What did they do wrong?

What did they do wrong?

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Nothing, they pulled the perfect scam

When did beards stop being manly?


>They did interviews without shoes

let people get hype

The promoted the games concept document instead of the finalized product.

They lied about pretty much everything or Sean Murray is obsessed with spewing out lies and wishes he didnt knew he could not reach.


They got greedy. They let Sony shill their game into oblivion. They also released it a year too early.

lies and greed

if they would have been honest about the game and sold it at a price that reflects the content, they would have been set up for years to come

tonnes of money, studios would be jumping at the chance to fund them or hire them

they fucked around for a long time then threw something together because they had an obligation to shit out SOMETHING.

They born.

when leaving them unkept became fashionable

They lied or made vague statements about everything related to their game, but they also fell victim to hype culture.

I think that there's a lot more going on behind the scenes. For instance, why would Sean firmly commit to no planned DLC? Something may have happened during development that, coupled with Sony's push for a release, forced them to scrap a lot of work.

I think some of Sean's "lies" were actually true at some point during development, or at least on their way to becoming true, but they decided to keep everyone in the dark and released a substandard product to a lot of pissed off people. Are they implicit? Yes. Pathological/malicious? Not necessarily.

They sold an unfinished game for $60, only Kojima is allowed to that.

Poor PR
Unexperience in game development

>foot exposure
So is nms officially kino now?

When the bearded people stopped exercising or doing anything and as a result had less muscle mass than a piece of kindling.

What does it mean to be "kino"?

Hola reddit.

I just don't browse Sup Forums

how can you possibly be aware that its a Sup Forums meme but not deduce what it means

>only 1 female
no wonder it's called no man's sky. Bunch of sexists.

because they call everything fucking kino so I can't figure out it's meaning


How I can I have a beard without being seen as a numale?

They signed away their souls to Sony and sony turned around, forced deadlines, cut features and left them to rot.

Overpromised and underdelivered.

Get /fit/

Dress normally and don't act like a faggot

Don't go to Sup Forums. Do you actually think anyone in society uses the term "nu male" or has some psychotic hatred for beards due to the devs of a game?

You're pathetic.


you've got the right idea.
it's just a krautspeak maymay. it doesn't have a single meaning.
people just like to say it.

Sean Murray did nothing wrong.

2016 about a week ago when NMS came out.

No one actually finds beards unmanly except Sup Forums.

You can have a beard just don't dress like a faggot.

had a female programmer ;)

Game made by neoliberal hipster shmucks

I don't think most people here think beards are unmanly, just unmanly when they're on unmanly people

You know whats the most funny part???

next month everyone will forget about it
and then pre-order the next ''hyped'' game and be mad again

its like gamers are the most retarded consumers ever. they literally fall for a scam not once not twice but infinite times.

well, in my country it just means "cinema"
It's just a word they like to use to describe superior movies, because it apparently sounds fancy
also memes

bullshit lil nigga, you sound like a scrawny fucko who thought growing a beard would make him a lumberjack and now you're mad Sup Forums is shitting on you

hit the gym twiggy, or i'll slap that beard off your face

I blame consoles.

>literally this upset he can't grow facial hair due to low T
They have medicine for that

I can't believe people actually thought this game would be anything special. It sounded fucking horrible from the get-go.

Let Sony dig their claws into them.


As soon as I heard 'infinite planets with infinite possibilities' I knew this game was bullshit. If you let yourself buy into the hype you're just not a very smart consumer.

Nu-males (beaten on the societal ladder by any real male) made a nu-game (beaten by any space sim or the likes of Freelancer, a game from before the PREVIOUS FUCKING DECADE). Nothing out of the ordinary.

People here use beards as the new "fedora".

Yep. And the cycle will continue my friend. Forever.

I thought that was a teenage boy.

Curly beards that scream 'I'm too lazy to shave' are worse than fedoras these days.
A well trimmed tidy beard is always good to see.

>long beards are bad
Nah. Beards of all variety are fine, you're literally 12 if you let the dev of a game you dislike dictate your fucking body.

When the internet conjured up the "nu-" prefix.

>uses the term nu-male
>posts weebshit

>look at all the meme words I know, mom!

Sean, please. You've done enough.

You have no idea how the world works.

1. Do a clean, cut, trim. Don't grow bushy faggoty looking beard. Think of Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: The Human Revolution.

2. Don't spend more than a minute choosing your clothes for the day. Just throw whatever is in your drawer that's clean.

3. Don't lie to boost your ego. Numale's are mainly defined by their actions. No one called the NMS developer a Nu Male until the game was shit.

4. Don't let your beard define you. Be exactly the same as you are now + beard.

Look, I posted it again!

What is it about that word combination that triggers you people so much, exactly?

this. and don't have it too long

A weeb talking about how the real world works. Now I've seen everything


If by everything you mean whatever's seen from outside your basement window, then yeah.

>being so fucking new he doesn't even recognize Galo sengen


>26 yrs old
>have been wearing plad shirts and boots since time immemorial
>never change /fa/ except for business and special ocassions
>sporting a beard
>mfw i called a nu-male even though i've been wearing these way before Sup Forums kids knew how to use their cocks

I'll never understand but I accept it. It takes literally no effort to get not hyped.

>Numale's are mainly defined by their actions
everyone's defined by their actions

A man who worked his entire life as a pilot is going to be known as a pilot

>26 years old
>get triggered by something on Sup Forums

you are a nu-male, but not for the reasons you think

Of course I recognize it, having been on Sup Forums for more than five minutes. It's Japanese weebshit. It's only funny if you have the context of weebshit. Just fuck off with your edgy bullshit, your nu-male spam is the worst meme in years

>That counts as getting triggered nowadays

Yeah try again, fucboi.

Holy fucking shit, you're hilarious. Also retarded since you think that someone posting an anime picture must be a weeb. And you were talking something about the real world.

Cut your losses and stop getting so mad my man.

>eighteen paragraphs of greetext
>m-muh beard

you're right

This shouldn't be surprising on a board stocked with kids that have spent their whole lives trying to "other" themselves in a desperate attempt to explain their social outcast status. "Nu-male" is just the new "jock"

This photo completely messes with my head. The tranny seems like the only okay one.

>claim you finished game
>even tweet the fucking picture
>it's actually unfinished shit

I'd rather be mad than delusional. I called you out for posting weebshit and you're trying to play the semantics card, as if it makes a difference. Go show the nearest alpha male you jerk off to all the anime reaction pics you have on your hard drive and tell me if you've achieved your goal

>>literally this upset he can't grow facial hair due to low T
>They have medicine for that

This is the shit I hate. After years of hating on beards, I decided to grow one and it's worked pretty well for me.
Then it became hipster to have them, and now all these people are considered "nu-male" and now I feel like I'm one by proxy.

All these fucking fashion fads.
But still no sign of white crew socks being fashionable. When will they come back?

>"Nu-male" is just the new "jock"

If you left the house more than once a month you'd realize that people generally don't really give a fuck about your hobbies as long as you're not a sperg and don't recite My Little Pony episodes, it's all about appearances.

They didn't give clear information to what the game actually is before release.

Sean's wishy-washy 'maybe' way of explaining things is great for speculation, but speculation is only good if you have content to back it.

>implying that hasn't literally always existed in modern civilization


Thanks for the advice. When high school starts up for you again be sure to pay close attention in history and possibly writing

Thanks bro.


nu metal detected

It's a game wrapped in PR, publisher deadlines and too small a dev team that got wrapped in an over-hype marketing campaign

At the end of the day this should've been an Early Access game for $20 whose development would've lasted a year or two
Than Sony grabbed it and pushed it front and center

Not to apologize for Sean and his over-promising (because he did) or the horrid performance and price but this is the situation that happened

just shave it who cares, it's less itchy anyways.

They're lines you nu-fag

that was an exaggeration, nerdlinger

>I was just memeing

I think he meant that nu-males are defined by the certain actions that make them nu-male, i.e. being shitty beta males with the personality of a wet paper bag and dreams of being a game dev.

He didn't mean that if you're defined by your actions that you're a nu-male.


>inb4 space engine screenshots

They promised too much

Yeah, I just pirated it to see what the fuss is all about.

2 hours of my life wasted.

Literally everything is boring, menus are insufferable, planets are boring, need to craft elements all the time.

How the fuck people support this garbage??????

They got nothing going for it except "muh five gorillion procedural planets".