? either they're trying to shitcan it silently or it's developing really slowly.

I was thinking of the MOBA, but that one too, I guess.

>ice cube as black army man priest guy

And I thought Sam B was a bit stereotypical

Who cares about stereotypes? I'm just glad it's only one nigger this time.

>only one nigger
>he didn't go Sammy Slammy curbstomping the shit out of zombies with 3 other Sam Bs

Why did they even put other characters in the game?

Fuck off with your Dead Island, where's Hellraid faggots?

I enjoyed Dead Island.

The Resort area was fantasticly well done and a great example of real world level design. The City was good too, The jungle was nice, the Prison not so.

Riptide was pretty good too, bigger environments with plenty more secrets and such.

Chained up in Techland's basement along with the next Call of Juarez game.

I really dont get why this got shit scores across the board. It really isn't that bad at all. The story itself is pretty good, with spec ops levels of mindfuckery.

Also a qt34 who will never see Rule 34.

I actually liked playing as him, in all honesty. I really hated the black chick, though.

She was an abo who specialises in guns in a game about melee fightan. Total cock up.

I like your opinions.

>The jungle was nice
Except this one. I hated the jungle, at least the jungle in the base game. The one in Riptide was alright.

Cheers. The Resort really felt like a place people would live, so to speak.

If anyone is interested, TCRF has a big bunch of stuff for the game.

Now I'm double depressed.

More like Dying Light 2 gets the green light before this.

A lot of the issue with DR2 that people seemed to have was that the first game was semi-serious, but DI2 seemed to be going in the CUHRAZEEE direction.

Fuck Retro Rampage though, I thought it was going to be like Streets of Rage, but it's and on rails endless runner type thing.

I opened this thread knowing this joke would be here and I'm not disappointed.

Too bad the game was piss-easy and full of nothing but fetch quests. Also the controls were absolute shit, especially when you're driving a vehicle.