How can 343 save Halo?

How can 343 save Halo?

letting it die

It's too late, the modern FPS playerbase can't handle the slower pace of classic Halo where it took more than half a second to kill someone.

But older Halo was faster

I don't remember old Halo having sprint


How do you kill someone and then save it?

>go 5 years back in time
>make H4 actually a good game

Good question.

talking about the TTK, it's definitely slower in H5 than in H3

Halo 4 never had the community Halo 3 did

Don't need sprint when maps are smaller

Average TTK in Halo 5 is the second fastest in the series.

Anyway I can see all his new art without having to pay?

I love the way he draws butts but i'm poor as fuck

Get rid of Master Chief.
Have a new Halo saga where MC is either a legendary figure or an instructor for the new hero.

Is that a joke? I mean I only played for like a week, my roomate had a Xbone but we rented, and the reason I like H5 so much was that it felt like I had to fucking chew through a ridiculous amount of hp to actually kill someone. I mean I was throwing zoning nades and trying to splash just to keep the shields a fraction lower.

Release all of it on PC.

No, the Magnum's killtime is roughly on par with the H2 BR.
Halo 3 was the second slowest game in the series, after Reach.

Well they fucked up pretty badly with Halo 5. They got the mechanics down, but basically everything else is wrong.
>story sucks, doesn't deliver on several promises made, makes zero sense, and has nothing to do with their awesome advertisement campaign Hunt the Truth
>Maps suck, there isn't a single notable map in Halo 5 that isn't based on an older map. Map color design sucks
>FUCKING GLARE, spartans should not even experience any kind of blindness from the sun or light sources.
>forge is amazing, but they screwed the pooch on the file sharing system, when Halo 3 did it so well, and it was still in Halo 4
>no splitscreen, not as big of a deal since campaign coop doesn't require gold, but still not the direction fans wanted

They would have to fix a great many things in Halo 6 for it to succeed, and even if they did people don't want to buy a 343 Halo anymore.

The maps are fine design-wise, they just all look the same. The only ones that are truly awful are Empire, Riptide, Overgrowth, and Torque. And Torque plays a pretty fun BTB CTF.

Eh, its objective I guess. I agree that they all look the same. I also have a problem with the color design of the games maps. Spartans blend in too well in the environment I think.

Halo 4 was so bad it made me and my friends build PCs.

Halo Reach was so fun, so great.
Halo 3 was so nostalgic, so good.

Halo 4's maps were absolute ass and I can't remember a single one. Halo 4 was call of duty loadouts and no zombie mode fun (remember the little hallway in swordbase?).

i need more alien porn

Retcon 4 and 5 to being dreams Chief had while in cryosleep
