How old were you when you realized online gaming was just a competition of who has the best internet connection and...

how old were you when you realized online gaming was just a competition of who has the best internet connection and best computer

theres literally no skill involved. the guy who wins 9 times out of 10 is the guy with the best computer and the best internet

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Sounds like someone never got skilled enough at any online game to not get shit on consistently.

Reminder that online video games exist as a way of punishing Australians for being shitposters.

Obviously you'll do poorly if you have an unstable connection or can't run the game at 60. But once those thresholds have been reached, any extra doesn't matter.


>tfw australian

just moved from an area with way better internet to a speed of about half of my old internet and cant even maintain a 1 for 1 kill rate anymore... i used to absolutely demolish cunts. really made me think t b h...

>how old were you when you realized online gaming was just a competition of who has the best internet connection and best computer
I am curious as to how you think these factors apply to Hearthstone.

I didn't know someone could get good at a coin flip

Trump is the only hope of America not being shitty again
A vote for Clinton is a vote for 8 more years of neocons

>Immediately followed by admitting he's Australian

Should have known it was one of you subhumans

A robot could land heads with 99.9% probability, a human could potentially learn to do the same


yeah man we can't let the George Soros and the globalists win

Your entire argument falls apart if its a turn-based game.

Meme candidate.

They are both decising factors but a competitive game comes down to knowing what's good and learning how to play it.

Literally any fps, moba, fighting game, rts, etc is unbalanced and the people who win and climb in the ladder are the ones using metapicks.

The exception that confirms the rule.

Thanks for reminding me I'm on Sup Forums

Sarcasm aside, Soros is a shithead

I'm more enlightened and understand that it's just grounds for showing off and being the star of the game.

Its why so many boys play it vs girls, boys stay playing cause it's natural for them to do their best to show off to others. Not only this but blow steam while playing.

but for every 1 person with a good internet and good computer there's 1 person without that

so your basically half the server is at an extreme disadvantage. you're basically fighting retards. so all those times i was absolutely washing cunts wasn't because im a skilled players. it was because i had better hardware and internet

you know how sometimes you just get a real good server and absolutely demolish everyone and you're at the very top of the list round after round.... thats only happening because you got lucky and picked a server where more than 75% of the people are at a disadvantage

this has just killed the whole fps genre for me. theres is no skill in this

He really is and the amount of money that shithead has given to Hillary Clinton is staggering

This is only an issue if you place yourself in situations you know your computer can't handle. Play games within your specs and you're fine.

I always thought I was just bad playing Counter Strike as a kid. Little did I know my 400ms average ping from living in NZ was a significant handicap.

The guy can't even run a campaign and is living in delusionland, how is he supposed to run a country?

I agree completely. There is a server farm a few miles from me for a couple of online competitive games. Mainly, Quake and CS:GO. Both of those games I dominate in and do way better in them @5 ping then when I'm playing other coast with buddies.

That was kind of the point. How does a better internet connection help your virtual coin flip?

yeah but even if you have a good connection and computer you still have a huge advantage over almost half of the server because people dont seem to realize this

so all those times you did well wasnt because of your skill. is because you were fighting people who were over reaching with their specs

the fps genre is completely dead once you realize this

its shocking once you realize this

i was maintaining a clean 2 k/d on star wars battlefront from the very start. then i moved and i literally cant even get 1 k/d. im clocking on average like 0.8k/d on a good round now.

this shit has blown my mind

trump at best will do absolutely nothing and his die-hard supporters will still suck his orange cock endlessly
Idol worship based on knee-jerk reactions to internet sjws