That kid who calls levels 'boards'

>that kid who calls levels 'boards'

>that kid who only plays sports games who calls single player 'career mode'

levels as in a game level or as in yours toon's level?

Shouldn't you be getting ready for school? Summer is almost over.

>that kid that calls HP "lives"
I hated when he did that

>that kid who died

I was playing Rainbow 6 last night and the guy kept calling the map "boards". I didn't get it. Is this a D&D thing?

>those two kids who got cancer around the same time
>one lived and one died

OP has autism

I miss you Steve.

literally give me evidence for this phenomenon ocurring

It's old-school arcade thing


>be scandinavian in high school
>three of our class' girls are sand niggers
>one was tumblr feminazi before it was cool
>you either ignore or love them, otherwise das racist
>kick the door in to class one morning
>throw candy on the table
>one of the girls committed suicide
>teacher call it a day of silence
>eat candy and draw pictures by myself
Then we had to visit the place she jumped from and I couldn't give two shits.

>that kid who cried on voice chat when someone said 'gg ez'


Did you get a day off for the funeral or anything? I used to love it when teachers would die and they'd close the school for a day.

At least she jumped and not allahu akbar'd

>that one kid who ruined a male teacher's life by making up stories about him molesting her
>tfw he had to leave the school for a year while the trial was being sorted out
>he lived really close to the school so he couldn't really leave the house
>everyone just assumed the kid was right
>it was proved in court that she just lied for attention
>he got his job back and the kid had to leave school
>absolutely no consequences for ruining a man's life

>that kid who jumped off a parking garage after high school

Have you watched "the hunt" with mads mikkelsen?
Fuck me a hardcore movie.

>that kid who calls champions "heroes"

yes I have seen it and its pretty much exactly how that shit goes down

>that kid who calls sniper rifles 'sniper'
>that kid who refers to all single player as 'campaign' even in non military games

i don't like you

Come on now. If you say those then you have to admit how retarded it is.

>that kid who never did any missions in GTA and just shot random civilians
>that kid who skipped every cutscene in every game

>that kid who skipped every cutscene
Fuck! I am 29 and my little brother is 19. We play online to hang out because we live in different areas. He skips everything. He is also a casual faggot. Dunno what to do.

Meh, now I didn't speak english when playing GTA2 and not much more when 3 came, but I also just went in these games to basically do the killing frenzy, and generally try to fuck with the game world/ai.

I understand it all now - but I still don't care for them, I got like 20 hours of fucking around in GTA5, around 2 of those were spent playing the "normal" way.

>that kid who jerked off into your ear on a school trip

>be a highschool teacher
>hide my powerlevel and pretend to be a normie
>play dwarf fortress on my notebook during breaks and when i let them write tests
>no one ever noticed it in 3 years

How does it feel that despite growing up you are still in high school and you are still insecure and bend to peer pressure just like you did as a child?

>calls it campaign mode
>calls levels missions

This is only acceptable for certain games, I feel (i.e. war-time games).

>the kid that hung himself

>that kid who calls lives "tries"

>that kid who calls characters "toons"

>Have cool bro history teacher
>He is attractive so all girls want his dick
>Month after joining the school theres ton of rumors of him sleeping with students
>When I joined the school 10 years later after he started teaching there the rumors were still the same just switched up the students
>He was actually dating one of the teacher
>Other teacher dumps him due to rumors
>None of the rumors were true
Dude ran away to teach english in china, shame because he was a good teacher.


>That kid who died of an alcohol poisoning the week before graduation

You know,coming up as a lil'nigglet I called levels "boards".

Thinking on it, I have know idea why. Where did I pick that term up from?

It had to originate some where.

Yeah yeah

>That motherfucker who calls a single player story game a Campaign.

I want to fuckin kill all of them.


>kid in a different class got some terminal disease
>stops going to class
>teacher tells us about him and that we should give him support and shit
>kid was my neighbor
>he's been dead for a few days already but I never told the teachers

>that kid who nocliped

>that kid who makes up stories

Come on son you think the parents dont notify the school?

i live in a third world shithole and he never had parents

I'm also in a 3rd world shithole and there still civilization here.
So it was a terminally ill teen with no guardian who could legally handle him with the school?

>That kid who glitched out of bounds never to be seen again
I miss you, Dave

>that kid who aligned his QPU

he doesn't have proper guardians but he lives in a compound filled and owned by his extended family where he pretty much visits each family for food, bed and other shit.

That's some spicy projection.

>that kid who calls stages "levels"

I just want to fit in.
Believe me or not but being over 30 and talking about vidya, comics and anime to people half your age is weird.

>that fat nerd virgin posting on Sup Forums

You can describe your reasons for keeping your distance with your students in many ways user, but you chose the most beta one.

Plus you could play dorf fortress right in front of them and I'm pretty sure they'd not even get that its a game.

I tried that once talking to them about that stuff but they put me off as that 'i wanna be cool teacher'.
Im fine with simply being a teacher doing my program and making a dumb popculture reference once in a while.

Plus my daughter is their age and i enjoy these things with her. Im ok with them putting me off as a boring adult because this is how most of them will end as well.

>that kid who makes thread to harvest macros to pu in his folder


When I was in elementary school I had a kid behind my house that insisted on calling levels boards, it drove me fucking crazy

>he believed m believes in summerfags


3 or 4 left?

>that kid who derived pleasure from doing awful things in games
It sounds stupid but I always felt bad.

>play witcher 1
>there's a quest where you have to kill some stray dogs
>they don't even fight back, just cower and whimper
>I don't wanna do it but the completionist in me makes me
>feel like shit afterwards
The reward for it is shit, too.

>be scandinavian in high school

So then are you no longer Scandinavian now that you're out of high school?


>that kid who claimed his dad worked for PlayStation

I lived 8 doors away from you Colin, you didn't know who your dad was and your mother was on welfare.

if you never met his dad how do you know his dad didn't work for Play Station

given that he left them it's reasonable to expect that he would be a Sonygger

>playing hitman with friend
>he tries to kill people in the most horrible ways possible
>we play GTA
>he kills everyone

free mans